Dear Sir
I am eagerly awaiting your reply.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your inquiry. It seems to me that you are very strong in terms of the basics your GPA and GMAT are quite solid. With respect to your experience, the amount of time you have spent is not nearly as important as the nature of your role. Do you have promotions? Do you manage others? While your college extra-curriculars are strong and your athletics in particular will be impressive to American schools (what sports?), it seems like your recent community activity might be limited. Tsunami relief is in the past and it seems that your work with students is informal. Finally, I would not worry about your lack of knowledge of finance. You are going to school to learn; if you had in depth knowledge of all management disciplines, the MBA would not be relevant.
Fill me in on your profile and I will get back to you again.
Jeremy Shinewald
Skype: MBAMission
Hello Jeremy,
Thanks a lot for helping us out with your valuable insights. I'd request you to evaluate my profile and let me know whether i make a possible fit for the schools i am looking at.I'm targeting a finance profile post MBA , with touches of entrepreneurship/general-management. The schools i am planning to apply at are Wharton, Stanford, Chicago, Columbia, London, HBS, Tuck. Schools like Duke, Stern, Yale, Kellogg, UCLA are all on the second list - dunno how many i'd apply. Wud like to get it done with round 1 itself.
- Acads: BE (Electronics and communication) from a "locally" well know colege - scored 80.75%, which gets converted to a 3.7 GPA. (The topper has a 87.5%)
- GMAT: 750 (Q50, V41)
- Work ex: 3 yrs (will be 4 by fall 2007) with a software company (HCL Technologies) as a developer.
- Extra currics: Pretty good in sports and arts. Represented college in 2 diff games at varsity level. Member of many literary societies and art clubs in college.
- Leadership skills: Have good record in both College and work place.
- Community Service: Member of service groups in college. Was involved in the recent tsunami rehabilitation work. Also involved in some work with school students.
Please let me know how big a drawback, if at all, is my lack of relevant experience. I am reading material to learn Finance and related concepts, but i agree it would not equate to the kind of stuff a fin student learns thru college.
Is there any other weakness in my candidature which i'm missing to see? Is there any other data which os necessary for you to analyse my profile? Please let me know your views - they will be really helpful.
Hello Jeremy,
It should really be us thanking you.
Thanks for your inquiry.
Yes i have been managing other for quite some time. I have also been involved at lead level activities for almost a year now and these activities have been well appreciated by the manager and management, which means that i can ask my manager to officially speak about all these on the reco. The average time for getting a promotion in my company is a bit too long (5 i hear, 4 being pretty normal). My manager was keen on promoting me this time around, but looks like he has to wait for sometime coz of certain other reasons. He has promised me of a promotion by this January. But as i mentioned i am already mentoring a team of developers. I just dont have an official promotion by now and i believe that to happen by Early Jan 2007.
It seems to me that you are very strong in terms of the basics - your GPA and GMAT are quite solid. With respect to your experience, the amount of time you have spent is not nearly as important as the nature of your role. Do you have promotions? Do you manage others?
While your college extra-curriculars are strong and your athletics in particular will be impressive to American schools (what sports?)
I was a member of the college soccer team right from second year. I was then chosen to be the captain of the college team during my final year. I was also a member of the college cricket team in third and fourth year. At the intra mural level, i have been a member of the athletics, volleyball and basket ball teams apart from the cricket and soccer teams. I had been the captain for the year level soccer team right from first year.
I was also a member of the college dance team. I have performed in the company talent show last year and am working with a dance school, learning new dance forms. I have been involved with the Literaray and Debating society of the college as well and our team has won many events in the colleges in and around our college. So guess i am onlsolid grounds reg extra currics. Plz let me know your views on this.
The work with school student is clearly on an academic level. I work with students motivating them and preparing them for better performance in board exams. These students are not underprevileged or anything, just normal students (the same school where i did my studies) who lack much of the exposure the good schools can provide. This is an official thing i can get this documented, if that is what you mean by "informal". Apart from this, i am clearly not involved in any other activity i accept. The tsunami relief was the last thing i could do. I am still trying to work out a way to invest some of my time on it. Hopefully i should be involved in something very soon.
it seems like your recent community activity might be limited. Tsunami relief is in the past and it seems that your work with students is informal.
That was my line of thought as well. Was trying to figure out if an alternate school of thought exists. Reg the question abt the competition i would face from bankers et al, i am prepared to fight it out.
Finally, I would not worry about your lack of knowledge of finance. You are going to school to learn; if you had in depth knowledge of all management disciplines, the MBA would not be relevant.
