GMAT Critical Reasoning Discussions

Thanks a lot guys n the ans is indeed B.
In B/W here is another ques

Industrialists from the country Distopia were accused of promoting the Distopian intervention in the Arcadian civil war merely to insure that the industrialists facilities in Arcadia made substantial profits during the war. Yet this cannot be the motive since, as the Distopians foresaw, Distopias federal expenses for the intervention were eight billion dollars, whereas, during the war, profits from the Distopian industrialists facilities in Arcadia totaled only four billion dollars.
Which of the following, if true, exposes a serious flaw in the argument made in the second sentence above?
(A) During the Arcadian war, many Distopian industrialists with facilities located in Arcadia experienced a significant rise in productivity in their facilities located in Distopia.
(B) The largest proportion of Distopias federal expenses is borne by those who receive no significant industrial profits.
(C) Most Distopian industrialists facilities located in Arcadia are expected to maintain the level of profits they achieved during the war.
(D) Distopian industrialists facilities in Arcadia made substantial profits before the events that triggered the civil war.
(E) Many Distopians expressed concern over the suffering that Arcadians underwent during the civil war.

the answer is B, because the flaw in the reasoning is that it assumes the profits made by industrialists were more than offset by the distopian expenditures. But if it was not the case than rebuttal of the claim that the industrialists were responsible for meddling, stands on shaky grounds
Thanks a lot guys n the ans is indeed B.
In B/W here is another ques

Industrialists from the country Distopia were accused of promoting the Distopian intervention in the Arcadian civil war merely to insure that the industrialists facilities in Arcadia made substantial profits during the war. Yet this cannot be the motive since, as the Distopians foresaw, Distopias federal expenses for the intervention were eight billion dollars, whereas, during the war, profits from the Distopian industrialists facilities in Arcadia totaled only four billion dollars.
Which of the following, if true, exposes a serious flaw in the argument made in the second sentence above?
(A) During the Arcadian war, many Distopian industrialists with facilities located in Arcadia experienced a significant rise in productivity in their facilities located in Distopia.
(B) The largest proportion of Distopias federal expenses is borne by those who receive no significant industrial profits.
(C) Most Distopian industrialists facilities located in Arcadia are expected to maintain the level of profits they achieved during the war.
(D) Distopian industrialists facilities in Arcadia made substantial profits before the events that triggered the civil war.
(E) Many Distopians expressed concern over the suffering that Arcadians underwent during the civil war.

According to me Ans is A..........
B infact strengthen the Argument.......It means their motive was to make profit....

the ans for the previous ques is indeed B.
here is another ques to keep u puys busy....

1) exceptionally low this year and likely to remain so. Therefore, unless the winter is especially severe, the price of natural gas to industrial customers is also likely to remain low. Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the conclusion above?
(A) Long-term weather forecasts predict a mild winter.
(B) The industrial users who consume most natural gas can quickly and cheaply switch to using oil instead.
(C) The largest sources of supply for both oil and natural gas are in subtropical regions unlikely to be affected by winter weather.
(D) The fuel requirements of industrial users of natural gas are not seriously affected by the weather.
(E) Oil distribution is more likely to be affected by severe winter weather than is the distribution of natural gas

the ans for the previous ques is indeed B.
here is another ques to keep u puys busy....

1) exceptionally low this year and likely to remain so. Therefore, unless the winter is especially severe, the price of natural gas to industrial customers is also likely to remain low. Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the conclusion above?
(A) Long-term weather forecasts predict a mild winter.
(B) The industrial users who consume most natural gas can quickly and cheaply switch to using oil instead.
(C) The largest sources of supply for both oil and natural gas are in subtropical regions unlikely to be affected by winter weather.
(D) The fuel requirements of industrial users of natural gas are not seriously affected by the weather.
(E) Oil distribution is more likely to be affected by severe winter weather than is the distribution of natural gas

Friend... I think the question is incomplete. The start is missing. Please complete it.

Here's a question...
Economies in which a high percentage of resources are invested in research and development show greater growth in the long run than do those in which resources are channeled into consumption. Japanese workers spend a higher percentage of their income investing in research and development than do American workers.
To grow as fast as Japan has in the past three decades, the United States must change the tax code in order to encourage savings and investment and discourage debt.
Which of the following, if true, tends to weaken the argument?
(A) Japanese research is more focused on consumers than is research by American firms.
(B) Class mobility, highly valued in American culture, is encouraged by a growing rather than a stagnant economy.
(C) Studies have shown that countries with high consumption rates prosper in the short run.
(D) Proposed changes to the tax code could involve strict limits on the deductability of interest, and increased allowance for research.
(E) Because a decreasing percentage of the United States is under 40, an age when savings are traditionally low, the savings rate will increase without changes to the tax code.

