Ask Jeremy @ - What it takes to get to the best global business school

Hi Jeremy,
First of all thanks a lot for your efforts in answering our quires. I really appreciate for your insights. Pls, Guide me by evaluating my profile.
I am Sanket. I am 22 years & my short term goal is to do MBA from Top 10 B-school in US at the age 25/26 for which I am targeting . One may feel that I have started too early but I really want to plan my career in very meticulously.
(Really sorry for the long post )


Xth: 82 %.
XII Th: 81%.
Engg. : B.E. Production from Pune University.

First Yr: 54 % Second Class.
Second Yr: 57 % Higher Second Class.
Third Yr: 60 % First Class.
Final Yr: 67.5 % First Class With Distinction.
Aggregate: 60 %

The point to be noted is I have consistently improved my performance from Higher Second class to Distinction throughout the Engg. This shows my ability to introspect and improve on it but I feel Inferior to The IIT Graduates who excel in their B.Tech.


I am working with A Private Consultancy Firm as Entry Level Consultant since Graduation. We provide consultancy in Productivity improvement using MOST which is Work Measurement Tool.
We have direct collaboration with H.B. Maynard Co. USA i.e. we are the Branch of Maynards in India. We are responsible for the Complete South East Asia Region+ India for MOST i.e. we are the only Authorised Consultancy providing MOST implementation Services to the organisations.

Right Now I am working as a Junior Consultant. Since joining I have handled two projects , one of which is handled independently. Within a year I can expect at least 4 independent Projects/ year , in which I will be working as a Project Leader.
Each Project gives me an opportunity to LEAD a team of at least 4 members. This will lead to a Consistent Leadership Experience. Also I will be working with Top Notch Multinationals .
So, the pithy is I will be consulting & handling 15/16 Productivity Improvement Projects with Top Notch Multinationals in next 3 years when I will apply to MBA.


Junior consultant--------Principal Consultant------------ MOST Trainer (will be conducting 5 day Training Program for Teaching MOST)
I am confident of this Career Progression over next three years.
Extra Curricular:

  1. Writing is my passion. Already started blogging. Blogged 7 Articles ranging from subjects like Lateral Thinking, Spirituality, philosophy & Creative writing. I am getting very good feedback to it.

  1. I have started writing a Non Fiction book titled as CONCURING THE I ----- THE BATTLE WITHIN. This book is all about my experiments with spirituality. In it I am trying to summarise the role played my Ego in Humane Life. I am trying to explain with simple day to day examples, how our all activities are Egocentred. My profound background in spirituality forms basis for the book. I am planning to publish the book within next 24 months. I believe that this will be one of the Differentiating factors in my application. ( If I am not wrong)
  2. Successfully completed 10 days Vipasyana Meditation Course last year.


  1. Volunteered at 10 days Vipasyana Meditation Course as Dhamma-sevak, which in short means I served people for 10 days.

  1. Conducted Work-shop for our 15 company member which was all about Pranayama & other Breathing Tech. for Stress Management. (Will conduct some more work-shops in near future.)

  1. Mentored some group of children for competitive exams & teaching them the Pranayama & other Breathing Tech.

GMAT: Planning to take (confident of getting 700+).

  1. How can I best utilize the time available to me (at least 2 years) to make my unbeatable application? Pls, mention some points where my case looks weak to you and also How should I overcome these weaknesses?

  1. Another thing to mention is the size of my company. As MOST is much specialised subject and we do not believe in diluting the value of MOST Consultants, it is intentionally kept limited to 25 Consultants. Will that be against me? The quality of the exp. as I mentioned is incomparable but is the size factor worrisome?

  1. What is your opinion about my Academic Performance at B.E. level? I think it is good for the last two years but I am not sure about the first two years. Do you believe I meet the minimum criterion for Top -10 B-schools? If you have little bit of doubt also, pls mention it, so that I can take some additional courses. I believe that I have sufficient time for the same.
  2. You have mentioned taking additional courses like CFA. I have an option of choosing between Distance Learning MS or CFA as you mentioned. What are the other courses that I can consider? Or I should go for CFA?
  3. Another thing about Community Services. Because of intensive travelling I am not able to contribute to any particular org. How should I deal with this problem?

(Really sorry for the long post & Thanks in advance.)

MBAMission's analysis of essay questions continues today with the Chicago Graduate School of Business.

Jeremy Shinewald
Skype: MBAMission

Next: Haas
Previously Posted: HBS, Chicago, Columbia


Essay 1: Complete all parts below. (1500 word maximum)

Explain the path that has led you to pursue an MBA as the next step in your professional and personal development. Describe your short and long term post-MBA career goals. What or who influenced your choice of schools, and how specifically will Chicago GSB help you succeed?

Many candidates regard writing this 1500 word essay as a "monster" of a task. While it is true that this essay is 500 words longer than similar essays from Wharton or Columbia, this should be seen as an opportunity to allow the Admissions Committee to get to know you, your goals, your sense of purpose and need to attend Chicago in greater depth.

