Ask Jeremy @ - What it takes to get to the best global business school

With MBA programs slowly releasing their essay questions in recent weeks, I have taken the opportunity to start a new series, offering analysis to help candidates navigate what can sometimes be murky waters. The series begins with HBS, posted below.

Next: Columbia

Jeremy Shinewald

Skype: MBAMission


1. What would you like the MBA Admissions Board to know about your undergraduate academic experience? (400-word limit)

This question is quite open-ended, so you are not constrained to discussing all of your experience; you can be selective and showcase the aspects that put you in the most positive light. This is an opportunity to explain your choices (school/major) and show intellectual vitality, not review all of your coursework (the AdCom has your transcript) or explain bad grades (there is still the additional information section).

While "academic" is the operative word in this essay question, it can be interpreted broadly. Your academic experience can extend beyond the classroom to vigorous discussions with professors during office hours, for example. The idea is to show that while you were an undergraduate, you were seizing opportunities to explore ideas and then develop your own interests, thoughts and worldview. You should try to create momentum and show that your time was generally a period in which you discovered your passions and committed yourself to a course of study (regardless of whether your major was electrical engineering, history, management, etc.). Still, this does not mean that you can only discuss your major; that quirky "surrealist cinema" or fascinating "modern architecture" course that was well outside of your major might be the perfect fodder to prove your intellectual growth. Even if your time was not academically fulfilling, it is important that you show that such experience gave you a clear direction.

Finally, it is almost a clich, but HBS is looking for leadership in everything that you do. So, if you can illustrate that you aided others in learning or expanding their horizons (peer tutoring, facilitating a conference, etc.) then this part of your academic experience could be a clear implication of future contributions at HBS which could be quite appealing.

2. What are your three most substantial accomplishments and why do you view them as such? (600-word limit)

This is a mainstay of the Harvard application, an essay which challenges the reader to display depth of experience. Generally, the candidate should be showcasing different dimensions within this essay; a selection of professional, community and personal accomplishments (not all need to be represented) is important.

While this is the longest essay in terms of word limit, it is the most challenging for many, because one can only dedicate 200 words or so to each experience. It is important that you not forget that there are two elements that need to be tackled, the story of your accomplishment itself and then a reflective element ("why do you view them as such?"). The second half of this question should not be ignored; your personal thoughts are no one else's and can differentiate you from the pack.

3. Discuss a defining experience in your leadership development. How did this experience highlight your strengths and weaknesses as a leader? (400-word limit)

This new essay is a hybrid of two essays from last year. The key here is to show that your experience was powerful in that it shaped you and your outlook on leadership. Clearly, there needs to be a climactic moment in your story in which your philosophy changed or was revolutionized. Thus, your momentum is crucial and this transitional event needs to standout and show its force. It is important to note that this essay does not need to come from your work experience; the magnitude of the event is more important than the "locale".

Again, the second aspect of this essay demands introspection. You cannot merely trot out clichs about strengths and weaknesses, but should reflect and try to get to the core of your leadership style. You might find it difficult to be forthright about your weaknesses, but by identifying those that are not damning (meaning those that are not critical to your success at HBS) and explaining what you learned from them, you will get the credit that disingenuous statements (i.e. "My weakness is that I am too passionate about my work") will only undermine.

4. In your career, you will have to deal with many ethical issues. What are likely to be the most challenging and what is your plan for developing the competencies you will need to handle these issues effectively? (400-word limit)

This essay made applicants apoplectic last year. It is very important that you first discuss the challenges you expect to encounter and not attempt to solve an ethical dilemma. The committee is seeking to understand that you are already challenging yourself to think about the issues that you will face and that you understand that all situations will not be clear cut. (Essentially, the spirit is such that if you are constantly developing your thoughts, you will be enlightened and less susceptible to involving yourself in an Enron debacle).

To simplify the latter part on "developing the competencies," the committee wants to understand that you have an agenda for continuing to grow and evolve as an ethical thinker in the future. (Again, they don't want the solution to a problem; they want to know about the tools that you will surround yourself with to ensure that you will be capable of considering possible solutions to problems). While you can identify specific aspects of your HBS experience as potentially seminal in your development, this is an avenue that is available to all. You should attempt to think creatively and identify other resources that will force you to stay grounded and consider a variety of ideas and opinions.