Here's a question...
Economies in which a high percentage of resources are invested in research and development show greater growth in the long run than do those in which resources are channeled into consumption. Japanese workers spend a higher percentage of their income investing in research and development than do American workers.
To grow as fast as Japan has in the past three decades, the United States must change the tax code in order to encourage savings and investment and discourage debt.
Which of the following, if true, tends to weaken the argument?
(A) Japanese research is more focused on consumers than is research by American firms.
(B) Class mobility, highly valued in American culture, is encouraged by a growing rather than a stagnant economy.
(C) Studies have shown that countries with high consumption rates prosper in the short run.
(D) Proposed changes to the tax code could involve strict limits on the deductability of interest, and increased allowance for research.
(E) Because a decreasing percentage of the United States is under 40, an age when savings are traditionally low, the savings rate will increase without changes to the tax code.

i would say C is the answer, it gives a conflicting fact that countries with high consumption rate can grow at fast rates. The argument doesnt talk about long term but only talk about the rate at which japan has grown in the past 3 decades.


Boss, The conclusion of the arguement is that taxation must be altered to bring about the savings. Point E weakens the need for taxation changes by saying that since the age group which doesnt save is coming down, taxation changes wont be needed afterall. No?

I think C doesnt weaken. Short term growth doesnt mean that USA will grow at the same rate that Japan did in the last 30 years. May be it'll grow fast for 5-10 years.

I thnk E should be the answer

Hey guys,help me with these....please provide reasons while rejecting!
1) The ancient city of Cephesa was not buried by an eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 310, as some believe. The eruption in the year 310 damaged the city, but it did not destroy it. Cephesa survived for another century before it finally met its destruction in another eruption around A.D. 415.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the authors claim that the city of Cephesa was not buried by the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 310?
(A) The city of Cephesa is mentioned in a historical work known to have been written in A.D. 400.
(B) Coins bearing the image of an emperor who lived around A.D. 410 have been discovered in the ruins of Cephesa, which were preserved by the cinders and ashes that buried the city.
(C) Geological evidence shows that the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 415 deposited a 10-foot-thick layer of lava on the city of Cephesa.
(D) Artworks from the city of Cephesa have been found in the ruins of another city known to have been destroyed in A.D. 420
(E) A historical work written in A.D. 430 refers to the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 415.

2) Current farm policy is institutionalized penalization of consumers. It increases food prices for middle- and low-income families and costs the taxpayer billions of dollars a year.
Which of the following statements, if true, would provide support for the authors claims above?
I. Farm subsidies amount to roughly $20 billion a year in federal payouts and $12 billion more in higher food prices.
II. According to a study by the Department of Agriculture, each $1 of benefits provided to farmers for ethanol production costs consumers and taxpayers $4.
III. The average full-time farmers have an average net worth of over $300,000.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

3) In the effort to fire a Civil Service employee, his or her manager may have to spend up to $100,000 of tax money. Since Civil Service employees know how hard it is to fire them, they tend to loaf. This explains in large part why the government is so inefficient.
It can be properly inferred on the basis of the statements above that the author believes which of the following?
I. Too much job security can have a negative influence on workers.
II. More government workers should be fired.
III. Most government workers are Civil Service employees.
(A) I only
(B) I and III only
(C) II only
(D) I, II, and III
(E) III only

4) Ronald: According to my analysis of the national economy, housing prices should not increase during the next six months unless interest rates drop significantly.
Mark: I disagree. One year ago, when interest rates last fell significantly, housing prices did not increase at all.
It can be inferred from the conversation above that Mark has interpreted Ronalds statement to mean that
(A) housing prices will rise only if interest rates fall
(B) if interest rates fall, housing prices must rise
(C) interest rates and housing prices tend to rise and fall together
(D) interest rates are the only significant economic factor affecting housing prices
(E) interest rates are likely to fall significantly in the next six months
Hey guys,help me with these....please provide reasons while rejecting!
1) The ancient city of Cephesa was not buried by an
statement to mean that
(A) housing prices will rise only if interest rates fall
(B) if interest rates fall, housing prices must rise
(C) interest rates and housing prices tend to rise and fall together
(D) interest rates are the only significant economic factor affecting housing prices
(E) interest rates are likely to fall significantly in the next six months

B (weird choices)

1. a- the reference could be for an earlier period in history of cephesa, c,e-inconclusive of destruction, d- the artifacts may have belonged to cephesa prior to its destruction. b- lends credibility to existence of a city.