Last year, when this question first appeared, many candidates saw an opportunity to present their career histories in their entirety. You should notice that the question does not ask for your entire career history, but asks for the "path that led you to pursue an MBA" You need to exercise judgment in discussing your path and develop "cause and effect" relationships between your experiences, showing the reader how your MBA is the culmination of your experiences, not merely stating that it is the next in a line of fruitful experiences. To some, this may be a nuanced point, but it is certainly important that you understand it (and if you do not, please email: [email protected]).

Other than the word count, the other significant differentiator between Chicago's essay one and other "typical" personal statements is that Chicago specifically asks, "What or who influenced your choice of schools" Chicago wants to be sure that you have made an effort to get to know the GSB and that you have truly done your homework; you are best off explaining a priori experiences that you have had with alumni, students, professors, administrators, admissions officer, etc. in order to explain how you have learned about the school. Then, you will need to explain what it was about these encounters that made you want to learn more and apply - whether you were learning about academic resources or were simply attracted to the environment/personalities or both.

With Chicago's "extra" words, you have a wonderful opportunity to develop your compelling connection to the school's unique offerings. You can develop in depth arguments along thematic lines, but need to show how you will use their resources to advance your goals. Again, it is not enough to merely explain what programs they offer - they already know! Considering that Chicago has this added element - "what or who influenced" - this is essay is not as daunting as it may initially seem. If you properly utilize this section and add to the section on how Chicago will specifically advance your career goals, your extra 500 words should be easily manageable.

Essay 2: Choose one of the following questions. (500 word maximum)

If the admissions committee were to interview one of your closest colleagues, what aspect of your personal development would this person say is especially important for the admissions committee to know?

You have been asked to write an editorial about the most pressing issue facing humanity. Please identify the issue and justify why you have selected it.

Last year Chicago asked candidates to choose between two options, one which approached a challenging team environment, the other a challenging leadership experience. This year, the options are completely unrelated. In the first sub-question, you can discuss a personal triumph or offer insight into your personal growth which will require candor, honesty and introspection. The more honest and personal - without your "aspect" being inconsistent with values espoused by Chicago -- the better your essay will be. In the second, you will need to offer a very educated opinion, as "the most pressing issue facing humanity" can leave you with few options, many of which will be difficult to truly differentiate (i.e. terrorism). When choosing the latter option, be sure that you have truly tested your ideas and have insight into the matter that you are bringing to light. While a well-written "pressing issue" can be remarkably valuable as it can show a certain worldliness, compassion, solution-orientation, etc, it can also result in a clichd or, even worse, dogmatic piece. Caution: be very careful when expressing personal political opinions.

Essay 3: Complete each of the following questions. (100 word maximum for each question below)

One hundred words can be three or four sentences for some, so, clearly, your space is very limited in this section. These bullet essays are designed so that the admissions committee can rapidly understand the individual behind the resume - these are basically personality questions.

What is the one thing that most people do not know about you?

In this brief space, the idea is to offer the AdCom something new or unusual, possibly something that shows that you have taken a personal or professional risk or tried to accomplish something daring. Essentially, the AdCom is saying, "We have come to understand who you are through your application - now show us something different or exciting".

What book, play, or movie would you recommend to the admissions committee? Why?

Because artistic mediums such as books, plays and movies are so intensely personal, the AdCom has created an opportunity to get to know more about your world view via these avenues. You should keep in mind that your choice is meant to be reflective and illuminating, so, you need to do more than rave about a novel that you love; you need to show within the novel there is something that is consistent with your personality or philosophy. This is not to suggest that you answer need be a rumination; this simply to suggest that the reader needs to learn about you, not your book/play/movie via your choice. There is true flexibility in this answer so this question should be a tremendous opportunity to think creatively and differentiate.

It is your first day of business school and people are selecting study groups. How would you describe the value you will bring to a study group?

This question is worded in such a way that you do not need to focus on one specific area, but could select from personal and professional strengths (keeping in mind the word limits). We recommend a bias toward the personal side, with very brief examples to reinforce the attributes that you have selected, but if you have unique knowledge of a certain professional area and can differentiate along these lines, then you can seize the opportunity as well.
MBAMission's analysis of essay questions continues today with Berkeley (Haas).

Jeremy Shinewald
Skype: MBAMission

Next: Darden
Previously Posted: HBS, Chicago, Columbia

Berkeley (Haas)

Sometimes short answers can be more challenging than essays with no limits at all. Berkeley essentially demands that you wow them quickly, with a series of four short answers:

What is your favorite quote, and why is it meaningful to you? (250 word maximum)

The quote that you select should directly relate to something specific about your character and/or experiences. You cannot afford to choose a generic quote (i.e. "Never say die!"), but need to be as specific as possible in showing that you are thoughtful about both the quote and yourself. The ideal quote is not only original and interesting in itself, but illuminates an aspect of your background/experience/personality that stands out from others. You essentially need to prove that you reinforce the spirit of this quote and therefore must offer compelling examples that link you to this original thought.

