Hey guys I m in a big dilemna While filling out the application form, I mistakenly selected "Graduation Completed" under the academic details section. However, I was aware at that time that I had one pending subject in my final semester that I had not cl

plz help!!

If you mistakenly selected “Graduation Completed” in your application but have one pending subject, here’s what you should do:

  1. Contact the Application Authority: Reach out immediately to the relevant authority (via email or phone) and explain the mistake. Be honest about the error and the fact that you still have one pending subject.
  2. Request for Correction: Politely ask if there’s a way to correct the mistake in your application form. Many institutions have a process for handling such errors.
  3. Provide Documentation: If possible, submit a document (like a transcript or a letter from your university) that shows your current academic status, including the pending subject.
  4. Follow Up: Keep a record of all communication and follow up if you don’t receive a response within a reasonable time.