2. stat 1 qualifies and statement 3 is clearly out, but statement 2 although ethanol being non edible and an indirect refernce to total cost to consumers, does hint that they are going to sustain burden in wake of subsidies.

3. statement 1 is clearly evident but conclusive evidence for both 2 and 3 is missing hence i would not take them as inferable.

4. extremely weird choices, if i had my say, none would be the answer, but although in strict terms the word significantly is missing from B, i think it comes closest to what can be the answer. I am meriting B over C here, just feels more right.

@ Gmat delhi---------why no editing of the question you posted earlier, if it is correct mention so

@man-h--------give the answer pal, its been long

B (weird choices)
All the answers are correct.
for this ...
In the effort to fire a Civil Service employee, his or her manager may have to spend up to $100,000 of tax money. Since Civil Service employees know how hard it is to fire them, they tend to loaf. This explains in large part why the government is so inefficient.
It can be properly inferred on the basis of the statements above that the author believes which of the following?
I. Too much job security can have a negative influence on workers.
II. More government workers should be fired.
III. Most government workers are Civil Service employees.
(A) I only
(B) I and III only
(C) II only
(D) I, II, and III
(E) III only

-->3. statement 1 is clearly evident but conclusive evidence for both 2 and 3 is missing hence i would not take them as inferable.

i still din get why III cannot be what the author believes...if he doesn't believe that 'Most government workers are Civil Service employees' why will he say 'This explains in large part why the government is so inefficient.'

the difference is subtle here, the author believes that the main reason for the inefficiency lies with the civil servants' behaviour but it doesnot anywhere say that the proportion of civil servants or for that sake the kind of functioning in which the relative importance of their inefficiencies increases.. Or in other terms its may be a collabrative or dependent work system, and even if few of the employees dont perform well the output of the organisation as a whole is affected. And for this, say even a few employees at crucial positions can form a bottleneck effectively wherein all the problems can be traced back to their behaviour. Hence they can be the major reason but not necessarily the largest group.

another example to illustrate the fallacy, say there is a line production process, comprising of 15 steps in total. After 15 steps of processing we get the final product. If at the 4th step the operator doesnot perform well and the end product of his stage is inferior in quality than that defect woul be transmitted through the complete process and the eventual product would be unsatisfactory. Only one step has the inefficiency but the product is unsatisfactory and we can trace back it to that step.

I guess its B

1) A study of marital relationships in which one partner's sleeping and waking cycles differ from those of the other partner reveals that such couples share fewer activities with each other and have more violent arguments than do couples in a relationship in which both partners follow the same sleeping and waking patterns. Thus, mismatched sleeping and waking cycles can seriously jeopardize a marriage.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(A) Married couples in which both spouses follow the same sleeping and waking patterns also occasionally have arguments than can jeopardize the couple's marriage.
(B) The sleeping and waking cycles of individuals tend to vary from season to season.
(C) The individuals who have sleeping and waking cycles that differ significantly from those of their spouses tend to argue little with colleagues at work.
(D) People in unhappy marriages have been found to express hostility by adopting a different sleeping and waking cycle from that of their spouses.
(E) According to a recent study, most people's sleeping and waking cycles can be controlled and modified easily

2) Roland: The alarming fact is that 90 percent of the people in this country now report that they know someone who is unemployed.
Sharon: But a normal, moderate level of unemployment is 5 percent, with 1 out of 20 workers unemployed. So at any given time if a person knows approximately 50 workers, 1 or more will very likely be unemployed.
Sharon's argument relies on the assumption that
(A) normal levels of unemployment are rarely exceeded
(B) unemployment is not normally concentrated in geographically isolated segments of the population
(C) the number of people who each know someone who is unemployed is always higher than 90% of the population
(D) Roland is not consciously distorting the statistics he presents
(E) knowledge that a personal acquaintance is unemployed generates more fear of losing one's job than does knowledge of unemployment statistics

