ESIC UDC MS has declared answer key. Let's discuss for gujrat.
pls post ur score , shift and category
I got 101.25 (obc) in mts from gujrat...what r my chances of getting selected in mts?
21st 1st shift udc only getting only 107 cat-sc
i think there is no chances .:(
1,3,11, ,1029 solve it please
Cutoff kya sudhi jashe?
Hey sc/st guys pls stop asking abt ur chances bcz u all have to just give exam and score 30% around so pls stop embarrassing
What can be the expected cut off of mts in gujrat for mts?
In previous exam(2012) the total vacancy of MTS from Gujrat is 101 and UR 52 and the cut off for UR is this year the vacancy for UR is 34 therefore we hope the cut off for UR approx 120-125... What is your opinion?
123 general udc any chnce
Share ur marks for MTS gujrat...mention category also...
110-obc any chance
Had calculated marks wrong. One marks less than previously calculated. *Sigh*
Everyone post your marks in udc and category also.
only Gujarat guys please...
what will be cutoff ?
Gujarat UDC share your marks
You appeared in (answer plz)share ur marks with post also...
0 voters
I think cutoff may goes around 155-160. many of my friends scored frond 160marks. What u think about cutoff? plz comment ( UR Category UDC )
- 175+
- 170-175
- 165-170
- 155-165
0 voters
Plz don't spread rumours in candidates about cut off marks ...the cut off is not much different to previous exam and we noted that the expected cut off is For UDC-125-135 FOR MTS-115-125 The UDC cut off is more than the MTS cut off because there are many people gives UDC only and very less no. Of people (compare with UDC) gives the MTS exam... In the level of question paper there are no differece in difficulty level... According to some people in some shift the question of UDC is much easier than MTS... (The above cut off prediction is only for GUJRAT candidates) GOOD NIGHT AND BE POSITIVE...