First of all thanks a lot for your efforts in answering our quires. I really appreciate for your insights. Pls, Guide me by evaluating my profile.
I am Sanket. I am 22 years & my short term goal is to do MBA from Top 10 B-school in US at the age 25/26 for which I am targeting . One may feel that I have started too early but I really want to plan my career in very meticulously.
(Really sorry for the long post )
Xth: 82 %.
XII Th: 81%.
Engg. : B.E. Production from Pune University.
First Yr: 54 % Second Class.
Second Yr: 57 % Higher Second Class.
Third Yr: 60 % First Class.
Final Yr: 67.5 % First Class With Distinction.
Aggregate: 60 %
The point to be noted is I have consistently improved my performance from Higher Second class to Distinction throughout the Engg. This shows my ability to introspect and improve on it but I feel Inferior to The IIT Graduates who excel in their B.Tech.
I am working with A Private Consultancy Firm as Entry Level Consultant since Graduation. We provide consultancy in Productivity improvement using MOST which is Work Measurement Tool.
We have direct collaboration with H.B. Maynard Co. USA i.e. we are the Branch of Maynards in India. We are responsible for the Complete South East Asia Region+ India for MOST i.e. we are the only Authorised Consultancy providing MOST implementation Services to the organisations.
Right Now I am working as a Junior Consultant. Since joining I have handled two projects , one of which is handled independently. Within a year I can expect at least 4 independent Projects/ year , in which I will be working as a Project Leader.
Each Project gives me an opportunity to LEAD a team of at least 4 members. This will lead to a Consistent Leadership Experience. Also I will be working with Top Notch Multinationals .
So, the pithy is I will be consulting & handling 15/16 Productivity Improvement Projects with Top Notch Multinationals in next 3 years when I will apply to MBA.
Junior consultant--------Principal Consultant------------ MOST Trainer (will be conducting 5 day Training Program for Teaching MOST)
I am confident of this Career Progression over next three years.
Extra Curricular:
- Writing is my passion. Already started blogging. Blogged 7 Articles ranging from subjects like Lateral Thinking, Spirituality, philosophy & Creative writing. I am getting very good feedback to it.
- I have started writing a Non Fiction book titled as CONCURING THE I ----- THE BATTLE WITHIN. This book is all about my experiments with spirituality. In it I am trying to summarise the role played my Ego in Humane Life. I am trying to explain with simple day to day examples, how our all activities are Egocentred. My profound background in spirituality forms basis for the book. I am planning to publish the book within next 24 months. I believe that this will be one of the Differentiating factors in my application. ( If I am not wrong)
- Successfully completed 10 days Vipasyana Meditation Course last year.
- Volunteered at 10 days Vipasyana Meditation Course as Dhamma-sevak, which in short means I served people for 10 days.
- Conducted Work-shop for our 15 company member which was all about Pranayama & other Breathing Tech. for Stress Management. (Will conduct some more work-shops in near future.)
- Mentored some group of children for competitive exams & teaching them the Pranayama & other Breathing Tech.
GMAT: Planning to take (confident of getting 700+).
- How can I best utilize the time available to me (at least 2 years) to make my unbeatable application? Pls, mention some points where my case looks weak to you and also How should I overcome these weaknesses?
- Another thing to mention is the size of my company. As MOST is much specialised subject and we do not believe in diluting the value of MOST Consultants, it is intentionally kept limited to 25 Consultants. Will that be against me? The quality of the exp. as I mentioned is incomparable but is the size factor worrisome?
- What is your opinion about my Academic Performance at B.E. level? I think it is good for the last two years but I am not sure about the first two years. Do you believe I meet the minimum criterion for Top -10 B-schools? If you have little bit of doubt also, pls mention it, so that I can take some additional courses. I believe that I have sufficient time for the same.
- You have mentioned taking additional courses like CFA. I have an option of choosing between Distance Learning MS or CFA as you mentioned. What are the other courses that I can consider? Or I should go for CFA?
- Another thing about Community Services. Because of intensive travelling I am not able to contribute to any particular org. How should I deal with this problem?
(Really sorry for the long post & Thanks in advance.)