The GMAT section’s been growing rapidly over the past few years but I’m sure you already know that. Unfortunately, it’s becoming tougher for individual contributors to keep pace. Fortunately, a lot of consultants have been coming up to help! So as…
The GMAT section's been growing rapidly over the past few years but I'm sure you already know that. Unfortunately, it's becoming tougher for individual contributors to keep pace. Fortunately, a lot of consultants have been coming up to help! So as a gesture to them and to every aspirant seeking advice, we have the brand new " Ask A Consultant" thread!!! where you ask and a consultant replies!
Ground rules for Consultants:
0. PG reserves the right to refuse Consultants.
1. Please email [email protected] with relevant information about your organziation. Info should include a contact number where PG can reach you. Consultants posting without this info will be banned from the forum!
2. Consultants found prospecting will be banned. You cannot send out a PM; the student has to contact you first.
3. No "Please contact me via PM" in your posts.
4. No bad mouthing other consultants or their advice.
5. Please introduce yourself/your org in this thread and then carry the link to that post in your signature.
Ground rules for Students:
1. Do not bad-mouth the consultants if they are late in replying. People offer help for free here. Understand that they are busy and appreciate that they are taking time out of their busy schedules to help you. If you have posted, please have some patience! Somebody will reply and not always at the speed you want.
2. Do not wait for multiple consultants to reply to your post. You could be lucky and many will be reply, or only one will. Either way, make the most of it.
3. Report prospecting PMs from Consultants.
4.Please note that this is for International MBA and GMAT only NOT for Indian B-schools via CAT
Additional Rules to follow as time goes on
Pre-Consulting Advice for Students from Consultants:
1. We cannot comment without knowing your GMAT score. Even if you think you are going to do well - its not over till the fat lady sings.
2. You need to provide specific information related to your work experience. Indian IT Engineer working for a large MNC is not enough.
3. Specific preferences related to rankings, geography, and specialization. This in turn should be tied to your overall goal of an MBA i.e. what career path you want to choose post the degree.
Edit: Added pre-consulting Advice
Psychodementia-- Really do i need to say anything about him? One of the oldest members of PG, GMAT Guru, MBA Guru and now coaching guru!
* Headquartered in Bangalore, where we have been running the program for over 4 years.
* Our students have been admitted to top b-schools such as Wharton, Stanford, ISB and IIM-A(PGPX)
* Expansion plans for New Delhi, Hyderabad, and Chennai in 2011.
* "Psychodementia" would be the person answering on the thread and has the following team of consultants. Admission Consultant team | CrackVerbal
MartianOnEarth-- Sameer recently quit his job at Siemens to run full-time his MBA consulting firm- MBACrystalBall
* Has been active on PG since 2006
* MBA profile evaluation product has been hosted on the PG online shop for over a year:
MBA Crystal Ball - Profiling applicants for MBA abroad - PaGaLGuY Online Shop to buy MBA application forms, MBA coaching material, MBA books
* MartianOnEarth and mcb_isb_alum will be answering questions.
MBADecoder-- Five years ago, Namita consulted her husband into LBS and hasn't looked back since. Private Consulting and a 3yr stint at IMS later, Namita is now a specialist application consultant. In her own words "maintaining a stiff upper lip in the written words, and in imagination in essays would do more harm than good to an applicant's prospects"
* based in Bangalore
* MBA Help will be answering questions
Be Nice and Play Fair 😃
Reserved for Future Intros
Thanks for the introduction Neo. Here's a little more about us.
Who we are
My name is Sameer Kamat. I'm the founder of MBA Crystal Ball and the author of best-selling MBA book Beyond The MBA Hype (check out the home-made, cheesy book trailer on YouTube).
For over half a decade, I've been helping Indian candidates chart out their strategies for leading MBA programs across the globe. For my own application, I battled against odds (Indian/IT/Male, too old, GMAT below 700) to get into the University of Cambridge with a double scholarship. I managed a complete career-change from IT to Finance, where I managed multi-million dollar Mergers & Acquisitions deals.
My colleague, MG , has been an IIT topper, an ISB (Dean's list) alumnus and a McKinsey consultant. He helps candidates with MBA essays and occasionally with management / strategy consulting jobs.
What we do
GMAT Coaching, Profile Evaluation, Business School Selection, Essay Editing, Mock Interviews, Career Advice
Our flagship offering, the MBA Mock Application Process (MBA MAP) goes way beyond what we do on the forums. It simulates an MBA application to the top-100 business schools. So you can have a 'dry-run' first and avoid the risk of experimenting directly with your dream schools.
We have got into a tie-ups with international GMAT companiesto offer their online GMAT coaching & preparation courses to Indian applicants. You can try out these free GMAT verbal / quant / integrated reasoning questions.
Feel free to Google us on the net (or Businessweek, GMAT Club and Beat the GMAT) to build an opinion before you reach out to us.
Indians have been stereotyped as 'techies' for too long. It's time for us now to shatter that misconception and transform into successful business leaders! We can help you manage that transition.