Fill me in on your profile and I will get back to you again.
I am sure i can build up a good profile in front of the adcomm.
I am sure i can churn out pretty good essays.
I am sure my manager and my mentor will give me very good recos, not the kind of ones where they have to create content, coz they alreay have the content me thinks.
I am sure, more so after your words, reg my extra curriculars.
There is this doubt regarding community service activities, where i seem to lag.
Any further comments on how i can improve from here will be of great help.
It would be of great help to me if you can throw some light on the kind of financial help and international applicant might expect. I get this opinion that it is extremely difficult to get scholarships. I am not banking on that as well. But how difficult will it be for an international applicant to get Private Loans? This is very important for me because i am banking on getting loans to complete my studies. There is no way i can pay that money out of my pocket. Please let us know the prospects of international applicants in this regard.
Hi Jeremy
First of all, thanks for taking up the initiative to assist prospective students on this forum.
Here is my Profile:
B.Sc [Computer Science] -average grades
Currently pursuing MBA[distance education from an Indian B school]
DNIIT [ Diploma from NIIT - computer education ]
Work Experience:
Joined HSBC Data Processing India [BPO division of HSBC Mortgage Corporation USA] as processor dealing with US Mortgage products.
Currently working as Assistant Manager Operations [Leading a team of 20]
Been with HSBC for 3.4 years. Will have 4.2 years experience when I join MBA.
Was responsible for process transition from HSBC Mortgage Corporation, USA in Buffalo, NY to Bangalore, India. Stayed in Buffalo for 3 months.
Extra Curricular:
As a part of HSBC, been part of environmental campaigns, AIDS awareness campaigns, Child and Women support campaigns.
Am writing GMAT on December 18, 2006. Have not applied anywhere yet.
Planning of joining for the Sep 07 intake.
1. I am planning of applying for MBA in Singapore[NUS], Australia[MBS, QUT], and UK. What are the chances for employment after MBA and what are the speciliazations the above colleges are renowned for?
2. How does this entire cycle of GMAT work? In the sense that, do I first write GMAT, then write TOEFL and then apply to colleges....the flow?
3. How much GMAT score is excellent? How much TOEFL score is excellent?
4. What is the cost of education in the above colleges? Any scholarships available?
5. In UK, what are the top colleges to study in?
I have written the Common Admission Test [CAT] for Bschool admission in India twice. Looking at having an international exposure, please assist.
Please guide me through this.
Thanks and Regards
Well, it seems to me that you are in pretty good shape, sky high grades and GMAT, very rapid career progression and a wealth of extra-curriculars. Still, in this what have you done for me lately world, you have no current community activities, which could hurt you. Still, if you can write compelling essays, you should be quite competitive at Darden, IESE and INSEAD Singapore, with Kellogg being a reach.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
My Profile
1. 2004 Batch Electrical Engineer from a Top Ten 10 Enginnering College. 3.6GPA. Top 10 in class.
2. First Job : L&T; : Product Marketing Executive. Started as Graduate Engineering trainee, got promoted to Executive Leadership Cadre in 1 year itself. Looked after a newly launched product.
Present Job : Schneider Electric : Sales Engineer, look after entire Mumbai Industry. Will be promoted to Sr. Sales Engineer next year. Youngest person with such a profile in the company.
Widely travelled in India.Almost all business districts. Total exp today: 2 years. In 2008: 3.5years
3. Loads of Extra curriculars in College : Class representative, Secretary of 2 College Clubs, Member of Students Union, Editor of College Mazagine etc.
4. Should manage 720+ in GMAT. Taking it in Dec.
5. Looking at colleges to shift to MC. Looking at Darden/Kellog/IESE/Insead-Singapore.
6. Financial Aid a MUST with no cosigner.
7.Community Service : Only in college.
Looking at fall 2008 admit.Request you to please advice on Colleges to consider and how to go about the process effectively.
Your post clarifies your position and indeed means that you are a stronger candidate than I originally thought; however, I just dont think that you have the standout work experience that HBS and Stanford are looking for. Indian entrepreneurs, McKinsey alums, etc. get into HBS and Stanford; it is not impossible for others, but ones work experience in a less prestigious environment would need to be balanced by unusual or remarkable work. I am not convinced that your professional side stands out from your peers.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy,
Actually the way I have explained my professional experience may sound like a switch of fields every time. However essentially my job profile was that of number crunching/data analysis; be it Transportation Consultancy, Market Research or Credit Card industry.
