I've been working under Domain Specific Data Sciences Role since two and a half Years. I hold a Bachelors in Technology (ECE). I am looking forward for my MBA as a career booster. MBA in Business Analytics is what i Prefer. The following is the list of colleges where i received my admission in.
- Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore (Business Analytics)
- BIMTECH, Noida (Retail Management - Most of the clients that I have been working on at my work place are the Retail Gaints. Hence I applied for it)
- BML Munjal University, Haryana (Business Analytics)
- Op Jindal Global University, Haryana (Business Analytics with 50 % scholorship)
- Myra, Mysore (Business Anlytics with 15 % scholorship)
Please help me choose the best that I can from these. Thanks, Another_Pagal