5. What is your career vision and why is this choice meaningful to you? (400-word limit)

This is a new spin on the previous "what are you short and long term goals" question. This question offers you greater flexibility to discuss your career path, but should not be whimsical. You still need to be focused in your ambitions and ensure that your path flows from an existing foundation to ensure credibility. HBS wants to be sure that they restrict the illustrious HBS experience to those with clear vision, potential and purpose.

The latter aspect of the question ("why is this choice meaningful to you?") places the onus on you to explore your own motivations. The structure of this question prevents superficial answers and forces you to truly understand your choices. The fact that essay five does not explicitly ask, "How will HBS help you achieve your goals," means that many applicants will seize essay six to explain some form of this question. It is possible to integrate aspects of "Why HBS?" into your answer, although this is not mandatory, as the question simply does not ask for it.

6. What other information do you believe would be helpful to the Board in understanding you better and in considering your application? (400-word limit)

This question allows you to creatively highlight an experience that may have required more depth than was available in your three accomplishments, explore an interest/passion, explain your potential academic/personal/professional contribution to HBS or reasons for applying to HBS (to identify a few possible avenues). The challenge in this essay -- after five essays - is to offer a new dimension of your personality and enable the committee to get to know something unique about you, which connects with your application as a whole. Again, it is important that you not confuse this section with the additional information section. As in the case of essay one, this is not the place to discuss bad grades, etc.
To answer your questions:

1) In unusual circumstances, if a candidate has shown remarkable strengths in starting an non-profit organization or has shown tremendous leadership in athletics, (just as examples), top-U.S. schools will accept a candidate without work experience.
2) I am not familiar with the distinction between an MBM and an MBA. Please explain it to me and I can comment.
3) If you pursue an MS in marketing, you will be gaining specialized knowledge in one discipline. If that is all that you will need to succeed, then that may be an option for you. If you need a broader perspective spanning accounting, finance, operations, strategy, etc. -- an MBA is probably a better option.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
hi Jeremy,
Thx for helping most of us out here. My q's are,

1. Is it true tht US B Schools only take in ppl with work exp.
2. I am a fresher hv done my Bachlers in Hotel Management & currently pursuing my Masters in Business Management In JBIMS, a top 10 B School in India. I want to do another MBA abroad as it will help in having a global perspective. What schools do u recomend 4 me?\
3. Can i pursue MS in say marketing, wats the scope of MS vis-a-vis MBA in a tier 3 B School in US.

Pls help i need d info 2 help me decide
Thanks for your inquiry.

It seems to me that you have the makings of a strong application; your GMAT and grades are very strong, you have excelled in a competitive field and in an international environment and you have extensive involvement in community organizations. While I would need to get to know your application in greater depth to make a more informed judgment, at this point, your only weakness is that you have a very competitive peer group and will need to quickly differentiate yourself from the pack.

In terms of your specific question about whether you can write about college experiences, the general rule is, if it would be impressive today, then use it. In other words, if you led a $50,000 charity fundraiser in college or if you did it now, I would be impressed. However, if you collected 1000 books for a book drive in college, I might have been impressed by the initiative of a community-minded college kid, but it would not wow me if you did this as an adult. So, try to place the experience in context and then judge accordingly. If you would like to post the specific activity, I would be more than happy to make a recommendation.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,

Please have a look at my profile and let me know if it is strong enough for me to consider applying to top 10 B-Schools. Also, please suggest if there is anything in particular I should work upon to improve my candidature.

I am interesed in pursuing MBA in finance.

I also want to know whether old achievements, e.g. extracurriculars or participation in activities in school also count or is it that only recent achievements are considered. Also, does family background matter?

GMAT Details
Score - 740
Breakup - Q-49 V-41
Date - 26-Jun-06

Total 35 months till date.
28 months (and continuing) in software industry including 4 months of international experience (China) in helping my company expand its base.
I have been among the best performers in my team and have received excellent appraisal feedbacks from my managers. I have lead small teams and have also taken initiatives on many ocassions to deal with issues.
I am also due for promotion next year.

Before my current job, I had spent 7 months teaching in an MBA coaching institute. There also, I was among the top performers.

B.E. in Information Technology
Graduated in 2003 with overall 73.7 %. (topper had 78%).

