IIBF-JAIIB & CAIIB Info for existing & future Bankers

when will registrations start for june 2017 jaiib exams?

anyone done with accounting and finance? I havent even started. So  have decided to prepare any 2 modules only. Need help. TIA 

In which month is the next JAIIB exam scheduled and when will the registration begin?

Please also tell the increament and annual increase in salary after clearing JAIIB?

Thanks :)

any idea for caiib 2017 may june dates?


the admit card is now available on the iibf website.

Best of luck pguys.

From where to get previous yr papers..if somebody have plz share.

anyone here who has registered for iibf mock test from the official website ? is it worth ??

Jaiib exam writing time is 2 hours or 1.5 hours

how to register for jaiib membership ?

Is there any negative marking ?

Please suggest study plan for coming jaiib exam.

Best of luck for today's exam

After how many days, will the IIBF issue certificate for passing of JAIIB exam? Will it be sent through Post?

I have read on wiki that pgdbf is equivalent of jaiib?is it true?can I write caiib after pgdbf?

In have score 52, 46, 51 in jaiib. Is there any chance that marks increases? Because in  total it is 149 only

i too in my first attempt got 45;52;52 overall 149.. it says provisional marks.. is there possibility of getting pass in final memorandum list? do marks get adjusted?

Please suggest the elective subject for CAIIB. Which subject would be the easiest among 11?

Appeared in CAIIB ABM today .Very tough Paper. most of the questions were from module-B. Somehow managed 53 marks.

On amazon it's showing date of publication of caiib books as 2010...where can I find latest books. ?

Please clarify.caiib first block first attempt I cleared retail banking mark 52,then first block second attempt I lost.then second bock first attempt I attend ABM only and bfm absent,second block second attempt I attend ABM and got 45,if I will get above 60 in bfm it will considered as pass?

Registration and time table for next jaiib exam ?

Guys, i missed my first caiib paper ddue to some emergency at home.now  i plan to appearappear for next two papers althoughalthough prep has gone forfor a toss. Now 45 45 and 60 won't do right?meaningmeaning i have toto score minimumminimum  50 in eacheach subjectsubject ? SomeoneSomeone pls clarify this. SorrySorry forfor so manymany repetitions.thisthis is thethe worstworst keykeypad ever