Tell us about your most significant accomplishment. (250 word maximum)

Your most significant accomplishment can be from any sphere professional, community, academic, personal, but you should try to maintain a balance and represent as many dimensions of your candidacy as possible throughout these short answers - meaning that you will have to exercise judgment. Even in 250 words, you can tell a brief story or state your accomplishment and explain why you view it as such (much like HBS's Essay 2, only 50 more words for your example). The key in this instance is to choose an experience that is simple but powerful - one that speaks for itself and draws the reader in, allowing the reader to come to a clear conclusion about your capabilities.

At Haas, we value innovation and creativity. How have you demonstrated these qualities in your professional or personal life? (250 word maximum)

If you have not yet offered a professional experience at this point, now is the time - for the sake of balance. Your example of innovation or creativity need not be earth-shattering, but can simply be the story of you thinking differently or making a unique choice. In this essay, you will notice the word "demonstrated"; the committee wants to learn about you through your experiences. You need to be telling a story, not stating facts. When telling a story, even in 250 words, you still need to provide a discernible beginning, middle and end, which in this case probably will be your discovery of the idea, actions you took to implement and clear results brought forth by your actions.

If you have visited Haas, please let us know what about your visit made the most lasting impression on you. If you have not visited Haas, what steps have you taken to familiarize yourself with our MBA program? (250 word maximum)

Quite simply, Haas wants to know that you are applying for the right reasons - for the program's brains (academics, environment, etc.) not its beauty (rankings). You need to explain your connection with the program and show that you have engaged in a process of discovery and self-evaluation in coming to the conclusion that Haas is for you. The more personal and detailed you are in your approach, the more compelling your answer will become. A good test of your sincerity is deleting any reference to Haas and inserting the name of another school. If your essay still makes sense with another school's name inserted, the odds are that your response is too generic. If it your statement becomes nonsensical because you have another school's name relating to Haas specific resources, you have done your job (and should reinsert Haas!)

Required Essays:

Give us an example of a time when you displayed leadership. (500 word maximum)

You might feel relieved to find a 500 word maximum at this point. However, by now, your depth of experience might be challenged; some find it difficult to offer a strong answer to this question, after discussing their most significant accomplishment in short answer two. Clearly, you should reserve a story that is more complicated for this essay and one in which your actions are methodical. Whereas the short essay demands an impressive "blast" of experience, in this essay the AdCom is more interested in understanding your leadership style and thus your process orientation. You results are still quite important, but the characteristics that you display on the path to these results should be revealing.

What are your short-term and long-term career goals? How do your professional experiences relate to these goals? Why do you want an MBA from Berkeley at this point in your career? (1000 word maximum)

Haas inverts the traditional structure of this essay question, placing your goals before your career experience. You too can invert your answer or you can begin with your career context; it does not really matter as long as you answer the question in full. It is vital that your professional experience not be a roving discussion of all of your accomplishments, but that your career directly relates to your goals. You need to create a logical connection - a cause and effect - between your past and your future, ensuring that your MBA is the clear link between the two.

As I have stated before, there is no room to be vague in addressing your career goals. It is not enough for you to write, "When I graduate I want to go into marketing" or "With my MBA, I will enter the field of consulting". What kind of marketing - consumer products, business to business? What knowledge do you have of this business and why will you excel in it? Remember, this is not a statement of dreams, but a statement of purpose. So, it is important that as you develop your short term goals you consider the specific role you will play, the reasons why you will excel in that role and hopefully show insight into why there may be an identifiable need for your skills in this position. You can take any direction that you so choose from your short term goals as long as there is a causal connection with your long term goals. Your long term goals can be less specific than short term goals; they essentially represent an ideal aspiration if short term goals are reached.

Berkeley explicitly asks: "Why do you want an MBA from Berkeley at this point in your career?" A common mistake among applicants is simply to compliment the school. The spirit of the latter half of your personal statement should not be "Haas is great", but "I will utilize specific Haas resources to achieve ambitious goals." And, the idea is not to generate a list of "specific Haas resources", but to develop a well thought out themes or argument - almost like stating your case to the jury - where you prove that by taking advantage of specific programs within a few disciplines that directly relate to your career, you will achieve your goals.

While Haas does not explicitly ask you what you can offer the school, word count permitting, it is generally a good idea to discuss ways in which you can contribute in class and beyond, if this has not been accomplished implicitly throughout the essay.
Thanks for your inquiry.

With a great deal of time ahead of you, you certainly can make the most of your candidacy and ebsure that you are a competitive candidates. During the next few years, it will be incumbent upon you to outperform professionally, so as to prove that you have matured and can manage the stresses of an MBA. You have some impressive differentiators via your entrepreneurial experience already, but also have time to get involved in your community to continue to build a unique profile. You should also use your time, if possible, to build an alternative transcript, via quantitative and management courses, if you are concerned about your grades. Basically, you can target every aspect of your profile during the next two years community, personal, professional, academic -- and should read my previous posts on preparing for the year ahead (in your case. years ahead) to help develop your strategy going forward. Of course, I am also available for a free consultation.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,

I have a few queries,

My Profile,
B.E.--AVG Acads....bcoz of one single 😞 semester(had an accident during the exams) and it had a cascading effect...Got a second class...

working now for an MNC for about 3 months and will probably continue to do so for about another 2 yrs....

did a simulator GMAT and did about 720(no prior preperations)..lot of xtra cuuriculars like quzzing,debating.... was a national level tennis players at U-18 level.....taking up German classes more out of interest in new things than anything else.....
had a very successfull busines startup with my uncle....can i project it...starting another one with my friend in a few months time....
My interest is in general Mgmt...and then getting into research go on for Phd if possible(very much interested)....

