Sports person scores kiti ahet for scientific assistant ??
Junior lab asst la hot koni?? Anyone guys?
Guys, anyone got RTI reply?? I also filed, they gave me nodal information officer phone number and email but when I called then receiver said wrong number!!! I also mailed on given mail ID but yet no response :(
Dfsl la koni contact kela hota ka ? Any updates
If anyone knows job profile of scientific assistant, please tell.....And what will be in hand salary of scientific assistant??
I don't think ki he lok result etc lavnar ahet.. 10 to 15 days lavlay nuste but result declared karat nahiye
Me DFSL la call kelela, te bolale ki tumhi personally yeun vichara phone vr kahi sangta yet nahi, Tyamule guys please Mumbai madhe koni asel TR group karun gelele bare Nahitr aapan sarvach jau Kalach ek shashan nirnay pahila ki contract walynche contract at 28 February 2019 paryant kel ahe
Ata fakt wait karun milnar nahi, we should act
Aaj jaun ya na dfsl office la kahijan tari exact status kalel apalyala.
telegram group ahe ka exam result shi related...asel group tr naw sang group cha kinwa whats app group asel tt
Guys.. PWD cha Jr. Engg. Cha pn result lagla.. 30 & 31 st oct. La DV ahe tyanch
What is job profile? We'll get time for preparation of other xams? Plz comment if anybody knows.
Which document required for verification for DFSL scientific assistant
Mala 112 marks milate forensic science chya exam madhe...cut offf kiti lagla ahe
Aaj jyanche verification ahe tyani feedback dya aaj.. Kay process ahe vagaire...
Final list kdhi declare hoil? Any guess????
Scientific Assistant in department of forensic science laboratory maharashtra ya exam cha final cut off ani selection list lagli ka... Please sanga
Part time cha meaning kay ahe pdf madhe?
Out of 73 post why only OBC And SC reult is declared. That to for 15 OBC posts 23 candidates are called.