ExtracurricularIn recent years, I have been associated with an institute that houses HIV+ kids. I am very passionate about environment protection. Last year, I had sponsored a child's education under Concern India Foundation group. I am an active member of a Speaking Club (now Toastmaster' club) in my company.
In college, I was involved in organizing many inter and intra college events. I was among the top 10 students in my class in acads. I was also involved in placement committee and various other committees.
In School, I was the captain of my district's cricket team and goalkeeper of my district's soccer team. I have also held the positions of School Captain and House Captain (apart from being the class representative every year).

Family BackgroundI come from a business family. Whenever I am home on vacations, I help my dad in business. I am always consulted on any major business decisions taken.

Thanks in Advance


Please give suggestions to me I am primarily looking for one yr MBA.
The factors of considerations r........

1)Brand name
4)Chances of selection.

My profile is :

AGE :25. 26y the time I join( hopefully)
EDU: B Tech; NIT/REC,Bhopal.(2003), 72 %.Loads of extra curriculars.....sports ,tech,cultural
WORK EX: IT total 3 or 4 by the time I join....July)
HCL Tech..... Software engineer........fresher to till Jan 06........
Sterling Commerce( AT&T; ) .......Delivery 3 yrs so far.
GMAT: 730.

PREF: 1yr MBA........2 will do......but inclined towards 1 yr.Primarily europe.....
COLLEGES UNDER CONSIDERATION: 1) INSEAD 2)IMD 3)LBS 4)Oxford 5) 6)RSM 7)ISB ....................NUS ............

NUS is a distant third..............Please also throw light on NUS placements............backed by facts or personla 'overheard' talks please..........

I want add couple of US colleges to the list too...........Namely 1)Stanford and 2)Wharton...........But I am wary of the fact that these colleges requires one to have and extraordinary profile( In fact most of my European colleges will reqi ti too!)..........

I want to add that I have taken initiatives at my corp level too( training ppl,taking interviews.......i have been promoted too).........

Iwant to have ur first impression.Do u think that my profile has enough meat to attract the 'bigshots' or do you think that I should lower my aspirations(I really don't want to go to a rel unknown college).Also, please help me add more value to my basic profile............

Thanks and Regards,


Thanks for your inquiry.

You need to look at this as a mini-marketing opportunity. In brief, you should descrine your role, responsibilities and accomplishments and explain this with an eye towards the strength of your firm.

For example: As a Senior Consultant with XYZ, a thirty-member boutique strategy consulting firm, I advise major manufacturing firms on decisions to build or shed product lines and facilities. In particular, I have advised ABC Inc. to sell its $30M computer hardware line and DEF Inc., a British firm, to acquire and modernize a steel recycling facility in Northern China.

In the above, the consultants actions are front and center, which is vital. There is an understanding of what the firm does, but it is secondary to the accomplishments of the individual.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,

I have one doubt on how to describe your company and role in the resume template given by ISB.

ISB Resume template states that, below your company name and your title, describe
'About the company or about your role..'.
How should we go about it? Suppose I am working as a Team Lead in XYZ company
i) XYZ is an IT services company focusing on the development of custom, mission-critical software applications. The role of a Team Lead in Tavant is to contribute towards architecture definition, estimation and planning of the project.
ii) I contribute towards architecture definition, estimation and planning of the project.
iii) Contributing towards architecture definition, estimation and planning of the project.
Which of the following ways is the best way to write about your company or role? Is there any better way to write this?
Thanks and Regards

Thanks for your inquiry. For now, with weak academics, it is imperative that you get your GMAT score much higher. As you surely know, you have a very competitive peer group and it is difficult for you to compete if you have not one, but two statistical weaknesses. Also, it seems that all of your community activities are from college and that very little is contemporary. I think that the top-15 will be a stretch, unless I am missing something.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,

first a big thanks to you & PG for having us reap fruits of your experience

Please have a look at my profile and let me know if it is strong enough for me to consider applying to top US B-Schools.
1) I am specifically looking at one year intensive program to help me specialize in General managemen/marketing & Strategy.
2)I have a background in Sales ( & small amount of Marketing) I unfortunately have bad academics .:( Can I hopefor a seat .my good work exp.. can it discount my bad acads.
3) would be grate full if you can give me a list of good colleges.:)
4) Do employers in
America value Indian marketing and sales experience?:neutral:
5) does marketing & sales experience conducive for a career in strategy & genral management? ??:

GMAT Details
Score - 640
Breakup - Q-47 V-28

Screwed verbal on the D day, been among the top 4% in Indian entrance test ( cat xlri)
a second shot is planed in early september

Total 42 months till date.

