CIL 2017 (ECE only)

Only ECE guys here for CIL MT 2017 discussion

Now guys, we can start discussing Objectionable questions.

Hi alll ece guys plzzz share your marks here...

  • 140-145
  • 146-150
  • 151-155
  • 156-160
  • 161-165
  • less than 140
  • 166-170
  • greater than 170

0 voters

Can we discuss on the following question id.

 083,  071, 041,  050,  033,  101,  065  . I am finding these wrong.

 in 065 cutoff region of BJT is asked. but they did not give which type of BJT is this, npn or pnp, then how can we decide the voltages. 

Please post your marks..

in 071 magnetude voltage gain should be 10 for 22dB. because 20 log G = 20 ==> then G will be approx 10

In 050 R-H creterian is used to determine maginally systems too...

what will be the exact answer of 083

Hello.m gettng 154 there any chance?? Plz post ur marks for the present key

 in 041 steady state error E(s) = C(S) - H(S)*R(S) [standard naming convetion]; according to this option 2 should be right. 

how to solve:  239130970 ?

Lag raha h cutoff 160 plus rahega

  • no
  • yes

0 voters

 2391301071  is wrong for sure

 2391301050  according to me - all row is zero then possiblity of magrinal condition 

 tranist time can negelect ?//

 2391301056  explain cost +2x(t)

Guys i think these question or ans is wronge

1. GM and PM both will be zero ans hona chahiye

2. BAND GAP WALA question

3. R H CRETERIAN wala ans galat hai

4 drift current vala

5 VSB vala ans i think 50 % mare than that of ssb 

6 valtage gain in 22 DB wala ka ans i think 10 hona chahiya

and non tech me bacterica vala ans sahi ki nahi jo tcs valo ne diya hai 

and one question resoning ka ans wrong lag raha hai yellow orange and purpul wale ka ans right hai ki wrong 

if any other question plz comment

In reasoning 239130957 qus, " ?:65::8:28 " . ==> x/65=8/28 ==> x = 18.57 ==> According to this option 1 (18) should be right. Am I right???

  in 2391301065 cutoff region of BJT is asked. but they did not give which type of BJT is this, npn or pnp, then how can we decide the voltages.