Iec study abroad forum

We want to spread healthy awarness about the international universities. we do road shows, events, know-how workshops to bring a change in the international education.





 i need to know if i can do phd from USA ,i have done MA and PGDMM , completed in 2006 and my age is 43 . 

 What is going to happen to the admission and/or funding of new (Fall 20) international graduate students in the US universities if the coronavirus situation doesn't get better? Our admissions of international students going to be canceled?


admissions of international students going to be cancelled?

NO! Not at all. If you’ve applied to universities already and have heard back with acceptance letters, you do NOT have to worry that your admissions will somehow be cancelled. You need to understand, universities need you just as much as you need them. If they start cancelling admissions of international students, their student numbers will fall drastically and so will their revenue. They don’t want that.

IF by some terrible chance the virus is still wreaking havoc at the time that your classes are supposed to commence, universities will either ask you to move to online classrooms OR they will ask you to defer your admissions to the next semester.

This doesn’t mean you won’t get your student visa - you will. But it means you might have to complete a few courses online until you can join them on campus OR you might have to wait a little longer to commence your course.

What is going to happen to the admission and/or funding of new (Fall 20) international graduate students in the US universities if the coronavirus situation doesn't get better?

Again - nothing. The admission cycle and/or funding process will not be affected by the pandemic. At worst, the decisions might be delayed. But as soon as life can go back to normal (and it will), decisions will start being sent out again and universities will resume operation, the same as before.

Stay safe obviously - but don’t let this pandemic change your plans long-term. This is a temporary disruption.

If you’re still feeling unsure, connect with a counselor to help talk you through your concerns and answer your questions.

Good luck and stay safe!




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