So would i be able to target top 5 colleges( very distant possibility i know)...atleast 5-20 ranked colleges....

not much of comm.service.....just organised coaching classes and pesonally mentored for X and XII exams for students in my fathers village...collected text books and distributed them an continue to do so...and also raised fund for a student's eng. education.....i volunteer at a non-profit theatre company .....
i also fund my house maid's child's education.....

so i want to apply in 2008...take up neccessary exams in may-07...what are my chances of getting into good colleges...and also how can i compensate for my avg acads...

would you please help me out...
Thank You

Hi Jeremy

You seriously rock.Could you please help me too.

Here goes my profile


Class Topper in school
89% in Class X and XII
B.Tech Honours,Electronics

Delhi state chess champion
Got 13th in India.

Best Athlete,Best Sportsman of School
Head Boy of school
English topper at school
Participated in lot of dance competition and fests in college.
Best calligrapher in college

Work Experience

3 years by July 2007.Working in Infosys Technologies Ltd bangalore, India's number one IT company

got 690 in GMAT.

Community Work:

1)Helped in collecting money in school for Kargil war.
Collected 10 lakhs and met Supreme Commander of Indian Army.
2)Now involved in Note Book drive from the company,so as to help young students to get books for free.

What are my chances in top U.S schools.
How would you rank Canada and europe.

What are the intricacies in filing application ,some key points in essays which can help me to describe myself better.

I want to shift to Finance,help me out with some good reasons for that.
How can I strengthen my chances.?
Please help


MBAMission's analysis of essay questions continues today with the Darden School at the University of Virginia.

Jeremy Shinewald
Skype: MBAMission

Next: Tuck
Previously Posted: HBS, Chicago, Columbia, Haas, MIT

1. Why is an MBA a critical next step toward your short- and long-term career goals? (500 word limit)

This is another personal statement in which there is no explicit request for information about your past or about the school itself. Still, you need to provide some context for your future goals - your goals cannot just exist in a vacuum. Therefore, you should offer some existing experience which shows that your short and long term goals make sense for you. Again, this is not a career history and does not need to be 250 words; a brief 50 word introduction of your context should be sufficient before leading into your goals.
As always your goals should be specific enough that you are showing clear intent and ambition, but not so specific that you are limiting yourself or narrow minded. The bulk of your essay should focus on why your MBA and specifically, your Darden MBA will allow you to achieve your goals. Again, this is not an opportunity to sing the schools praises; you want to connect the schools resources with your professional goals and learning objectives. You want to explain how Darden has the resources to bridge your dreams/goals and reality.

2. Each of our applicants is unique. Describe how your background, values, education, activities and/or leadership skills will enhance the experience of other Darden students. (500 word limit)

This essay is broad and sweeping in nature so it allows you to showcase a mix of your greatest strengths - professional, community, academic and personal. You should attempt to select a diversity of these experiences and present them in such a way you will be able to relate them back to your ability to contribute in a variety of areas - for example, the classroom, your learning team and the community at large. A successful essay will be one which not only details unique personal strengths, but also clearly illustrates how these strengths will be in action at Darden, meaning that you will have an opportunity to show your intimate understanding of and connection to Darden.

3. Choose one of the following questions. (250 word limit)

These questions are flexible enough that you can make a choice about whether you want to add depth to your professional, community or personal profile, depending on the choices that you have made above.

a. What would you do if you didn't have to work for a living?

This question is quite malleable. Your approach might be to discuss an unusually strong passion or a philosophical/academic interest that you would pursue. While you could discuss an alternative "career," you should be careful in this regard, particularly in terms of community service. You don't want to raise the question, "Well, if you value that path so much, why aren't you pursuing it?" You should try to find an idea that is slightly implausible, but still grounded in reality.

b. Describe a significant maturing experience.

The key with this essay will be to show change and thus the most effective stories will likely be those with a clear climax - a before and after. While 250 words is very brief, your essay may have the following components: before, climax, after, reflection. Even in such a short space, there is still room for a full story and reflection/introspection.

c. What have been the most satisfying aspects of your work life thus far and the most dissatisfying?

The most satisfying aspects will probably be easy for most to identify; most are acutely aware of what they love about their jobs. However, simply stating what it is that you love will not work all that well. We need to experience your passion and energy, via convincing details that prove your point. With respect to your most dissatisfying aspects, it is obviously important not to complain, but to be constructive. You want this constructive criticism to be levied at your company and not become a window into your negativity.
Thanks for your inquiry.

