those who got selected from ibpsV please join this group and give ur valuable suggestion
dekh bhai maine thread toh bana liya par isme add karne ki jimmedari aap logon ki hai
me hu...
Cbi chhattisgarh
Anyone from Central Bank Of India-ClerkV?
About Clerk : Bank Clerks are the ၐrst point of contact for enquiries and guidance, sought by a customer. However with the digitization of the bank these days the job proၐle mostly related to working on computer and entering the day to day transaction and other necessary bank information served to the customers. This shows the vital role played by a clerk in the administration departments. After selection as a Clerk in a particular bank , all Banks Call for Training in the Month June- Sept. After ၐnal result, IBPS will send lists to all the participating banks. Banks will send call letters to all the candidates within 2 months from date of announcement of ၐnal result. Clerk Training : Joining Formalities: All Selected candidates of Clerk have to complete some formalities which bank ask to do before joining: 1. Medical Fitness Certiၐcate: You have to get medical ၐtness certiၐcate which should issued by Gazetted Medical oတ†cer. 2. Academic Documents and Certiၐcate: Your academic documents and all the certiၐcate should be complete which you have mentioned in application form. 3. ID Proof: You have to carry valid identity proof with yourself at the time of joining. PO Info Clerk Info SO Info 4. Police Veriၐcation: Banks also do police veriၐcation at place where you live for last 5 years. You have to mention the place where and in which city do you live in last 5 years, so that bank can have a police veriၐcation of your record. Induction training programmes in banks' own training centres, zonal oတ†ces, or head oတ†ces. Banks usually conduct 10 or 15 days training program where they will teach you about banking function and process. For that they will provide you a hostel facility. Some banks Like IDBI, PNB, BOB Proviodes 3 Star Hotle Facility. Classes are held for 5-6 hours i.e 10AM to 4PM daily wherein candidates are trained in the bank's processes and normal banking procedures Like Deposit Cash,Withdrawal Cash, DD,Cheque. Last date Of Training Give the Alloment of Banks. you can be Place Any where in their Respective States. Duration of Probation Period : A clerk has six months probation period during which they are placed at diတတerent counters of the banks e.g. savings, deposit, retail loans, cash credit, agricultural loans, credit cards, government business, cash receipt or payment etc. Maximum customer interface in banks occurs at these counters managed by clerical staတတ. A Bank Clerk is the ၐrst point of contact for inquiries & guidance to the customers of every bank. As a Clerk you will be trained for either some or all of the following duties in the probation period: Clerk Job Proၐle: 1. IBPS Clerk: SINGLE WINDOW OPERATOR (SWO) The following duties shall form part of the normal duties of an IBPS Clerk like receipt of cheques, drafts, cash passing and cash payment. 2.IBPS Clerk: HEAD CASHIER (HC) The head cashier's duties will involve holding the bank's cash, bank keys and other such valuables in safe custody, jointly with an oတ†cer and being accountable and responsible for the streamlined running of the cash department. 3. IBPS Clerk: SPECIAL ASSISTANTS (SA) The Special Assistant's duties will be looking after and checking the work of other clerks and sub staတတ and also he/she will be accountable and responsible for running of their concerned department/section. 4. IBPS Clerk: UNIVERSAL TELLER: (UT) The Universal teller's duties will be to receive cheques, withdrawal forms etc, update pass books, verify customer's account details, signature etc. And explain the features of Bank's various products and services to customers, 5. IBPS Clerk: AGRICULTURAL ASSISTANTS: In addition to the duties of clerical cadre, Agriculture Assistant's duties will work in the issues related to agriculture.
Me b CBI mp se
Thanks frnds for creating grpkisi ko msg aaya kya
Koi Gujarat se he kya?
working tine un cbi
Normal working hours of a branch could be as under w.e.f 01.04.2016:
9.45 AM to 4.45 PM
10.00 AM to 5.00 PM
10.00 AM to 5.00 PM
10.00 AM to 4.00 PM
10.00 AM to 4.00 PM
10.00 AM to 3.30 PM
4.00 PM to 4.45 PM
4.00 PM to 5.00 PM
3.30 PM to 5.
**Lunch recess shall be of half an hour on rotation in Metro/Urban /Semi-urban branches.
**In Rural branches prevailing practice of half an hour lunch break shall continue.
Anyone from West Bengal ?
Anyone from uttar pradesh
i have created whats app group and have 5-6 fiends who has got CBI so ping me on 7588822131
Clerk 4 ki joining march 2016 mein aayi baar bhi aisa hi hone wala h kya!!!!
Is there any fb group for central bank of india cwe v???
sabhi log keh rahe hai ki cbi me clerk ki joining march me hui thi thik se check kar lo o reserve list wale the
any one from Kerala cbi clerk?
anyone from Delhi, CBI ??