*You can check the status of your application to IIM Ahmedabad at the following links: * * * *PGP:* http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes/admission-details.html or *PGP ABM:* http://115.111.8...
PGP: http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes/admission-details.html or
Congratulations to all the shortlisted candidates!
You can direct all your further queries about the process to this thread.
You can share your interview experiences from this year on: http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/2013-15-iim-ahmedabad-wimwi-wat-pi-experiences-thread-25094915
Useful Links:
FAQs from previous years:askthestudents.org/2012/01/16/... (Some of the data in the link may be outdated)
Experiences from previous years:
WAT & Interview Experiences:www.pagalguy.com/forums/cat-an...
Shortlisted candidates thread: www.pagalguy.com/forums/cat-an...
Experiences: www.pagalguy.com/forums/cat-an...
Details of Programs:
PGP: www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes...
PGP ABM: www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes...
FPM: www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes...
To get a feeler of Life at WIMWI
Official Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/IIMA.Official
Official Twitter Handle: www.twitter.com/IIMAhmedabad
Institute Blog: www.insideiima.wordpress.com
You can start off with newspapers for current affairs. Or one of those year books to just get an idea of what's gone in the last year or so.
You'll have to take a deep look at yourself. That's the most important part in my opinion. You'll have to come up with answers to the most commonly asked questions - Why MBA, Strengths, Weaknesses, Short and Long Term Goals, Tell me about yourself.
Also look at your graduation subjects - some of the most important ones at least. In case you are a fresher, projects, internships as well! For freshers, they do ask some amount of acads atleast. For work-ex, the same with work ex. I am not the right person to comment on that though.
You can go through some of the interview experiences that are shared on the forums like Pagalguy (Links have been shared on the first post of this thread) or on blogs etc. (Shameless plug: Mine are on my blog - http://www.sgshrinivas.blogspot.com btw). This will give you a broad idea of what to expect, and how you can look to answer.
Try giving a few mock interviews. Rather, give as many as you can. The more, the better prepared you would be.
Has traditionally been for about 10 minutes over the last few years.
There are basically two kinds of essay topics. The ones based on General Affairs or Burning Topics of the Day. Ones that come to the top of the mind as I type are security for women, corruption etc. The other is the abstract topics.
For the general affairs, read one of the popular yearbooks like Manorama's or CSR to get a feeler of the kind of topcis that the past year had seen. This will give you a basic idea of what has happened. Do some reading up of editorial pieces from The Hindu, Open Magazine, Caravan Magazine, First Post etc. where you opinions on the topics, and not just facts. Other places could be some good blogs. For abstract topics, only practice can help. Practice writing a few essays at least with a 8 minute duration, taking off a couple of minutes for slower performance on D-day given nervousness and other factors.
Look for a decent introduction, a body where you give your opinion and conclude the essay with what you feel about the topic as a whole. The most important part is structure. Whether you are able to structure your thoughts well, and put pen to paper and write a grammatically correct essay with well thought out opinions. They aren't looking for Rocket Science or the next big English Journalist.
Shortlisting Criteria for interviews PGP 2013-15:
Top 558 General Category candidates. The minimum composite score in this category is 0.7100
Top 315 NC-OBC Category candidates. The minimum composite score in this category is 0.6090
Top 178 SC Category candidates. The minimum composite score in this category is 0.5330
Top 89 ST Category candidates. The minimum composite score in this category is 0.4640
Top 36 DA Category Candidates.The minimum composite score in this category is 0.4720
Maximum CAT scores = 450
Calculation of composite score is as follows:
(Obtained CAT score/450) *0.7 + (Obtained Academic Rating/33) * 0.3
And yeah, there seem to be some issues accessing the server right now. So please be a little patient.
it seems to be very busy..
anybody will less than 80 in graduation got a call ?
I just calculated a General guy wit less than 80% in one of 10th, 12th or grad and around 1-2 yrs exp ll require a scaled score of 343 or around 99.9+ in CAT :-/
can sm1 check mine?? server nt accessible.
brilliant! the moment the shortlist comes up the server goes down.. IIM A takes the annual prize for technical glitches yet again.. 😞 :(
I can try. But haven't had much luck from the morning today. So I dont want to. 😞
minimum composite score is 0.71 in gen category. Calculate your score if it is 0.71 or more u r in
plz take a shot at it.. wht is req for checkin the list though?
What about obc candidates scenario?
hmmm.. can sm1 check mine??
I guess i am not in. My composite score 0.582. I am from general category.
ya, did that..no chance.. boards >90, grad 77% , post grad 85%
work ex 3 months.. 😞