Your profile is somewhat typical typically good, but typical. You have strong grades and GMAT, work experience in IT with promotions, some altruism at work and extra-curriculars in college, but seem to be light on any involvement since. Unless I am missing something dramatic, you are going to have a lot of trouble differentiating your profile and catching the attention of the Stanford and Wharton Adcoms. IMD generally prefers older candidates with high-level executive experience, so this one might be a stretch. Assuming that you can tell the story of a precocious, rapidly ascending consultant, with great scores and a few knockout stories about professional leadership, LBS and Oxford should be in play; I apologize but I dont know enough about RSM, ISB or NUS to comment. It seems to me that your candidacy will hinge on your essays and your ability to make a bold statement about how you are unique.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission

Please give suggestions to me I am primarily looking for one yr MBA.
The factors of considerations r........

1)Brand name
4)Chances of selection.

My profile is :

AGE :25. 26y the time I join( hopefully)
EDU: B Tech; NIT/REC,Bhopal.(2003), 72 %.Loads of extra curriculars.....sports ,tech,cultural
WORK EX: IT total 3 or 4 by the time I join....July)
HCL Tech..... Software engineer........fresher to till Jan 06........
Sterling Commerce( AT&T; ) .......Delivery 3 yrs so far.
GMAT: 730.

PREF: 1yr MBA........2 will do......but inclined towards 1 yr.Primarily europe.....
COLLEGES UNDER CONSIDERATION: 1) INSEAD 2)IMD 3)LBS 4)Oxford 5) 6)RSM 7)ISB ....................NUS ............

NUS is a distant third..............Please also throw light on NUS placements............backed by facts or personla 'overheard' talks please..........

I want add couple of US colleges to the list too...........Namely 1)Stanford and 2)Wharton...........But I am wary of the fact that these colleges requires one to have and extraordinary profile( In fact most of my European colleges will reqi ti too!)..........

I want to add that I have taken initiatives at my corp level too( training ppl,taking interviews.......i have been promoted too).........

Iwant to have ur first impression.Do u think that my profile has enough meat to attract the 'bigshots' or do you think that I should lower my aspirations(I really don't want to go to a rel unknown college).Also, please help me add more value to my basic profile............

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks for your inquiry.

The fact that you sacrificed your own paycheck to get involved with something more meaningful should be quite impressive to these schools should show that you have resolve. I would ensure that they know this. Do not flaunt it; mention it subtly.

Other schools that are known for their social mission Berkeley and Columbia (a lesser extent); Darden is known for its focus on ethics, not really the same thing but some connection.

I think that you should take the GMAT again. You wont need a 700, but a 600 makes it difficult. There is no magic number, but an improvement will make you a more palatable candidate. As for the TOEFL, each school has a different policy. You should be able to ask for a TOEFL waver and considering your level of English in your email, you should be granted one.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,

First i think you are doing a great job out here helping all of us and its great for PG to have an epert like you.

Regarding my questions and present status---

i have given my gmat with a score of 600, i need to improve my verbal as my quant was very high. As in my profile... bachelor of commerce from mumbai, worked as an analyst in one of the leading investment banks in Mergers and Acquisitions.(not any back office)..but i always wanted to be associated with the social sector .. so i shifted to a non-profit work for tsunami victims in South India...with a huge salary cut but with the motivation to make change. College grades are good ... above 65% consistentely .. with average extra curriculars in college and school.....i think i have the answers in mind for most of the colleges and why i shifted to the social sector....

Total work will be 4 years ....with for profit and a non-profit..... I will be applying to schools that have strong focus on social entrepreneurship or social courses embeded in the full time courses such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale and Oxford. Do you know any other colleges that have a strong focus on social issues.....

The problem i think is the GMAT do you think i should give it again and improve my score....

Is TOEFL also required for the admissions i am not very clear on this as many people say yes and many people say no ....
Thanks for your latest post.

A 750+ would certainly help you and it would be quite a dramatic improvement. If this were the case, even though the GMAT is not everything, there should be a school in the top-20 for you, as long as you can tell your compelling story. When you say that your academics were weak, how weak?

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission

Mba mission .

if the gmat score is say 750 i.e. i reduce my statistical weakness to one..does that still make the top 15 a stretch....

please note i am outstanding in my current job/peer group( documented).and hold a product manager rank
Do give it a though but be frank,

pragmatic individuals should accept reality

one more thing how is 15+ for employment prospects in strategy??

cant invest further time if there is gonna be a no win......


Thanks for your inquiry and for your kind words.

It seems to me that you have a strong GMAT, professional advancement, impressive extra-curriculars, etc. My guess, considering the fact that they cited poor interview skills, is that you did not market yourself properly. Quiz contests and Mensa for example, often do not translate well for an international audience. While it is hard for me to know, I am guessing that your emphases were misplaced. How confident are you in your essays?

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,

A cliche' but true in every sense of the phrase - great job !! I really appreciate your frank yet encouraging replies.