3) For a trade embargo against a particular country to succeed, a high degree of both international accord and ability to prevent goods from entering or leaving that country must be sustained. A total blockade of Patria's ports is necessary to an embargo, but such an action would be likely to cause international discord over the embargo.
The claims above, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?
(A) The balance of opinion is likely to favor Patria in the event of a blockade.
(B) As long as international opinion is unanimously against Patria, a trade embargo is likely to succeed.
(C) A naval blockade of Patria's ports would ensure that no goods enter or leave Patria.
(D) Any trade embargo against Patria would be likely to fail at some time.
(E) For a blockade of Patria's ports to be successful, international opinion must be unanimous.

4) Most employees in the computer industry move from company to company, changing jobs several times in their careers. However, Summit Computers is known throughout the industry for retaining its employees. Summit credits its success in retaining employees to its informal, nonhierarchical work environment.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports Summit's explanation of its success in retaining employees?
(A) Some people employed in the computer industry change jobs if they become bored with their current projects.
(B) A hierarchical work environment hinders the cooperative exchange of ideas that computer industry employees consider necessary for their work.
(C) Many of Summit's senior employees had previously worked at only one other computer company.
(D) In a nonhierarchical work environment, people avoid behavior that might threaten group harmony and thus avoid discussing with their colleagues any dissatisfaction they might have with their jobs.
(E) The cost of living near Summit is relatively low compared to areas in which some other computer companies are located

5) Advertisement: For sinus pain, three out of four hospitals give their patients Novex. So when you want the most effective painkiller for sinus pain, Novex is the one to choose.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the advertisement's argument?
(A) Some competing brands of painkillers are intended to reduce other kinds of pain in addition to sinus pain.
(B) Many hospitals that do not usually use Novex will do so for those patients who cannot tolerate the drug the hospitals usually use.
(C) Many drug manufacturers increase sales of their products to hospitals by selling these products to the hospitals at the lowest price the manufacturers can afford.
(D) Unlike some competing brands of painkillers, Novex is available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
(E) In clinical trials Novex has been found more effective than competing brands of painkillers that have been on the market longer than Novex

hey guys im sorry bout the last ques i had put up.actually i lost the source frm wer i got that ques ..... will try findin it n postin it again.

Here's a question...
Economies in which a high percentage of resources are invested in research and development show greater growth in the long run than do those in which resources are channeled into consumption. Japanese workers spend a higher percentage of their income investing in research and development than do American workers.
To grow as fast as Japan has in the past three decades, the United States must change the tax code in order to encourage savings and investment and discourage debt.
Which of the following, if true, tends to weaken the argument?
(A) Japanese research is more focused on consumers than is research by American firms.
(B) Class mobility, highly valued in American culture, is encouraged by a growing rather than a stagnant economy.
(C) Studies have shown that countries with high consumption rates prosper in the short run.
(D) Proposed changes to the tax code could involve strict limits on the deductability of interest, and increased allowance for research.
(E) Because a decreasing percentage of the United States is under 40, an age when savings are traditionally low, the savings rate will increase without changes to the tax code.

Sorry people. Didnt come online for a couple of days. Hence the delay in answer.

Question Source: 1000 CR, Test I, Question 3.

Answer: E
Hey guys,help me with these....please provide reasons while rejecting!
1) The ancient city of Cephesa was not buried by an eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 310, as some believe. The eruption in the year 310 damaged the city, but it did not destroy it. Cephesa survived for another century before it finally met its destruction in another eruption around A.D. 415.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the author's claim that the city of Cephesa was not buried by the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 310?
(A) The city of Cephesa is mentioned in a historical work known to have been written in A.D. 400.
(B) Coins bearing the image of an emperor who lived around A.D. 410 have been discovered in the ruins of Cephesa, which were preserved by the cinders and ashes that buried the city.
(C) Geological evidence shows that the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 415 deposited a 10-foot-thick layer of lava on the city of Cephesa.
(D) Artworks from the city of Cephesa have been found in the ruins of another city known to have been destroyed in A.D. 420
(E) A historical work written in A.D. 430 refers to the eruption of Mt. Amnos in A.D. 415.

(A). The context in which it was mentioned is not specified. Hence not the answer.
(C) is irrelevant.
(D) When the other city was destroyed is irrelevant.
(E) There is no doubt that the eruption took place. But this does not tell anything about the city.

