The purpose of this group is to provide a platform for all people who have got calls or are expecting one from the above colleges. Though it is great to get calls, admissions are some way off yet and collaborating here will help people maximize their chances of success. I will also be writing selective posts here to help people prepare.
If you have a call from JOKA. Inbox me on FB - Planning to create a group for Maths and logical questions for PI.
Can also Join CV 5.0 - Online WAT PI Platform with A Team of 50+ Mentors
What is CV - It is a community of vibrant participants collectively looking to ace the last phase to live the dream of their life. As part of the process, this group will be proactively looking to shape up the thought process of participants to make WAT and PI easier for them on the judgment day. Everyone will be having some or the other calls, but it kept to be in mind that it is not that the no of calls that matters but that one single convert to make your way into the top B-school of the country that matters ------------------------------- Our Results ♚ “COMMUNION VIBRANTE (CV) ” CAT 2015 - is our first online (FB) activity for GD-WAT-PI, in this, we ONLY touched 269+ final coverts (Top 50 B-Schools)
♚ “CV 2.0” CAT 2016 - we had only 253+ final converts (Top 40 B Schools)
♚ “CV 3.0” CAT 2017 - 173+ final converts (Top 30 B Schools)
♚ “CV 4.0” CAT 2017 - 169+ final converts (Top 20 B Schools)
♚B-Schools eligible of CV 5.0 are Old IIMs, New IIMs, S P Jain, MDI, NITIE, IIFT, FMS, IITs and XLRI. (This time only “Top 20 B Schools”)
Your candidature would be entertained, based on your call and/or profile or 1-2-1 mock PI /WAT basis. (but this right is completely reserved by admins).
=========================== Why are you waiting - start now...? ------------------------------ How much is the Fee : No Fees ,but your success How to join
A. Fill this google form : [we will use this for mentor allocation too]: Inbox Mr. Amiya after filling the form and book a slot for R1 B. Wait - we will cross-check your form and will assist to for the next process. C. YOU HAVE TO GO FOR R1 [Round 1 – PI with Mr. Amiya, this will decide you are in for CV 5.0 or not. C. Your PI would only be scheduled if you would have calls.
Hey !
Congratulations on receiving calls from premier B-Schools of the country! But, the journey doesn’t end here as the call to conversion ratio of most of the B-Schools is less than 20%. Be prepared for this final step with the institute with the best conversion ratio in the country(97%).
Join Breakspace and experience personalized mentoring and unlimited Mock Interviews by IIM-A, IIM-C, ISB and other top B-School Alumni.
Refer the link below for testimonials:
Work Ex- 16 months
CAT OA-97.10 ( 92.30/97.61/96.51)
10/12/grad- 8.2/86/71
Chances of getting a call from any college ?
Hello everyone!
Maximize your chances of converting your call with Breakspace. We take unlimited mock PIs and unlimited mentoring sessions are conducted to ensure you convert your best call.
We have mentors from IIM A, IIM C, ISB and other top B-schools. We have conversion rate of over 97%.
Read more about us results here:
To know more contact us on 9831939136.
Hi CAT OA - 96.73 (Scaled Score - 130.32)
All sectionals cleared.
Varc- 97.7 Dilr- 92.46 Qa -92.3
10th - 10CGPA
12th - 96%
B.Tech - 83.4%
Work ex - 13 Months
General Male Engineer.
Chances of Call to CAP or Shillong/NITIE/SJMSOM?
All, Congratulations on getting calls from top b-schools. To bell the CAT & get that well deserved seat for your career, we all know how important is GD-PI. Sharing a few tips here:
1) How to explain employment gap:
2) How to crack to GD/ PI -
How to crack your PIs: Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?
A common question yet very impactful. Here you go -
Reach out on 9717898147 in case you need any assistance.
Over this weekend, I got a chance to interact with a few of you for practice PIs. I was amazed by the profiles, but the stories could've been more compelling. I know you all have been practising relentlessly to make it through via multiple options for prep out there.
But do get enough guidance for creating a unique personalised story before you start mock PIs.
Hi everyone !!