I understand it is hard to fathom with any degree of fairness the reasons why an application is selected or rejected. But I hope you can throw a jab at guestimating what went wrong with my application escapade this year.

My background:

B.S in Physics 51%
M.S. in Computer Applications 65%

700 (93rd %ile)
Q49 (90th %ile) V38(85th %ile)


6+ years in IT with cross-function exposure in multiple domains - rising from a trainee to a Manager. Got great recommendations to prove my career growth and my strengths (along with a bit of weaknesses and how I got over it). I think if this were the sole criterion even in a strong application pool I had all the elements to stand out.


Have taught/mentored over 2000 students in the last 8years. Been actively involved in many social causes - both in the corporate world and as a student (used my poor of teaching to help underprivileged school children). Have great "intellectual credentials" (member of MENSA, won numerous quizzes including being featured on National TV, University winner etc.) Have elaborated them well in the essays to focus not on the achievements but how it has fundamentally changed me as a person.

Applied in 2006 to just 2 places:

(A) ISB: I took pains to explain my poor undergraduate record in the light of my career progression (trainee to Manager in less than 5years), my GMAT scores (700) and the tons of extracurriculars with which I involved myself during college (example - founding member of AIESEC - largest student organization in the world, in Baroda etc). I wrote this in the additional essay section.

During the interview again, I was very articulate and passionate about what I wanted to do and why an MBA makes sense. I am a professional motivational speaker so I know my communication skills. When asked about my academic record during 12th and undergrad, I elaborated that I didn't have an excuse and tried telling them that the last "poor" score in any university level exam I took was in 1996 - almost 10 years ago.

But I was rejected, citing 2 reasons - "poor undergraduate record" and "average interview skills".

(B) London Business School: I got a straight ding and they do not give a feedback on the application, as you might be aware. I know of someone from my company (a lady) who was at my same career title who got through in 2005, and again another lady - yet again in my same career title who got through this year. I understand their academic performances was well above my dismal undergraduate showing.

My simple question:

Nobody can do anything about their past - be it bad relationships or poor marks. But given my dings, is there *any*thing I could have done better ?

Additionally, I have no intention of reapplying in the near future, but however if I were to do so. Can you suggest any other option - other than getting an obscenely high GMAT score (770 types) ?

Thanks for your time !

Thanks for your post and for your request.

I think that you have a great idea and will get to the IIM and ISB essay questions; however, I warn you, it will take me some time, as I am currently busy with live clients and have a few other schools to tackle first. I will post to you to let you know when they are done

Thanks for the idea and the encouragement!

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Dear Jeremy

Thanks for the MBAMissions analysis of essay questions. They are quite informative.

Would you be analysing essays of Indian Schools ( IIM A, ISB) as well?

If so, Please analyse the following. It would be helpful to many of them here as a big junta is applying Indian schools

1. What do you expect to gain from the PGPX course at IIMA?
2. Describe a situation that has demonstrated your leadership qualities.
3. Describe the single event or achievement that has significantly influenced your life.
4. Give a description of yourself stressing the personal characteristics that you feel are your strengths and weaknesses.
5. Any other information that you believe will help us make a favourable decision on your application.


1)What, in your opinion, makes you distinct from other applicants to ISB? How will that add value to other students and ISB? (300 words max)

2)What are the three things about yourself that you would like to change? Why? (300 words max)

3)You are applying to your dream job after ISB. Please prepare a cover letter accompanying your CV. (300 words max)

4)You are part of a team which has been assigned a project with a tight deadline that is not extendible. One of the team members fails to deliver on the part of the project assigned to him at the fag end of the project despite his assurance. All the other members of the team have performed flawlessly and completed their parts. There is no way that the project can now be completed even if all the team members provide their utmost help. Appropriate punishment has now to be meted out by the management. The team member is willing to own up his shortcoming and shoulder the responsibility. Should all the team members share the responsibility for failure equally or should they allow that particular team member to get all the blame and punishment? Take a firm position on the issue and support your stand with relevant arguments. (300 words max)

5)Please provide additional information, if any, that will significantly affect consideration of your application to the PGP (300 words max)
This essay is optional. The system will allow you to submit your application, though it shows as "Incomplete" in the application inspector.

Thanks for your inquiry.

I am not sure if I would judge the quality of the schools by their curricula, but more by the employers they attract. Stanford and Berkeley obviously have strong connections to Silicon Valley; MIT and CMU clearly attract a lot of engineers and thus attract interest from tech companies as well; you cannot go wrong at HBS, which attracts IT and biotech firms in droves; a few others to consider are Duke and Darden as they are connect to Northern Virginia and the Research Triangle, respectively.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,
I will be grateful if you can tell us what are top 5-6 US B-schools
good in Technology MBA .


Thanks for your inquiry.

These certifications are not well-known in the states and will not help you with a career in the states, as the NCFM has no US jurisdiction. In short, it wont help. You are better off differentiating yourself qualitatively, through community work and personal accomplishments.