As far as grades are concerned a GPA of 6.24/10.0 should be considered as average.
One point that I would like to mention about my experience is the employee headcount of places where I worked:-
Transportation Consultancy - 10
Market Research - 30-35
Credit Card Company (Present Job) - 10,000+ worldwide
The point I am trying to make here is that I have experienced extremely challenging environments of small companies where you should be more of 'jack of all trades' and should always be on the lookout of opportunities to grow the business. On the other hand now I am learning the in and out of big corporations where there are more heads and more thoughts floating around and how channeling of thoughts become more important for the growth of business.
I am not sure how useful my experience would be for a class that I would join but I thought this worth mentioning to you for your opinion.
hi Jeremy,
I have got an admit frm ICMA Center- University of Reading , UK . The course is MSc- International Securities Investement and Banking.
I am interested in finance and a fresh graduate from Engineering stream with average acads.
Please enlighten me about the course and wat is its scope as far as job in UK goes.
waiting for ur reply,
Sanjay Kathuria
Thanks Jeremy for your time. I have a few more queries.
1. As mentioned earlier my aim is to move to MC, could you please suggest some dream and reach schools in the US/Europe based on my profile,
2. Please advice on "what" i should be doing in the immediate year to improve my app/profile.
3. Financial aid w/o cosigner is a major point while i consider the schools.
Thanks for your inquiry.
Well, it seems to me that you are in pretty good shape, sky high grades and GMAT, very rapid career progression and a wealth of extra-curriculars. Still, in this what have you done for me lately world, you have no current community activities, which could hurt you. Still, if you can write compelling essays, you should be quite competitive at Darden, IESE and INSEAD Singapore, with Kellogg being a reach.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
It is possible, but probably not practical, to take distance education courses through American universities. If it is just not practical to enahnce your transcript, then I would suggest taking the CFA, long before I would recommend additional certifications like Oracle Certification extra. The CFA is universally recognized as a benchmark for both financial and management education; an admissions committee representative can weigh you compared to other candidates and can make a relative assessment with a CFA Level 1, 2 or 3 certification. Your oracle certification will reinforce the fact that you are in an ultra-competitive, over-represented group.
With respect to community service, it is possible that coaching basketball was an Americanized example. The activity itself is not relevant. Whatever you choose to do, it is the intensity and the dedication you show. Whether you are teaching children to read, preserving artifacts, starting an environmental group, creating understanding between community groups, etc., it is the tenacity and intensity, not the activity that is important. Do what you love and do what comes naturally to you and do it well. I believe this echoes one of Allwins posts, where he discussed simply doing whatever came naturally to him with no design, but doing everything with spirit and this yielding his Wharton acceptance. (If I could be so bold as to quote the original pagalguy).
Finally, the IITs are known in the Admissions world. But, what you have to keep in mind is that not everyone at Harvard is from Harvard, just as not every Indian acceptee is from IIT. HBS accepts candidates from around the world, from the most prestigious schools to the schools of no repute at all. (They accept students from Romania, Ghana and Thailand -- how many Romanian, Ghanese or Thai schools have you heard of?) If you have excelled in everything you have done and have proven potential, they will not reject you because you went to a tiny unknown Indian school. Regardless, you cant change your undergrad institution now so why worry?
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
hi Jeremy,
Many thanks for your insightful and Useful thoughts.
I like to ask couple of qs which i think ill be generic an applicable to all in Indain Context:
Qs 1: You talked about taking extra courses (academically) however i just like to inform
you in Indian education system this thing is not possible and practical currently.
So Ilike to know how Bschools percieve professional certifications like PMP,
APICS , Oracle certification extra?
Qs 2: Regarding 'Community service' what things could be included in this?
In indian context for ex'Teaching basketball team' is not possible.
So is ist mandatory to have community experiece ?
Qs 3: I like to know how the visibility of Indian collegs have it in US/Europe?
Colleges like IIT etc how they are percieved in US/Europe?
Do indain colleges have any impact outside or only grades matter?
Thanks for your time and patience.
eagerly looking forward for another insightful post from you.
Thanks and Regds
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
That was truly insightful and answered all my questions.Thank you for your time.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hello jeremy,
Thanks for you all useful inputs. It has given me some very important pointers
to work on.
I will be grateful if you can reply 2 of my questions:
Qs 1. How muc weighatge does US/European B schools give to Indian undergrad schools. Does they prefer student from some india undergrad school or only grades matter (whatever indian udergrad college it will be) ?
