IPPB Scale 1 Interview

Discussion about interview for India Post Payment Bank mains selected candidates

IPPB Mains results- https://www.indiapost.gov.in/VAS/DOP_PDFFiles/Scale%20I%20MAINS%20EXAMINATION%20RESULT.pdf

35×4 = 140 on first page....40*4*11= 1760 on nxt 11 pages....31×4+2=126 on last page.... Total- 140+1760+126= 2026 candidates 2026 candidates for 650 posts selected for interview

is there only pi? or gd also?

Hi everyone....please advise is it necessary to provide noc at the time of interview or 

Can we provide undertaking to provide relieving and experience letter at the time of joining. Will it work???

 if any group setup for scale I interview, kindly add me 8793991807 Thanks 

Not yet recieved the call letter for interview ! 

Anybody from J&K?

Jin jin ka Delhi, Chennai or Kolkata mein center hai, unka mail aane mai late hoga. IPPB ne reply diya mere mail ka. Saare Odisha students ka center Kolkata main he.

Anybody here from IPPB Scale I whose name appears on qualified candidates list but not able download interview call letter...??

please share link of whatsapp or telegram group for ippb scale 1 interview

anybody from dehradun whose interview is in lucknow???

please share whatsapp link for ippb scale 1 interview group

Anyone with the detailed resume sample?

Anyone from assam who is having his/ her interview on 12th? I am talking about scale 1 precisely.

Does anyone have any idea about when the mains marks will be released?

Anyone having scale 1 interview on 16th in Mumbai

Any wtsapp grp for scale 1 intrvw?

anyone having interview for scale I before 17thm please guide me which questions they will ask. pleaseeee

application form download link please???