Answer is (B). The coins clearly indicate that the city existed in AD 410.

2) Current farm policy is institutionalized penalization of consumers. It increases food prices for middle- and low-income families and costs the taxpayer billions of dollars a year.
Which of the following statements, if true, would provide support for the author's claims above?
I. Farm subsidies amount to roughly $20 billion a year in federal payouts and $12 billion more in higher food prices.
II. According to a study by the Department of Agriculture, each $1 of benefits provided to farmers for ethanol production costs consumers and taxpayers $4.
III. The average full-time farmers have an average net worth of over $300,000.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

(III) I think is irrelevant. Net worth of farmers does not indicate high prices or cost to tax payers.
(I) is definitely relevant. People not only have to pay high prices but also in form of subsidies.
(II) is also relevant since the costs are much higher than the benefit.

Hence answer is (D).

3) In the effort to fire a Civil Service employee, his or her manager may have to spend up to $100,000 of tax money. Since Civil Service employees know how hard it is to fire them, they tend to loaf. This explains in large part why the government is so inefficient.
It can be properly inferred on the basis of the statements above that the author believes which of the following?
I. Too much job security can have a negative influence on workers.
II. More government workers should be fired.
III. Most government workers are Civil Service employees.
(A) I only
(B) I and III only
(C) II only
(D) I, II, and III
(E) III only

(I) will be supported by the author since he clearly mentions "Since they know how hard it is to fire them, they tend to loaf."
(II) is irrelevant.
(III) Since he mentions "in part", only few are Civil Service employees.

Hence answer is (A).

4) Ronald: According to my analysis of the national economy, housing prices should not increase during the next six months unless interest rates drop significantly.
Mark: I disagree. One year ago, when interest rates last fell significantly, housing prices did not increase at all.
It can be inferred from the conversation above that Mark has interpreted Ronald's statement to mean that
(A) housing prices will rise only if interest rates fall
(B) if interest rates fall, housing prices must rise
(C) interest rates and housing prices tend to rise and fall together
(D) interest rates are the only significant economic factor affecting housing prices
(E) interest rates are likely to fall significantly in the next six months

(E) is irrelevant.
(C) is incorrect. (C) means he inferred a direct relationship. While it is actually inverse.
(A) and (B) could be the answers but I dont think they are.

I think the answer is (D).
1) A study of marital relationships in which one partner's sleeping and waking cycles differ from those of the other partner reveals that such couples share fewer activities with ea

been on the market longer than Novex
hey guys im sorry bout the last ques i had put up.actually i lost the source frm wer i got that ques ..... will try findin it n postin it again.


i am getting old and my accuracy is decreasing :(
1. cause-effect reversal
2. b gives the explanation, since it has been assumed that the unemployment is iniformly distributed among people hence everyone can be comfortably said to know someone unemployed irrespective of other factors.
3.between b and d, b assumes that a unanimous opinion ensures effective implemenation of blockade
4.b resonates with resons sited
5.if other hospitals are giving it out of its failure in certain cases then the pill can be discounted for uniform usefulness.
1) A study of marital relationships in which one partner's sleeping and waking cycles differ from those of the other partner reveals that such couples share fewer activities with each other and have more violent arguments than do couples in a relationship in which both partners follow the same sleeping and waking patterns. Thus, mismatched sleeping and waking cycles can seriously jeopardize a marriage.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
(A) Married couples in which both spouses follow the same sleeping and waking patterns also occasionally have arguments than can jeopardize the couple's marriage.
(B) The sleeping and waking cycles of individuals tend to vary from season to season.
(C) The individuals who have sleeping and waking cycles that differ significantly from those of their spouses tend to argue little with colleagues at work.
(D) People in unhappy marriages have been found to express hostility by adopting a different sleeping and waking cycle from that of their spouses.
(E) According to a recent study, most people's sleeping and waking cycles can be controlled and modified easily

(A) is irrelevant. What can happen between other couples isnt relevant.
(B) also seems very irrelevant.
(C) Colleagues are irrelevant.
(E) is irrelevant.

Answer is (D). It suggests that bad marraiges are responsible for the sleeping patterns and not the other way round.