As for your other inquiry, virtually all of the top 15 schools have strong connections to Wall Street. During a strong economy, if you have the credentials, you should be able to find your way there from any of one them. That written, CBS, Chi, W and NYu are known for Finance, but HBS, Stanford, etc. will definitely get you there.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
HI Jeremy,

Last week I attended ISB Info session ... I took this opportunity to get my profile vetted by adcom... the said you have more than resonable chances of making it to ISB... I further asked the, if these NCFM (National Stock Exchange of India's certification in Financial Markets) certification are going
to be of any vaue addition to my profile ... they was was "not really"..

My question to you is wether this certification would be of any value addition to my profile, while applying to US/Canadian B Schools .. if it is ... then I can still get 3 more (I already have 5 ) before applying to US b schools.

PS :- Please suggest me colleges which are good for Investment Banking (with a major focus on Mergers & Acquisations) ....and a strong placement Dept :biggrin:

Thankx In advance.

Thanks for your inquiry.

Please one of my previous posts regarding posting a similar series on ISB. I think it is a great idea and I will follow up on the request. I dont want to approach one essay in a vacuum and want to post a thorough, thoughtful review of all essays.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jermey,

You are doing an amazing job by helping out people through PG.

I am basically targetting ISB this year. below is an essay which is a part of the application process. Kindly go through it and then I will ask my query. Here it is

You are applying to your dream job after ISB. Please prepare a cover letter accompanying your CV. (300 words max)

Thanks for reading the complete question. My query is what are they trying to extract out of the answer to such a question. Rest of their questions are pretty straight forward.

Thanks and Regards,

Amit Agarwal

Thanks for your inquiry.

I will respond to all of your questions in order:

  1. Please take a look at the series that I posted about one month ago with regard to proactively managing the road forward. I have written extensively on this and to recap all of it would be difficult.

  1. The size of your company is completely irrelevant; the amount of responsibility and the trajectory of your career is important.

  1. You seem to have honors in every year; as long as your class rank is respectable, your grades should be a strength.

  1. The CFA is better than an MS. I would take the CFA; it is a well recognized international benchmark.

  1. You should find an organization where you can make a commitment on your own schedule. Lack of time is no excuse. There are many community minded consultants who find the time. As an example, I helped a consultant who could not commit to regular work, so he slowly designed a website for a community and helped them sell their wares online. He did this on his own time, between flights, etc. It is possible.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,
First of all thanks a lot for your efforts in answering our quires. I really appreciate for your insights. Pls, Guide me by evaluating my profile.
I am Sanket. I am 22 years & my short term goal is to do MBA from Top 10 B-school in US at the age 25/26 for which I am targeting . One may feel that I have started too early but I really want to plan my career in very meticulously.
(Really sorry for the long post )
Xth: 82 %.
XII Th: 81%.
Engg. : B.E. Production from Pune University.
First Yr: 54 % Second Class.
Second Yr: 57 % Higher Second Class.
Third Yr: 60 % First Class.
Final Yr: 67.5 % First Class With Distinction.
Aggregate: 60 %
The point to be noted is I have consistently improved my performance from Higher Second class to Distinction throughout the Engg. This shows my ability to introspect and improve on it but I feel Inferior to The IIT Graduates who excel in their B.Tech.
I am working with A Private Consultancy Firm as Entry Level Consultant since Graduation. We provide consultancy in Productivity improvement using MOST which is Work Measurement Tool.
We have direct collaboration with H.B. Maynard Co. USA i.e. we are the Branch of Maynards in India. We are responsible for the Complete South East Asia Region+ India for MOST i.e. we are the only Authorised Consultancy providing MOST implementation Services to the organisations.
Right Now I am working as a Junior Consultant. Since joining I have handled two projects , one of which is handled independently. Within a year I can expect at least 4 independent Projects/ year , in which I will be working as a Project Leader.
Each Project gives me an opportunity to LEAD a team of at least 4 members. This will lead to a Consistent Leadership Experience. Also I will be working with Top Notch Multinationals .
So, the pithy is I will be consulting & handling 15/16 Productivity Improvement Projects with Top Notch Multinationals in next 3 years when I will apply to MBA.
Junior consultant--------Principal Consultant------------ MOST Trainer (will be conducting 5 day Training Program for Teaching MOST)
I am confident of this Career Progression over next three years.
Extra Curricular:
  1. Writing is my passion. Already started blogging. Blogged 7 Articles ranging from subjects like Lateral Thinking, Spirituality, philosophy & Creative writing. I am getting very good feedback to it.

  1. I have started writing a Non Fiction book titled as CONCURING THE I ----- THE BATTLE WITHIN. This book is all about my experiments with spirituality. In it I am trying to summarise the role played my Ego in Humane Life. I am trying to explain with simple day to day examples, how our all activities are Egocentred. My profound background in spirituality forms basis for the book. I am planning to publish the book within next 24 months. I believe that this will be one of the Differentiating factors in my application. ( If I am not wrong)
  2. Successfully completed 10 days Vipasyana Meditation Course last year.

  1. Volunteered at 10 days Vipasyana Meditation Course as Dhamma-sevak, which in short means I served people for 10 days.

  1. Conducted Work-shop for our 15 company member which was all about Pranayama & other Breathing Tech. for Stress Management. (Will conduct some more work-shops in near future.)

