CFA level 2 June 2013

@FRM_Dood said:
@vaibhavDSE : thanks vaibhav.. one more thing.. hanks ... can you tell me will i be able to get mumbai as a test center (as i am from mumbai) or will they allot me some other test center given the fact that the deadline is within next 3-4 days ???and what value cfa level 1 alone adds to a resume? is it worth it alone in the job markets ?@targetcfa : yes it was Level 1 ... level 2 in 2 months is a joke
I am pinning my hopes on the last 2 months to clear Level 2.
I will be starting prep after 25th March (have interviews till 25th). Guess I will hv to devote min 7-8 hrs daily for this. Godspeed to me...

@n.somya said:
I am pinning my hopes on the last 2 months to clear Level 2. I will be starting prep after 25th March (have interviews till 25th). Guess I will hv to devote min 7-8 hrs daily for this. Godspeed to me...
no worries ... u will sail through. best wishes


R u frm Mumbai?



@irfanahamed thank u very much for the link :)

anyone interested in group studying in Mumbai.. pls PM me

guys i finished FRA, Corp Fin, and Equity. By this month end i will finish portfolio, derivatives and AI.

Remaining portion will be fixed income and ethics quant and eco.
Am i on the right track.
I need minimum 3 revisions.
please suggest
bhai q bank karing ?
@targetcfa abhi tak nai. april 15 se kadenge.


We can hv CFA L-1 & 2 sample test question at below link:-

I guess it is useful for all CFA preparing & aspiring students & professionals.


I have started with the course but too many things to remember in fact the derivatives and quat seems to be really tough, has anyone finished the course?? please guide... as I am finding it really difficult this time...

@Abhishek1992 Please share the link of the videos. I will be appearing for level 1

do CFA get a job as corporate trainers?

@chun said:
I have started with the course but too many things to remember in fact the derivatives and quat seems to be really tough, has anyone finished the course?? please guide... as I am finding it really difficult this time...
try arif irfanuulah videos

Corporate trainer is not a job opening per se. It depends on your networking.

Either you are faculty of any consultancy which provides corporate training or you can contact companies'(which is in need of training on financial topics covered by CFA curriculum) HR personally and put your prospects before them.

CFA designation does stand out in this context
thanks dear howz the job market for CFA L2 freshers
Dont have much info on that front. But CFA L2 opens a lot of vistas viz. individual investment practice, providing L1 and L2 trainings, offcourse your CV does gets boost from CFA L2

if any one interested in doing CFA contact me..

Find free CFA L-2 question at

is it just me or other guys too feel that the Schweser Level II books cover pages could have had a better picture as it was on Level I..

Last year if you used to close the book in frustration after studying at length then the beautiful smiling cover girl would make one feel better but ab when Ion closing the L2 book, cover page dekh ke aur darr lagta hai..!!!