Hello Ppl… I have recently done Mba frm a reputed institute and got placed in a reputed financial company as well… Now b4 joining de company, they have called us fr a medical test… I know, most of de companies requires a medical…
Hello Ppl...
I have recently done Mba frm a reputed institute and got placed in a reputed financial company as well..
Now b4 joining de company, they have called us fr a medical test..
I know, most of de companies requires a medical check up b4 finally selecting an employee...
My question is, hw important is dis medical test and wat r the factors which are generally taken care of??
Can being Overweight/Underweight cost me a job???
Ppl who know abt dis...plz throw sum lite on this...
Thanking you...
Don't worry...
Its just a general medical check-up just to verify tht the candidate is not suffering sm ajor ailment..
it just checks ur weight, height, eye-sight ,BP etc. for their own records...
Personally, i've never heard of any1 as such being rejected on medical grounds in any corporate....
All the Best!!!
Hello Ppl...
I have recently done Mba frm a reputed institute and got placed in a reputed financial company as well..
Now b4 joining de company, they have called us fr a medical test..
I know, most of de companies requires a medical check up b4 finally selecting an employee...
My question is, hw important is dis medical test and wat r the factors which are generally taken care of??
Can being Overweight/Underweight cost me a job???
Ppl who know abt dis...plz throw sum lite on this...
Thanking you...
Congrats on your MBA and your job!
As already told,its only to test if u suffer from any major ailments.Dont worry if you dont have any

If being Overweight/Underweight was a reason not to hire an employee then I would not have been hired by any employer.

Don't worry...
Its just a general medical check-up just to verify tht the candidate is not suffering sm ajor ailment..
it just checks ur weight, height, eye-sight ,BP etc. for their own records...
Personally, i've never heard of any1 as such being rejected on medical grounds in any corporate....
All the Best!!!
Thanks fr de quick reply buddy...
The problem is dat I m quite overweight..Dont have any other disease..
So just a lil bit worried....dat will dat be a issue???
few months bak, a friend of mine was rejected in TCS just bcos of colour blindness...it appeared quite stupid to me...
So dats de reason y `m concerned abt dis weight issue...
Don't worry...
as far as 'color blindness' is considered, its not that small a issue when u consider it from a corporate's view... overweight/underweight r never a problem coz this is smthing which they can't control after they hv employed u too....
hope this helps.
Ok, when you join a company, you are covered by medical insurance. Some insurance companies do not cover employees for pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart problems etc.
For example, say I decide to change my job today. Let's assume that I suffer from migraine, and the new company's medical insurance does not cover for pre-existing ailments. Then, they will not reimburse me for any expenses incurred due to migraine. Baaki sab covered hoga. It's just that for medical insurance, it is a formality that needs to be completed....paperwork. :)
So, being overweight is not an issue at all. Wo to main bhi hoon. Koi panga nahin hua.
Thanks fr de quick reply buddy...
The problem is dat I m quite overweight..Dont have any other disease..
So just a lil bit worried....dat will dat be a issue???
few months bak, a friend of mine was rejected in TCS just bcos of colour blindness...it appeared quite stupid to me...
So dats de reason y `m concerned abt dis weight issue...
Be fearless and not worry at all about your being overweight. I am telling this as I myself am huge, burly and yes, overweight but was not rejected when I got my medical test done for getting into the company I currently am in.
Basically, the very motto of these physical tests is that the companies provide for a medical insurance cover to all its employees. As a pre condition, they just want to verify that you are not suffering from some severe diseases like some heart ailments or some congenital abnormalities which can later lead you to claim the charges for medical treatment related to such diseases from your company.
Hence, if you dont have the following issues
1) Heart Ailment/s
2) Diabetes
4) Congenital Abnormalities
then you should not worry at all.
As regards your friend being rejected in TCS, I dont find it stupid because colour blindness isnt acquired- its congenital disease, so the company has every right to reject him.
Like I said earlier, I am huge myself and still was not rejected at all.they just did a few more tests on me for verifying heart functioning like a stress test, which I passed very easily as I had a young age on my side.
So, go ahead with the test and all the best for your role in the company.
Cheers !
I too thinking of the same question coz I am at the beginning level of diabetes. I am at 22 and got placed in a MNC. I will have my medical exam soon. If they come to know I am diabetic, will they select me or not?
Is Eyesight a problem during medical test, I have -3.75 on one of the eye, no color blindness....
An issue in this
i am sanjay. i got selected in Reputed IT company . and they called me for medical. i am hemophilia patient. so it will create any problem for me or not.
please reply as soon as possible
please reply on my mail id:
[email protected]
Got this thread just while surfing...have no idea whther this is right thread for my query...
Am doing MBA, as shown in my signature....and I have color blindness...I know TCS doesn't recruit color blind people...though I have worked for Infosys for 3.5 years and never faced any problem because of that....I think TCS is the rare IT company which doesn't recruit color blind people...
I just wanna know that which companies don't take color blind people...if somebody have a list, that would be helpfull. Thanks.
I am selected for SBI po & need to go for medical test .It is crucial because i have already resigned from my last job & if sbi rejects i don't have any options .I am hypertensive & on medications Bp is controlled at 130/90 ,but Leaving that everything is ok with my body .Please advise if this could be grounds for rejection
Guys anybody is having govt medical exam experience?
Plz do share.
(I know its a stereotype que based on this is the job preparation forum but some of you might have done this.)
heya ppl,
Cn anemia (mild) b a coz of rejction 4 SBI PO? Plz rply sum1..urgnt..thnk u!
is there any chance that government bank reject candidate canditure after medical for reasons such as weight blood pressure....
I gone through heart sergery nd bnw m selected for sbi clerk ..ithere any chance for
I have selected as sbi ja went medical is there any chance that they reject candidate for sinus.
is color blindness will make any obstacle for the joining of SBI clerk