Last 6 months as Product Manager(sales & marketing) at western region in India 350 sq KM territory, for leading Consumer durable MNC, Turnaround the sales in region/branch in 32 working days achieving sales targets unachievable for last 24 months, Reporting to the both Local and national Manager. Generated a 34% growth against an industry growth of 20% in half1. Responsible for a Target sales turnover of $53 Million .

14 Months as Executive at a start Up consumer durable Company, I was responsible for launching a product in a region and setting up a sales channel for the same.Was succesfull in selling the entire stock profitably with in 60 days of launch.
22 Months as Sales Engineer ( contractual- I am in the same company which initially employed me on contract) was responsible for secondary sales, training , market expansion,corporate sales and channel management all this with focus on High end sales( phew- 22months after all):neutral:

giving a miss to sales related achievements.
B.E. in Mechanical Engineering
Graduated in 2002 with overall 59.6 %.

The catch is I took 6.5 years for a 4 years course.
Reason: Parents health problem ++ youth full indescrition
( year 1-45%; 2nd year 50%; 3rd year 52%;4th year 59.7%)
Average acads in School

Represented college in extempore debating & elocution , participant in school and college dramatics, participated in improvisational dramatics, Edited the English section of my college magazine, dramatics in school.
A 740 Gmat score. I think I need to pull up the verbal skills. & my last gmat was an off day
Zero in on a bschool with good curriculum & reputation( you can help me here)
Advice regarding my realistic chance of me getting into a good US B school ( tried 2 full years here in india)
Will await your honest assessment.:neutral:
Thanks for your latest post.

I think that you could be competitive in the 8-15 range with the top schools being reaches. Your work experience is strong, not just in your record of promotions, but in your internal actions (mentorship). Your grades and potential GMAT would make you competitive and you seem to have some interesting extras in terms of sports. The question mark is whether you can male-up for minimal community service, by showing altruism via teaching colleagues English and mentorship. That will be your challenge

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for answering my previous post.

My second query was:
Do I need to mention the reason (in essays) that why I am not able to provide "proof" for the community work.

My detailed profile is as follows:


B-tech with DISTINCTION from an average school in India. Secured 71% ( class topper being 75%)
which converts to a GPA of 3.8. Was among top 6 students in class of 75.
I have also done a PG Diploma in Embedded Design securing 82% (class topper being 84%).
I stood SECOND in class of 32 students there.

Work Exp:

I have been working as a Software Engineer in telecom industry for last 3.5 years.

Regarding leadership skills:
-I was promoted as Module lead within 7-8 months after starting my career in my first company (XYZ).

-After around 2 years I moved to a different company (ABC) where I was made Feature lead (led a team of 4 members) apart from few other lead responsibilities.

-I came back to my first company (XYZ) after working for an year in ABC as I was given a Tech lead position with onsite deputation.

-I am currently leading a team of 6 members apart from having an addition responsibitly of tracking Test team also for their status.

-I volunteered for a pilot Six Sigma project when I was Feature lead in ABC. Only 2 teams volunteered through out the company.

-I also initiated few process related activities onsite in my current team. Those activities are currently carried out by few other teams also in our company.

-I have also been mentor for a group of new joinees.

Note, however, that my designation is still Software Engineer though I am due for promotion this year.

Extra Currics:

-I have completed 2 levels of French language from an Internationaly reputed institute.

-I have been involved in games and sports through out my life. I have been a playing member of cricket, basketball and soccer team in school,college and company and captained Cricket and Basketball teams during my schools days and in company.

-I have also won a STATE Level GOLD MEDAL in martial arts during my school days.

Community work:

I am currently helping out 5 of my colleagues with English language.

I have also done some community work back in my home country.

I am desperately trying to connect to some NGO here (onsite) but due to language barrier not able to do so until now.:(

As I stated earlier, I am currently targetting Top 15-30 US schools.

Please guide me whether my choice of schools is correct or shall I give a shot to few Top 10 schools also with this profile.

Waiting for your candid response.