Qs 2. I am Master's In computer Application (MCA) ? will it any way go in my favour or against it?
Thanks for your replies
All the best,
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Subscribing to the thread
Thanks Jeremy for volunteering to help PG members
I am not familiar with the MSc in International Securities Investment and Banking at the University of Reading. This is slightly beyond my scope as it is not an MBA.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
hi Jeremy,
I have got an admit frm ICMA Center- University of Reading , UK . The course is MSc- International Securities Investement and Banking.
I am interested in finance and a fresh graduate from Engineering stream with average acads.
Please enlighten me about the course and wat is its scope as far as job in UK goes.
waiting for ur reply,
Sanjay Kathuria
I am posting my profile and request you to please Vet my profile and let me know what are my chances of making it to 😃 1)Chicago GSB 2)NYU STERN 3)Ross 4)Richard Ivey 5)Queens 6)Schulich

Here is my Profile :-
Acad's & Professional Qualifications

Certifications :- National Stock Eexchange of India Ltd's Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM)- 4 certificatification (Completed)

Futher I am planning to complete another 3 certification from NCFM in

Work Experince
Presently Working as Manager (Merchant Banking & Issue Management) with a start up Company since 25/02/2005. Area of work include: -
- Managing New Capital Issues
- Merchant Banking
- Opening New Branches, Selecting & training sales teams
- Managing new Debt Issues & Private Placement of Capital
- Advising clients on Equity Portfolio
- Advt & sales of Third party products like MFs & Insurance
- Handling a team of Sub brokers & selling agents & monitoring their Performance
=>Worked as Personal Banker with HDFC BANK LIMITED (Secuderabad Branch- Joined on 01-06-2004 till 18-02-2005). The Job has given me complete exposure to Retail Banking which includes :-
- Acting as Financial Planner & Investment Advisor for High Net worth Clients
- Opening and monitoring Demand and Time Deposits (including NRI Accounts).
- Selling Banks&third; party Products such as Mutual Funds & Insurance
- Handling routine operational Issues of the Retail Banking.
- Responsible for generation, reporting and reconciliation of various reports on the Performance & Revenue generation of all the employees in the Branch.
- Device marketing strategy along with the team at Branch level which includes conducting consumer Meets to Advertise the Banks Products & to increase its presence
- Conversant with the operation relating to Depository Services.
Worked as a Company Secretary with M/s P.S.Rao & Associates, a leading firm of Company Secretaries in Hyderabad for 3 years and 5 months. (27 months Pre-qualification) The areas of work in this Job included:-
- Knowledge and experience in the area of Corporate laws, more Specifically Companies Act, FEMA, Intellectual Property rights, SEBI & RBI compliances.
- Also well versed with the aspects of Financial Accounting, Financial & Secretarial Audit & liaisoning with various government Departments like RBI, ROC, and DGFT etc.
Academic Achievements:
- Awarded the Best Project & Presentation Award on the subject of Mutual Funds - Concept and issues involved by Hyderabad Chapter of ICSI during SMTP ( National Level Event)
- Obtained 2nd highest marks in Banking Theory & Practice in Graduation. ( In More than 50000 students)
- Won Medals in Public Speaking in National Police Academy.
Sports Achievement
- Represented South Zone in Badminton in School. (i.e. represented whole of South India at National Level)
- Won 1st three positions in
- Shooting
- Swimming
- Riding
- Tennis
- Squash
- Table Tennis
Community Service
Involved with the Activities of Social Service Club for welfare of Children for the past 4 years. I work as a placement Consultant & Coordinator of Educational programs.
GMAT :- ) Will be taking GMAT on 11th September (Confident of 700+)
Please let me know if you need any other information on my profile.

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBA Mission
With more detail, you situation really comes to light. I will do my best to address everything below. With respect to management, it is good news that you have been de facto promoted, that is given responsibility, even if you were not given a promotion in title. It will be important that you focus on managerial decision making, as opposed to development work. The AdComs see lots of developers.
With respect to extra-curriculars, athletics are always very impressive to Americans. Your combination of Soccer and Cricket, especially your leadership in the former area, will put you in good stead. In terms of your tutoring, your students need not be economically disadvantaged for this to be meaningful. As long as your heart is in the right place, you will get the credit for your efforts. I have worked with Americans from wealthy private schools who have gone back to tutor others; it is the difference that they have made in the struggling students lives that weighs far more heavily than the students economic backgrounds. Helping a struggling student is noble regardless of family income; furthermore, this seems to be a pretty formal activity as you are doing it through your school, so this will certainly count as community service.
