around 20 days remaining for jaiib...any suggesstions on how to prepare as i have started just now. are the video lectures or e-learning helpful?
JAIIB Accounting & Finance Exam on 20th November. IBPS PO 2016 MAINS also scheduled to be held on 20th November. JAIIB ke baki dono exam clear h bas Accounting ka hi rehta h :/ What to do
any idea about the hallticket or admit card ? ?
Is it absolutely necessary to be working in a baking institution to apply for jaiib & caiib. Plz help
How will we get increment after clearing jaiib????
received my admit card today.. morning session 11;30.
Anyone from pune centre??
Are NS Toor objective books nd summary of Macmillan books are enough to pass CAIIB ? No time to study whole book line by line...
Please someone post the link to download books of JAIIB. Any author is ok. Kindly help me to get jaiib books in pdf.
Is anyone appearing for IIBF's "Advanced wealth management Course"? where can we get the course material in pune? there is emergency like situation in country...n banks will b opened on sunday...and it would b not possible to take off on sunday in such situation....then what to do for the xam???
kindly suggest??
Any guide or suggestion for how to prepare for SBH - confirmation test
the first paper of jaiib/dbf has been postponed as the banks are open on sunday aswell.. Remaining 2 papers will be conducted as per the schedule . there is an official announcement on the iibf website. good luck.
Actually , I had selected Mumbai as center for exam. But now I am selected as sbi po and posted in karnataka. I have sent a mail to iibf requesting them to change my center, I have also attached scanned copy of my appointment letter. Is there any chance my request would be accepted. ? Please comment.
New dates for JAIIB/CAIIB
can anyone suggest good books for caiib except mcmillan books....actually they dont have enough practice material (ques & ans)
thanks in advance
reply plz
Hello all .. I want to prepare for jaiib.. when can I fill application form?
I am starting my preparation from 9th on Jan..commerce graduate I am... can I clear jaiib with only 20 days study
Does IIBF give grace mark of 1 or 2 in Certificate Examinations?... Someone please reply
is der negative marketing for jaiib? and any specifics for the calculator to be used?
Any Whatsup group for jaiib/caiib...??