2) Roland: The alarming fact is that 90 percent of the people in this country now report that they know someone who is unemployed.
Sharon: But a normal, moderate level of unemployment is 5 percent, with 1 out of 20 workers unemployed. So at any given time if a person knows approximately 50 workers, 1 or more will very likely be unemployed.
Sharon's argument relies on the assumption that
(A) normal levels of unemployment are rarely exceeded
(B) unemployment is not normally concentrated in geographically isolated segments of the population
(C) the number of people who each know someone who is unemployed is always higher than 90% of the population
(D) Roland is not consciously distorting the statistics he presents
(E) knowledge that a personal acquaintance is unemployed generates more fear of losing one's job than does knowledge of unemployment statistics

(A) seems irrelevant.
(C) doesnt seems to add anything to Sharon's argument.
(D) Sharon isnt questioning Roland but providing an explanation.
(E) is irrelevant.

Answer is (B). Sharon assumes that the moderate levels of unemployment are spreadly evenly. However, it may be the case that unemployment is concentrated in a particular part.

3) For a trade embargo against a particular country to succeed, a high degree of both international accord and ability to prevent goods from entering or leaving that country must be sustained. A total blockade of Patria's ports is necessary to an embargo, but such an action would be likely to cause international discord over the embargo.
The claims above, if true, most strongly support which of the following conclusions?
(A) The balance of opinion is likely to favor Patria in the event of a blockade.
(B) As long as international opinion is unanimously against Patria, a trade embargo is likely to succeed.
(C) A naval blockade of Patria's ports would ensure that no goods enter or leave Patria.
(D) Any trade embargo against Patria would be likely to fail at some time.
(E) For a blockade of Patria's ports to be successful, international opinion must be unanimous.

(A) is contradictory to what is given.
(B) & (E) are also contradictory since its given that it will cause discord.
(C) is really a conclusion.

Answer is (D) since both blockade and international accord are necessary.

4) Most employees in the computer industry move from company to company, changing jobs several times in their careers. However, Summit Computers is known throughout the industry for retaining its employees. Summit credits its success in retaining employees to its informal, nonhierarchical work environment.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports Summit's explanation of its success in retaining employees?
(A) Some people employed in the computer industry change jobs if they become bored with their current projects.
(B) A hierarchical work environment hinders the cooperative exchange of ideas that computer industry employees consider necessary for their work.
(C) Many of Summit's senior employees had previously worked at only one other computer company.
(D) In a nonhierarchical work environment, people avoid behavior that might threaten group harmony and thus avoid discussing with their colleagues any dissatisfaction they might have with their jobs.
(E) The cost of living near Summit is relatively low compared to areas in which some other computer companies are located

(A) is irrelevant. Bored in projects and work environment are not related.
(C) Previous work exp does not say anything.
(D) Avoiding discussing dissatisfaction is not relevant.
(E) Cost of living is irrelevant.

Answer is (B). The only option which gives a reason for changing jobs.

5) Advertisement: For sinus pain, three out of four hospitals give their patients Novex. So when you want the most effective painkiller for sinus pain, Novex is the one to choose.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the advertisement's argument?
(A) Some competing brands of painkillers are intended to reduce other kinds of pain in addition to sinus pain.
(B) Many hospitals that do not usually use Novex will do so for those patients who cannot tolerate the drug the hospitals usually use.
(C) Many drug manufacturers increase sales of their products to hospitals by selling these products to the hospitals at the lowest price the manufacturers can afford.
(D) Unlike some competing brands of painkillers, Novex is available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
(E) In clinical trials Novex has been found more effective than competing brands of painkillers that have been on the market longer than Novex

(A) Data about competing brands is irrelevant.
(B) Irrelevant.
(D) Non-prescription is irrelevant.
(E) strengthens rather than weakens.

Answer is (C). It provides an alternate explanation.

1) Advertiser: The revenue that newspapers and magazines earn by publishing advertisements allows publishers to keep the prices per copy of their publications much lower than would otherwise be possible. Therefore, consumers benefit economically from advertising.
Consumer: But who pays for the advertising that pays for low-priced newspapers and magazines? We consumers do, because advertisers pass along advertising costs to us through the higher prices they charge for their products.
Which of the following best describes how the consumer counters the advertiser's argument?
(A) By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertiser's conclusion
(B) By questioning the truth of the purportedly factual statement on which the advertiser's conclusion is based
(C) By offering an interpretation of the advertiser's opening statement that, if accurate, shows that there is an implicit contradiction in it
(D) By pointing out that the advertiser's point of view is biased
(E) By arguing that the advertiser too narrowly restricts the discussion to the effects of advertising that are economic

