Hey Guys ...This tread is for those who have appeared for the 17 Feb 2013 Atma exam...Lets share information and updates about this exam on this platform.
Hey Guys ...
Hey guys...first discuss about results....
Hi guys!! even i called the counslr but the call wasn't answered. Also when i try to log in with my PID n Passwrd the screen becomes blank. Cant understand this.. As HariKhan said..ll wait till 15th..lets see!!
I called up the number in the site and I got a response.
They were telling that our scores would be posted to us (they have already posted them) and that we would receive them by next week.
When I asked them when would it be uploaded online, they said that it may not be put online. I find it absurd. Why won't they upload it online when December results were uploaded online? Has it got to do something with this exam being a paper pencil one and hence we would get only the hard copy of the result?
Yaa srsly..why cant dey jus upload it online??By the way if neone receives the scorecard by post...plz do upload it here nd let us knw..THNX and ALL THE BEST!!
i hd called them they said its going to cm out on monday...bt still its not out
I had called dem nw bt dey are nt replying......Dey r nt answering the call....Something fishy...
guys....rslts hv been sent on our resedential address.........
nopes...dey said dey hv sent n nt gonna upload onl9..
Hi Friends, I had a word with a lady from ATMA she told me that results should be out by friday. So lets wait and see if the results come by then.
Even i was told that the results have been posted last friday to our residential addresses....God knows wen it will reach!!!!....I just wanted to apply to Welingar,mumbai....I dnt know its last date to apply
.....Can ny1 plz tell me?????
Ny college worth applying with atma scores?????
The NEW notification is flashing. : the results have been sent, and score card will be uploaded on site on 14th march...