P.S: I am targetting Tech Consulting or Operations career post MBA.
I apologize. My expertise really lies in American and British schools. I am not well-qualified to advise on NUS and NTU. My suggestion would be to contact the schools themselves and ask to speak with an alumnus who had a similar background and is now working in the field that you are targeting.
Jeremy Shinewald
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,
I am planning to take GMAT in August, earlier i was aiming only ISB, but some friends suggested me to play safe and apply to some more B-Schools which take GMAT score. As i wish to settle in India after my MBA and my first choice is ISB, i am looking for B-Schools similar to ISB, i.e. they should:
1) Have Indian recruiters.
2) Cost me similar to what ISB will cost.
3) Preferably 1 year course.
I realized that only Asian Institutes can full fill these requirements. So I filtered some institutes:
1) ISB (1st Choice)
2) NUS
3) NTU
I am a S/W professional with 3 year of work Ex. in one of the India's largest S/W firms.
Since it's a peculiar choice that I am looking for, i am not getting much information about it. Can you please comment on my selected institutes and add a few more which fits in my criterion?

Hi Jeremy,

I have a few queries,

My Profile,
B.E.--AVG Acads....bcoz of one single 😞 semester(had an accident during the exams) and it had a cascading effect...Got a second class...

working now for an MNC for about 3 months and will probably continue to do so for about another 2 yrs....

did a simulator GMAT and did about 720(no prior preperations)..lot of xtra cuuriculars like quzzing,debating.... was a national level tennis players at U-18 level.....taking up German classes more out of interest in new things than anything else.....
had a very successfull busines startup with my uncle....can i project it...starting another one with my friend in a few months time....
My interest is in general Mgmt...and then getting into research go on for Phd if possible(very much interested)....

So would i be able to target top 5 colleges( very distant possibility i know)...atleast 5-20 ranked colleges....

not much of comm.service.....just organised coaching classes and pesonally mentored for X and XII exams for students in my fathers village...collected text books and distributed them an continue to do so...and also raised fund for a student's eng. education.....i volunteer at a non-profit theatre company .....
i also fund my house maid's child's education.....

so i want to apply in 2008...take up neccessary exams in may-07...what are my chances of getting into good colleges...and also how can i compensate for my avg acads...

would you please help me out...
Thank You

Hi Jeremy,

First i think you are doing a great job out here helping all of us and its great for PG to have an epert like you.

Regarding my questions and present status---

i have given my gmat with a score of 600, i need to improve my verbal as my quant was very high. As in my profile... bachelor of commerce from mumbai, worked as an analyst in one of the leading investment banks in Mergers and Acquisitions.(not any back office)..but i always wanted to be associated with the social sector .. so i shifted to a non-profit work for tsunami victims in South India...with a huge salary cut but with the motivation to make change. College grades are good ... above 65% consistentely .. with average extra curriculars in college and school.....i think i have the answers in mind for most of the colleges and why i shifted to the social sector....

Total work will be 4 years ....with for profit and a non-profit..... I will be applying to schools that have strong focus on social entrepreneurship or social courses embeded in the full time courses such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale and Oxford. Do you know any other colleges that have a strong focus on social issues.....

The problem i think is the GMAT do you think i should give it again and improve my score....

Is TOEFL also required for the admissions i am not very clear on this as many people say yes and many people say no ....

Hi Jeremy,

A cliche' but true in every sense of the phrase - great job !! I really appreciate your frank yet encouraging replies.

I understand it is hard to fathom with any degree of fairness the reasons why an application is selected or rejected. But I hope you can throw a jab at guestimating what went wrong with my application escapade this year.

My background:

B.S in Physics 51%
M.S. in Computer Applications 65%

700 (93rd %ile)
Q49 (90th %ile) V38(85th %ile)


6+ years in IT with cross-function exposure in multiple domains - rising from a trainee to a Manager. Got great recommendations to prove my career growth and my strengths (along with a bit of weaknesses and how I got over it). I think if this were the sole criterion even in a strong application pool I had all the elements to stand out.


Have taught/mentored over 2000 students in the last 8years. Been actively involved in many social causes - both in the corporate world and as a student (used my poor of teaching to help underprivileged school children). Have great "intellectual credentials" (member of MENSA, won numerous quizzes including being featured on National TV, University winner etc.) Have elaborated them well in the essays to focus not on the achievements but how it has fundamentally changed me as a person.

Applied in 2006 to just 2 places:

(A) ISB: I took pains to explain my poor undergraduate record in the light of my career progression (trainee to Manager in less than 5years), my GMAT scores (700) and the tons of extracurriculars with which I involved myself during college (example - founding member of AIESEC - largest student organization in the world, in Baroda etc). I wrote this in the additional essay section.