I am a current student at NITIE Mumbai. I am writing this post to help you make an informed decision. Here are some pros and cons of joining NITIE !!
1. Awesome placements in operations and supply chain field.
2. A very strong alumni network in the supply chain and operations field. This helps to easily switch to other companies in respective domains.
3. A very relaxed college life. (you would feel even more relaxed than your BTech institute, although I don't know if you would want to consider it as one of the pros since you are investing lacs of rupees and would want some value addition over your stay of 2 years, altough it also gives you freedom to participate in other value adding activites).
1. Almost next to nil roles of finance, marketing, strategy consulting. Don't be fooled by the placement report. Domain and roles are very different things (people get operations roles in banks which are mentioned as roles in finance domain in placement report). Even consulting roles are operations and supply chain focused, so don't expect to get any advantage through NITIE for getting into strategy or management consulting roles. IT management roles are also operations and supply chain oriented, don't think you would get IT product management roles easily from here.
2. Improper hostel facilities. Its been almost one year and 1st year students haven't even received proper wifi in their hostel rooms. Lifts break down every now and then (Imagine a hostel with 16 floors, about 1000 people and only 4 lifts out of which 1 or 2 are not functional some time).
3. Many of the professors are pathetic. Its a common fact known to every student in NITIE that exam copies are not checked by most of the professors and sometimes totally random grades are alloted to students. Some much of cheating is prevalent during examinations that you would feel at loss if you didn't hone your cheating skills dring your btech days or childhood.
4. There is also an PGDIE batch which get into NITE through GATE. Although, I don't have anything against them, the total batch to be placed gets pretty huge. Altough many a times you would see them mentioning MBA in their linkedin profiles (which is totally a wrong practice since their's is a Mtech equivalent course).
5. There is a lot of regionalism in the institute. There are different closed groups of marathi, bengali, gujarati, north indian, south indian people. During placements and other events, favourism is prevelant due to these groups. I was also added in one such group by senior batch people and this all is passed on year on year.
6. The atmosphere of institute (even students) if of low ethics (there is prevalent corruption in student funds by different committees).
Some added gyaan:
1. Please try to contact a trusted source (eg, a friend already studying in the institute) to get information about any bschool. Admission committee members are taught to lie.
2. Some of these issues are present in many different top bschools.
3. Average packages in placement reports of all bschools include very high one time payments, effective in hand salary is about Rs 90000-120000 after passing out from NITIE. This figure will also be true for many other top bschools- IIM I, IIMK, MDI etc).
4. Don't think NITIE is equivalent to ABC in supply chain. Its just that most people from ABC don't want to get into supply chain roles.
PS: People from NITE might come to the bchool's defence but believe me they don't want to get the institute's image degraded since it might affect placement. This is the sole reason why most of these issues are not revealed.
pi-great i was more like an interaction..min 10 length i believe .. they were mostly asking how strict my college is and so on.. and 2 mosfet and 1 flipflop question.. answered all correctly. drawn a pic of mosfet for their understanding too..
chances to convert cap??
- never convert
- direct convert
- waitinglist and convert
0 voters
Did anyone with less than 60% in graduation got a call this year from XLRI?
My analysis of this group suggests that there are a total of 20 students (fictional or real idk, im treating it as a DI puzzle). 5 of them probably have some sort of category attached as they have AB calls. 6 WL/reject from K means for aure less than 99% so no way they are general candidate. So now a total of 11 category students. Baaki ke 9 mein se shayad ek do general honge who converted K. So basically aap caste certificate ka na jayaax faida utha rahe ho apne company ko popular banane mein.
If you are a category student You dont need these mentorship. Self-study will be more than enough for you.
Just three more days to go for 4titude Consulting's online Resume Building Workshop where experts from IIM's talk about how to prepare the holiest document in your MBA journey - Your Resume
Master the science and art of building your resume and stay ahead of the crowd during your placements. Clear all your doubts and get set to join your dream B-School! Register now from the link given below.
If you know someone who is going to join B-School soon, mention them and help us spread the word.
Registration Link:
Someone please help I have certificates in debate competitions and scholarship certificates too.Where should I include these? Will they both be included under extra curriculur activities or co curricular activities?