  1. Mentored some group of children for competitive exams & teaching them the Pranayama & other Breathing Tech.

GMAT: Planning to take (confident of getting 700+).
  1. How can I best utilize the time available to me (at least 2 years) to make my unbeatable application? Pls, mention some points where my case looks weak to you and also How should I overcome these weaknesses?

  1. Another thing to mention is the size of my company. As MOST is much specialised subject and we do not believe in diluting the value of MOST Consultants, it is intentionally kept limited to 25 Consultants. Will that be against me? The quality of the exp. as I mentioned is incomparable but is the size factor worrisome?

  1. What is your opinion about my Academic Performance at B.E. level? I think it is good for the last two years but I am not sure about the first two years. Do you believe I meet the minimum criterion for Top -10 B-schools? If you have little bit of doubt also, pls mention it, so that I can take some additional courses. I believe that I have sufficient time for the same.
  2. You have mentioned taking additional courses like CFA. I have an option of choosing between Distance Learning MS or CFA as you mentioned. What are the other courses that I can consider? Or I should go for CFA?
  3. Another thing about Community Services.Because of intensive travelling I am not able to contribute to any particular org. How should I deal with this problem?

(Really sorry for the long post & Thanks in advance.)
Thanks for your email.

The good news is that it seems that you have a variety of points that differentiate you from others at Infosys candidates top of your class, chess (is that high school, though?) and your community experience (would spin raising money for war). With a strong application that highlights your differences, you should be competitive at 5-15 schools. There is nothing in your profile that is stunningly strong, but you seem to have a clear record of achievement in everything that you have done (Have you been promoted?).

The best way to market yourself for a career change is to use your actual reasons what are they? Why are you sincerely interested in finance? Sincerity always wins, because it is the most authentic, least contrived rationale.

If you are interested in strengthening your chances, read a post of mine a few back about preparing for next year. There are a variety of ways to do so and too much to write.

Thanks for your inquiry.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy

You seriously rock.Could you please help me too.

Here goes my profile


Class Topper in school
89% in Class X and XII
B.Tech Honours,Electronics

Delhi state chess champion
Got 13th in India.

Best Athlete,Best Sportsman of School
Head Boy of school
English topper at school
Participated in lot of dance competition and fests in college.
Best calligrapher in college

Work Experience

3 years by July 2007.Working in Infosys Technologies Ltd bangalore, India's number one IT company

got 690 in GMAT.

Community Work:

1)Helped in collecting money in school for Kargil war.
Collected 10 lakhs and met Supreme Commander of Indian Army.
2)Now involved in Note Book drive from the company,so as to help young students to get books for free.

What are my chances in top U.S schools.
How would you rank Canada and europe.

What are the intricacies in filing application ,some key points in essays which can help me to describe myself better.

I want to shift to Finance,help me out with some good reasons for that.
How can I strengthen my chances.?
Please help
PGGs I think that I am caught up entirely in terms of responses. I appreciate everyone's encouragement and respect for my opinion, but most of all, everyone's patience. I try to respond to queries as soon as possible, but inevitably, my for-profit clients come between me and my message broad demands, at times. Please stay with me - I will always ensure that I will respond to each and every post.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Thanks for your inquiry.
Please one of my previous posts regarding posting a similar series on ISB. I think it is a great idea and I will follow up on the request. I dont want to approach one essay in a vacuum and want to post a thorough, thoughtful review of all essays.

thanks for the reply. i am waiting for the response. its not a problem at all.

Hello ppl,

Guys i am a bit confused.

I am working in my family-owned business firm thats into manufacturing and export, however i am interested in pursuing a MBA with specialisation in Finance. I currently have 2 yrs of work ex and by AEP 2007 i will complete close to 3.5 years.

My questions are: -

1. Will i be better off doing a MS. in financial management from a reputed University, then working in the relevant industry for some years and later pursue an MBA?

2. Will doing an MBA next year be too early for me ( as most univ have avg. work-ex of about 5-6 yrs)?

3. What is an acceptable GMAt score for a profile like mine if i want to get into a good B-School (NUS, MBS, RSM, Lancaster, etc..). I took up GMAT and got 540.. so want to set a decent target before i take a plunge again.

4. Would it be difficult to get a job post MBA in the Financial Sector(without prior experience), as i currently work in a totally different field.

My Profile: -
Decent Academics (GPA 3.4), good extra-curriculars and a university rank.

PGGs I think that I am caught up entirely in terms of responses. I appreciate everyones encouragement and respect for my opinion, but most of all, everyone's patience. I try to respond to queries as soon as possible, but inevitably, my for-profit clients come between me and my message broad demands, at times. Please stay with me I will always ensure that I will respond to each and every post.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission

Wow Great Job, i have been following this thread closely. There were many unanwered posts. U replied back to everyone on single day. Thanks alot.

Coming to the ISB/ IIM A questions, wanted to know when wld it be possible for u to respond back