During the interview again, I was very articulate and passionate about what I wanted to do and why an MBA makes sense. I am a professional motivational speaker so I know my communication skills. When asked about my academic record during 12th and undergrad, I elaborated that I didn't have an excuse and tried telling them that the last "poor" score in any university level exam I took was in 1996 - almost 10 years ago.

But I was rejected, citing 2 reasons - "poor undergraduate record" and "average interview skills".

(B) London Business School: I got a straight ding and they do not give a feedback on the application, as you might be aware. I know of someone from my company (a lady) who was at my same career title who got through in 2005, and again another lady - yet again in my same career title who got through this year. I understand their academic performances was well above my dismal undergraduate showing.

My simple question:

Nobody can do anything about their past - be it bad relationships or poor marks. But given my dings, is there *any*thing I could have done better ?

Additionally, I have no intention of reapplying in the near future, but however if I were to do so. Can you suggest any other option - other than getting an obscenely high GMAT score (770 types) ?

Thanks for your time !



Mba mission .

if the gmat score is say 750 i.e. i reduce my statistical weakness to one..does that still make the top 15 a stretch....

please note i am outstanding in my current job/peer group( documented).and hold a product manager rank
Do give it a though but be frank,

pragmatic individuals should accept reality

one more thing how is 15+ for employment prospects in strategy??

cant invest further time if there is gonna be a no win......

Thanks for your inquiry. For now, with weak academics, it is imperative that you get your GMAT score much higher. As you surely know, you have a very competitive peer group and it is difficult for you to compete if you have not one, but two statistical weaknesses. Also, it seems that all of your community activities are from college and that very little is contemporary. I think that the top-15 will be a stretch, unless I am missing something.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
MBAMission's analysis of essay questions continues today with Columbia Business School.

Jeremy Shinewald
Skype: MBAMission

Next: Chicago
Previously Posted: HBS


1. What are your short-term and long-term post-MBA goals? How will ColumbiaBusinessSchool help you achieve these goals? (Recommended 1000 word limit)

Essay one is essentially a personal statement and the operative word is "personal". In this essay, you need to tell your story in a clear and compelling, but most importantly, intimate way. Therefore, you cannot afford to be generic or vague; you need to discuss your past, present and future with insight and focus.

Interestingly, in Columbia's case, there is no explicit request for information about your career history. Still, you need to offer brief context in order to make your future goals relevant. By offering context into your past experience, you can turn what might have seemed nave into an entirely reasonable statement.

Your short term goals need to flow from this context and show very clear direction and purpose. It is not enough to write, "When I graduate I want to go into marketing" or "With my MBA, I will enter the field of consulting". What kind of marketing - consumer products, business to business? What knowledge do you have of this business and why will you excel in it?

Remember, this is not a statement of dreams, but a statement of purpose. So, it is important that as you develop your short term goals you consider the specific role you will play, the reasons why you will excel in that role and hopefully show insight into why there may be an identifiable need for your skills in this position. You can take any direction that you so choose from your short term goals as long as there is a causal connection with your long term goals. Your long term goals can be less specific than short term goals; they essentially represent an ideal aspiration if short term goals are reached.

Columbia explicitly asks: "How will Columbia Business School help you achieve these goals?" A common mistake among applicants is simply to compliment the school. The spirit of the latter half of your personal statement should not be "CBS is great", but "I will utilize specific CBS resources to achieve ambitious goals." And, the idea is not to generate a list of "specific CBS resources", but to develop a well thought out themes or arguments - almost like stating your case to the jury - where you prove that by taking advantage of specific programs within a few disciplines that directly relate to your career, you will achieve your goals.

It is important to not only show your academic and career fit, but also your personality fit. If you have visited Columbia and/or spoken with alumni, students, professors or admissions staff, it can be helpful to show your connection, so that your knowledge of the school does not seem superficial and your interest is sincere. Also, while schools do not explicitly ask you what you can offer, word count permitting, it is generally a good idea to discuss ways in which you can contribute in class and beyond, if this has not been accomplished implicitly throughout the essay.

2. What has been the greatest challenge to your value system that you've faced and how did you handle it? (Recommended 500 word limit)

Sometimes it is easier to explain what you should do in an essay by first explaining what you should not do. Inevitably, a candidate always ask if a story like the following would work: "My boss told me to trade on inside information and I said 'no.'" In such an instance, there is no challenge to your value system; no one should be trading on inside information; no one should be breaking the law.