2) The average age of chief executive officers (CEO's) in a large sample of companies is 57. The average age of CEO's in those same companies 20 years ago was approximately eight years younger. On the basis of those data, it can be concluded that CEO's in general tend to be older now.
Which of the following casts the most doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
(A) The dates when the CEO's assumed their current positions have not been specified.
(B) No information is given concerning the average number of years that CEO's remain in office.
(C) The information is based only on companies that have been operating for at least 20 years.
(D) Only approximate information is given concerning the average age of the CEO's 20 years ago.
(E) Information concerning the exact number of companies in the sample has not been given.

3) Surveys show that every year only 10 percent of cigarette smokers switch brands. Yet the manufacturers have been spending an amount equal to 10 percent of their gross receipts on cigarette promotion in magazines. It follows from these figures that inducing cigarette smokers to switch brands did not pay, and that cigarette companies would have been no worse off economically if they had dropped their advertising.
Of the following, the best criticism of the conclusion that inducing cigarette smokers to switch brands did not pay is that the conclusion is based on
(A) computing advertising costs as a percentage of gross receipts, not of overall costs
(B) past patterns of smoking and may not carry over to the future
(C) the assumption that each smoker is loyal to a single brand of cigarettes at any one time
(D) the assumption that each manufacturer produces only one brand of cigarettes
(E) figures for the cigarette industry as a whole and may not hold for a particular company

1) Advertiser: The revenue that newspapers and magazines earn by publishing advertisements allows publishers to keep the prices per copy of their publications much lower than would otherwise be possible. Therefore, consumers benefit economically from advertising.
Consumer: But who pays for the advertising that pays for low-priced newspapers and magazines? We consumers do, because advertisers pass along advertising costs to us through the higher prices they charge for their products.
Which of the following best describes how the consumer counters the advertisers argument?
(A) By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertisers conclusion
(B) By questioning the truth of the purportedly factual statement on which the advertisers conclusion is based
(C) By offering an interpretation of the advertisers opening statement that, if accurate, shows that there is an implicit contradiction in it
(D) By pointing out that the advertisers point of view is biased
(E) By arguing that the advertiser too narrowly restricts the discussion to the effects of advertising that are economic

2) The average age of chief executive officers (CEOs) in a large sample of companies is 57. The average age of CEOs in those same companies 20 years ago was approximately eight years younger. On the basis of those data, it can be concluded that CEOs in general tend to be older now.
Which of the following casts the most doubt on the conclusion drawn above?
(A) The dates when the CEOs assumed their current positions have not been specified.
(B) No information is given concerning the average number of years that CEOs remain in office.
(C) The information is based only on companies that have been operating for at least 20 years.
(D) Only approximate information is given concerning the average age of the CEOs 20 years ago.
(E) Information concerning the exact number of companies in the sample has not been given.

3) Surveys show that every year only 10 percent of cigarette smokers switch brands. Yet the manufacturers have been spending an amount equal to 10 percent of their gross receipts on cigarette promotion in magazines. It follows from these figures that inducing cigarette smokers to switch brands did not pay, and that cigarette companies would have been no worse off economically if they had dropped their advertising.
Of the following, the best criticism of the conclusion that inducing cigarette smokers to switch brands did not pay is that the conclusion is based on
(A) computing advertising costs as a percentage of gross receipts, not of overall costs
(B) past patterns of smoking and may not carry over to the future
(C) the assumption that each smoker is loyal to a single brand of cigarettes at any one time
(D) the assumption that each manufacturer produces only one brand of cigarettes
(E) figures for the cigarette industry as a whole and may not hold for a particular company

My answers :
1) C:
considering that the consumer is pointing an implicit cost the he/she is paying because of the advertising on news papers.
2) C: a large sample of companies.....same companies 20 yeasr ago ......
and then conclusion contains ..... in general ......

The way the arguement is structured, looks like it is framed to raise doubt about the usability of the data based on companies that have been there for 20 years to make conclusion on the general set of companies.

3) E:

Even though the average is 10% for the entire industry, one company could have had a gain of 50% to its own consumer base for its 10% or more expenditure towards advertising.

Also, someone stops advertising , that company could lose more consumers to other companies that would advertise.

pls. lemmi know the answers you have.