So, with all of this data before us now, I think that you will be a competitive candidate at many of the schools you have listed. Stanford should be difficult in that your work experience does not standout; Wharton, Chicago, CBS may be a possibility because your scores are excellent and because you have other strong differentiators (athletics, community service, leadership). You should be competitive at the remaining schools. You should pare your list and focus on a few schools; get to know these schools well and write about your intimate connection with them in your essays. The more personal that your essays become, the more the AdCom will trust your goals and desire to be at school X in particular.
In terms of financial aid, most top-fifteen schools have guaranteed loan programs. I will be compiling a list shortly and will get back to you.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Skype: MBAMission
Hello Jeremy,
It should really be us thanking you.
Yes i have been managing other for quite some time. I have also been involved at lead level activities for almost a year now and these activities have been well appreciated by the manager and management, which means that i can ask my manager to officially speak about all these on the reco. The average time for getting a promotion in my company is a bit too long (5 i hear, 4 being pretty normal). My manager was keen on promoting me this time around, but looks like he has to wait for sometime coz of certain other reasons. He has promised me of a promotion by this January. But as i mentioned i am already mentoring a team of developers. I just dont have an official promotion by now and i believe that to happen by Early Jan 2007.
I was a member of the college soccer team right from second year. I was then chosen to be the captain of the college team during my final year. I was also a member of the college cricket team in third and fourth year. At the intra mural level, i have been a member of the athletics, volleyball and basket ball teams apart from the cricket and soccer teams. I had been the captain for the year level soccer team right from first year.
I was also a member of the college dance team. I have performed in the company talent show last year and am working with a dance school, learning new dance forms. I have been involved with the Literaray and Debating society of the college as well and our team has won many events in the colleges in and around our college. So guess i am onlsolid grounds reg extra currics. Plz let me know your views on this.
The work with school student is clearly on an academic level. I work with students motivating them and preparing them for better performance in board exams. These students are not underprevileged or anything, just normal students (the same school where i did my studies) who lack much of the exposure the good schools can provide. This is an official thing i can get this documented, if that is what you mean by "informal". Apart from this, i am clearly not involved in any other activity i accept. The tsunami relief was the last thing i could do. I am still trying to work out a way to invest some of my time on it. Hopefully i should be involved in something very soon.
That was my line of thought as well. Was trying to figure out if an alternate school of thought exists. Reg the question abt the competition i would face from bankers et al, i am prepared to fight it out.
I am sure i can build up a good profile in front of the adcomm.
I am sure i can churn out pretty good essays.
I am sure my manager and my mentor will give me very good recos, not the kind of ones where they have to create content, coz they alreay have the content me thinks.
I am sure, more so after your words, reg my extra curriculars.
There is this doubt regarding community service activities, where i seem to lag.
Any further comments on how i can improve from here will be of great help.
It would be of great help to me if you can throw some light on the kind of financial help and international applicant might expect. I get this opinion that it is extremely difficult to get scholarships. I am not banking on that as well. But how difficult will it be for an international applicant to get Private Loans? This is very important for me because i am banking on getting loans to complete my studies. There is no way i can pay that money out of my pocket. Please let us know the prospects of international applicants in this regard.
Hi Jeremy,
How are you? I have one query regarding MIT ASP ( Advanced Study Program).
Its 4 month program- Can tell me how this program is percieved in Industry.
Does it help the participants to get big leverage in their respective careers.?
Thanks and Regards
Hello Jeremy,
Thanks a lot for all your time and words. It is really really helpful.
Will it be possible for you to analyse my possibilities at the following schools:Harvard
I have new schools to the list - namely Harvard and Kellogg. I accept that with all that i had explained, Harvard and Stanford are difficult and all the other schools are not "cake walks" either. But i have decided to go full steam, however risky or difficult it might sound. I wouldnt mind a true and straight reply, as i dont want to start with any wrong ideas or assumptions.
You had mentioned that Wharton, Chicago and Columbia are possibilities - provided i work hard and present good applications and interviews. That leaves Harvard, Kellogg and London. Please comment on my chances with those schools. I am gathering info reg all the schools in the list and amd working on strategies to prepare essays.
Hope i'm not asking too much and also hope that this is allowed in the forum.