In essay two, you need to start by offering an example in which there were two reasonable options which stand in stark opposition to each other -- both with positive and negative aspects -- and explore how you made your choice. In such circumstances, the outcome is less important than your reasoning. The committee is seeking to understand your thought process and trying to recognize the reasonable, logical and ethical applicant within.

3. In discussing Columbia Business School, Dean R. Glenn Hubbard remarked, "We have established the mind-set that entrepreneurship is about everything you do." Please discuss a time in your own life when you have identified and captured an opportunity. (Recommended 500 word limit)

The key to understanding this question is to recognize that entrepreneurship is not narrowly defined to mean "creating a business" but is more broadly defined as "capturing an opportunity". Your example certainly could come from within the confines of the typical definition, but it could also come from innovating within your existing company, expanding the role of a community organization or from your personal sphere (if you seized a remarkable growth experience), etc. The bottom line is that there are many "right" answers for this question and you need not be intimidated if you have not started a company from scratch.

In this essay, your choice of language will be key to emphasizing that you did something creative in order to identify the opportunity. (Even if the idea was near or at the surface, you still possessed vision that others did not). After telling the story of how you identified the opportunity, you should explain the process of capturing the opportunity, focusing on the tangible impact that you had on this process and on how you helped bring the idea to life. Finally, you should briefly reflect on your accomplishment and key learnings. While CBS does not explicitly as for such analysis, it is most often helpful, as it shows a humility and appreciation for the experience, not just the results.

4. Please select and answer one of the following essay questions. (Recommended 250 word limit)

a. Please tell us what you feel most passionate about in life.

b. If you were given a free day and could spend it anywhere, in any way you choose, what would you do?

Many candidates will use the first two essays to showcase their professional and community experiences. Essay three is often an opportunity to showcase personal aspects of your profile. In both options A and B, the topic is not as important as your ability to truly express an inordinate love of the hobby/ethereal experience/activity/event. The reader is interested in learning something unique about you via your experiences and his/her attention will not be captured by experiences that are typical or lack intensity or emotion. Only by showing how your relationship to this experience is unique will you truly stand-out.
Thanks for your inquiry.

I am sorry but I was a bit confused by your shorthand within your post with regards to your work experience. Have you jumped several times since the beginning of your career? What is the nature of your work solitary or team? Have you been promoted or shown leadership/entrepreneurship?

Jeremy Shinewald
Skype: MBAMission


Please give suggestions to me I am primarily looking for one yr MBA.
The factors of considerations r........

1)Brand name
4)Chances of selection.

My profile is :

AGE :25. 26y the time I join( hopefully)
EDU: B Tech; NIT/REC,Bhopal.(2003), 72 %.Loads of extra curriculars.....sports ,tech,cultural
WORK EX: IT total 3 or 4 by the time I join....July)
HCL Tech..... Software engineer........fresher to till Jan 06........
Sterling Commerce( AT&T; ) .......Delivery 3 yrs so far.
GMAT: 730.

PREF: 1yr MBA........2 will do......but inclined towards 1 yr.Primarily europe.....
COLLEGES UNDER CONSIDERATION: 1) INSEAD 2)IMD 3)LBS 4)Oxford 5) 6)RSM 7)ISB ....................NUS ............

NUS is a distant third..............Please also throw light on NUS placements............backed by facts or personla 'overheard' talks please..........

I want add couple of US colleges to the list too...........Namely 1)Stanford and 2)Wharton...........But I am wary of the fact that these colleges requires one to have and extraordinary profile( In fact most of my European colleges will reqi ti too!)..........

I want to add that I have taken initiatives at my corp level too( training ppl,taking interviews.......i have been promoted too).........

Iwant to have ur first impression.Do u think that my profile has enough meat to attract the 'bigshots' or do you think that I should lower my aspirations(I really don't want to go to a rel unknown college).Also, please help me add more value to my basic profile............

Thanks and Regards,

Dear Jeremy

Thanks for the MBAMission's analysis of essay questions. They are quite informative.

Would you be analysing essays of Indian Schools ( IIM A, ISB) as well?

If so, Please analyse the following. It would be helpful to many of them here as a big junta is applying Indian schools

1. What do you expect to gain from the PGPX course at IIMA?
2. Describe a situation that has demonstrated your leadership qualities.
3. Describe the single event or achievement that has significantly influenced your life.
4. Give a description of yourself stressing the personal characteristics that you feel are your strengths and weaknesses.
5. Any other information that you believe will help us make a favourable decision on your application.


