Fixed income sucks big time
Hi people,
I want advice on joining a classroom course for the level 2 exam in june 2013.
Anyone having idea about which is the best classroom coaching? among edupristine,
finguru, etenfinance or any other?
I hav'nt started yet, but im free till mid april, so can put in a lot of hours,
after that i have to start working, please advice the best way to go about
well i took coaching for L1 and also got feedback of different coaching institutes. Believe me, study yourself. Whenever in doubt go for the videos on :
I know that's the way to go for the best learning,
but I have just 1.5 months, before my job starts,
and I want to go through a big chunk of the syll by then.
where did you go for level1? how was the experience,
I just need them to outline the important parts for me,
to reduce the sheer volume of the syll.
nothing, thats the problem~ scared
I still recommend to go for self study, as there will be people in classes who would have covered more than you and for me its very demoralizing(when you are the one who dnt know the answer and everyone else is behaving like subject matter expert).
Make a plan , cover 20-30 pages daily of schweser( dont go for cfa curriculum and use it only for problem solving), revise on weekends. Stick to your plan. This way even you can pace study yourself.
Rest depends upon you. All the best
puys, seniors, passouts, anybody, i need ur invaluable advise... is it possible to pass CFA level 1 in 2 months!!! I mean i will pay the fees before deadline 13th march 13 and start off almost by that time. I cleared FRM years back. what do you guys say ? should i go for it! Also, I can give in full time ( 6-7 hours daily) to level 1 preps

@FRM_Dood Yes, 2 months is a long time... Given that you know the basics, 2 months are more than enough..
2 MAHINE me to revison nai ho payegi itni formulas and calculations hai+ This case format
2 MAHINE me to revison nai ho payegi itni formulas and calculations hai+ This case format

@vaibhavDSE : thanks vaibhav.. one more thing.. hanks ... can you tell me will i be able to get mumbai as a test center (as i am from mumbai) or will they allot me some other test center given the fact that the deadline is within next 3-4 days ???
and what value cfa level 1 alone adds to a resume? is it worth it alone in the job markets ?
@targetcfa : yes it was Level 1 ... level 2 in 2 months is a joke

and what value cfa level 1 alone adds to a resume? is it worth it alone in the job markets ?
@targetcfa : yes it was Level 1 ... level 2 in 2 months is a joke

@FRM_Dood I am pretty sure you would get test centre of your choice..
And of-course CFA L1 would be value addition on a resume but I don't suppose it would help much.
Finding FIxed income very tuff
guys how much material have you all covered...i am seriously behind
I have only covered 3 readings so far out of 56
How much time will be needed for revision ?