On the leadership front, i would like to add something new. I was the "placement representative" for my department in undergrad college. The placement representative is selected by the students to co-ordinate all the preparation and performance related activities of the class members. The placement representatives of various departments, along with a staff member who is called the placement officer, form the placement panel, that deals with all activities related to campus recrutiments - preparing the other students for recrutiments, preparing college brochures, visiting companies and inviting them to participate in recruitment events, co-ordinate things when companies visit the college - these kind of activities. Overall - we had a succesful year. By graduation, we had placed 37 out of the 40+ eligible students. I believe that this will add a lot of weight on the leadership or even managerial skills. Please comment on this as well.
Hi Jeremy
Here is my Profile:
B.Sc [Computer Science] -average grades
Currently pursuing MBA[distance education from an Indian B school]
DNIIT [ Diploma from NIIT - computer education ]
Work Experience:
Joined HSBC Data Processing India [BPO division of HSBC Mortgage Corporation USA] as processor dealing with US Mortgage products.
Currently working as Assistant Manager Operations [Leading a team of 20]
Been with HSBC for 3.4 years. Will have 4.2 years experience when I join MBA.
Was responsible for process transition from HSBC Mortgage Corporation, USA in Buffalo, NY to Bangalore, India. Stayed in Buffalo for 3 months.
Extra Curricular:
As a part of HSBC, been part of environmental campaigns, AIDS awareness campaigns, Child and Women support campaigns.
Am writing GMAT on December 18, 2006. Have not applied anywhere yet.
Planning of joining for the Sep 07 intake.
1. I am planning of applying for MBA in Singapore[NUS], Australia[MBS, QUT], and UK. What are the chances for employment after MBA and what are the speciliazations the above colleges are renowned for?
2. How does this entire cycle of GMAT work? In the sense that, do I first write GMAT, then write TOEFL and then apply to colleges....the flow?
3. How much GMAT score is excellent? How much TOEFL score is excellent?
4. What is the cost of education in the above colleges? Any scholarships available?
5. In UK, what are the top colleges to study in?
I have written the Common Admission Test [CAT] for Bschool admission in India twice. Looking at having an international exposure, please assist.
Please guide me through this.
Thanks and Regards
Thanks for your inquiry. I have responded to your questions in order below:
- I must admit that my focus is primarily on North American and European programs so I am not able to advise you on the specializations of programs in Australia and Singapore. As for your employability, I am not sure what field you are seeking to enter and even then, cannot really gauge the situation in these countries as I am unfamiliar with the legal and economic issues facing them.
- Most candidates prefer to take the GMAT and TOEFL first in order to understand where they might be competitive. Hypothetically, if you start applying and do poorly, you might need to reassess your chances at certain schools. Similarly, if you do better, new windows might open for you.
- The benchmark for an excellent GMAT is usually 700 with a minimum 80 percentile on both the quantitative and verbal sides of the test.
- I am not sure what the costs are at these schools; the information should be available online.
- In the UK, London Business School, Oxfords Said School and Cambridges Judge School are generally accepted as the most prestigious programs.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
[U][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=#800080][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/U]
Skype: MBAMission
Hi Jeremy
First of all, thanks for taking up the initiative to assist prospective students on this forum.
Here is my Profile:
B.Sc [Computer Science] -average grades
Currently pursuing MBA[distance education from an Indian B school]
DNIIT [ Diploma from NIIT - computer education ]
Work Experience:
Joined HSBC Data Processing India [BPO division of HSBC Mortgage Corporation USA] as processor dealing with US Mortgage products.
Currently working as Assistant Manager Operations [Leading a team of 20]
Been with HSBC for 3.4 years. Will have 4.2 years experience when I join MBA.
Was responsible for process transition from HSBC Mortgage Corporation, USA in Buffalo, NY to Bangalore, India. Stayed in Buffalo for 3 months.
Extra Curricular:
As a part of HSBC, been part of environmental campaigns, AIDS awareness campaigns, Child and Women support campaigns.
Am writing GMAT on December 18, 2006. Have not applied anywhere yet.
Planning of joining for the Sep 07 intake.
1. I am planning of applying for MBA in Singapore[NUS], Australia[MBS, QUT], and UK. What are the chances for employment after MBA and what are the speciliazations the above colleges are renowned for?
2. How does this entire cycle of GMAT work? In the sense that, do I first write GMAT, then write TOEFL and then apply to colleges....the flow?
3. How much GMAT score is excellent? How much TOEFL score is excellent?
4. What is the cost of education in the above colleges? Any scholarships available?
5. In UK, what are the top colleges to study in?
I have written the Common Admission Test [CAT] for Bschool admission in India twice. Looking at having an international exposure, please assist.
Please guide me through this.
Thanks and Regards