1)What, in your opinion, makes you distinct from other applicants to ISB? How will that add value to other students and ISB? (300 words max)

2)What are the three things about yourself that you would like to change? Why? (300 words max)

3)You are applying to your dream job after ISB. Please prepare a cover letter accompanying your CV. (300 words max)

4)You are part of a team which has been assigned a project with a tight deadline that is not extendible. One of the team members fails to deliver on the part of the project assigned to him at the fag end of the project despite his assurance. All the other members of the team have performed flawlessly and completed their parts. There is no way that the project can now be completed even if all the team members provide their utmost help. Appropriate punishment has now to be meted out by the management. The team member is willing to own up his shortcoming and shoulder the responsibility. Should all the team members share the responsibility for failure equally or should they allow that particular team member to get all the blame and punishment? Take a firm position on the issue and support your stand with relevant arguments. (300 words max)

5)Please provide additional information, if any, that will significantly affect consideration of your application to the PGP (300 words max)
This essay is optional. The system will allow you to submit your application, though it shows as "Incomplete" in the application inspector.



Sorry for the short hand.No, I haven't jumped in my career regularly. After I got my placement in the college in HCLTech( Indian IT top 5)........I worked there for more than two years have recently switched to Sterling Commerce(AT&T;).......I am basically into IT product consulting( they call it professional services here.......).Ye I have been promoted once in HCLT and also these ppl at At&T; took me at a level above my previous position.

Lemme give my backgroung in detail again.............

I happen to be an engineer from NIT/REC,Bhopal( tope 15 engg.) in 03. I atarted working from Oct '03. During the course of my college I have a lot of extar currics. ranging from technical presentation( 1st prize), to organizing tech and cultural events, to being in the college team for Badminton and Cricket to being in the lirary and tech.socities..............Of course, I back them all by certificates.I got the first palcement in the branch in the college.

I have doing job ( and nothing much extra) since I passed out and started working.I have recently taken couple of initiatives........1) I am working with an NGO to educate poor ppl and have taken up the challege of the 'Amway' business module to be a part of their chain...........

I took GMAT and have a score of 730.( if u suggest that it is not gud then I can still plan to give it again).........

I want to be into pure consulting ( hopefully else IT consul. might do........) and I am primarily looking at European colleges..........I may apply to US colleges too.....

the colleges in the runnign are.

1) INSEAD,France
2) LBS,London
3) IMD,Switzerland
4) RSM,Reooerdam
5) Oxford/SAID,UK
6) Cambridge,UK
7) Wharton/Stanford/Kellog( 2 out of 3)
ISB, India
9) NUS,Singapore/CEIBS,Shanghai......( either of the two)

Reading at my basic profile,I want to have an insight about my chances at any of these ( Europe/US) colleges. I request you to be very direct and guide me.Please let me know if I need to lower my aspirations..........

Thanks anr Regards,

Hi Jeremy,
I will be grateful if you can tell us what are top 5-6 US B-schools
good in Technology MBA .



HI Jeremy,

Last week I attended ISB Info session ... I took this opportunity to get my profile vetted by adcom... the said you have more than resonable chances of making it to ISB... I further asked the, if these NCFM (National Stock Exchange of India's certification in Financial Markets) certification are going
to be of any vaue addition to my profile ... they was was "not really"..

My question to you is wether this certification would be of any value addition to my profile, while applying to US/Canadian B Schools .. if it is ... then I can still get 3 more (I already have 5 ) before applying to US b schools.

PS :- Please suggest me colleges which are good for Investment Banking (with a major focus on Mergers & Acquisations) ....and a strong placement Dept :biggrin:

Thankx In advance.


ahmadazeem777, Can u post Ur profile

I dint know that ISB reviews Ur profile before hand, can we get done over the website? who does this at info session?


Hi Jermey,

You are doing an amazing job by helping out people through PG.

I am basically targetting ISB this year. below is an essay which is a part of the application process. Kindly go through it and then I will ask my query. Here it is

You are applying to your dream job after ISB. Please prepare a cover letter accompanying your CV. (300 words max)

Thanks for reading the complete question. My query is what are they trying to extract out of the answer to such a question. Rest of their questions are pretty straight forward.

Thanks and Regards,

Amit Agarwal