Sameer | The MBA Crystal Ball Team
As a professional manager I have spent the last decade working in global companies such as Wipro, Sapient, etc primarily focused on technology consulting. The last 2+ years were spent in heading the Consulting Services division of a enterprise software product company - focusing on the education and CRM space. Read more about that life here: Arun Jagannathan | LinkedIn

After a decade in the corporate space I have decided to plunge full-time into CrackVerbal, a start-up in the education sector that I started in 2006.
Having had a ring-side view of the pre and post MBA transition of my students, friends, and colleagues I believe doing an MBA for MBA sake is of no use - you need to fit it into the overall game plan of your career.
I hope to share my experience, opinions, and feedback on this thread.
May the "thread" begin

Could you pls suggest good coaching classes for GMAT in Mumbai
gmatprep123 SaysCould you pls suggest good coaching classes for GMAT in Mumbai
Hey GMATprep,
Thanks for kick-starting the thread.
If you are looking for a classroom based option in Mumbai, Arun (Psychodementia) is your guy.
Otherwise there are online GMAT prep options as well that aren't really linked to any specific city.
Evaluate which approach works best for your learning style and then take a call.
- Sameer
Hey GMATprep,
Thanks for kick-starting the thread.
If you are looking for a classroom based option in Mumbai, Arun (Psychodementia) is your guy.
Otherwise there are online GMAT prep options as well that aren't really linked to any specific city.
Evaluate which approach works best for your learning style and then take a call.
- Sameer
thanks Sameer
i couldn't find a thread that address MBAs universities abroad that accept you on basis of your college and schools percentages and not on entrance exams.
i have two main questions here.
-can anyone provide me with a list of good worth it universities abroad that shortlist you on basis of your college and school percentage with no entrance exams, maybe only interviews.
-The other question is more specific. has anyone studied at JCU singapore? will you be able to give me some feedback on the degree's worth? and job prospects and such?
Thank you in advance for your replies. It is highly appreciaited
i couldn't find a thread that address MBAs universities abroad that accept you on basis of your college and schools percentages and not on entrance exams.
i have two main questions here.
-can anyone provide me with a list of good worth it universities abroad that shortlist you on basis of your college and school percentage with no entrance exams, maybe only interviews.
-The other question is more specific. has anyone studied at JCU singapore? will you be able to give me some feedback on the degree's worth? and job prospects and such?
Thank you in advance for your replies. It is highly appreciaited
Hi Varsh,
A little background before addressing your main question.
MBA schools would broadly fall in 2 categories - those that accept folks with zero (or very little experience) and those that expect you to have spent at least a few years in the corporate world gaining some professional experience.
Category A:
If you are aiming for the top global universities based on Financial times or BusinessWeek or any other credible ranking, they'd fall in the latter category. There's a lot of information available in the public domain for such schools as the competition is high (intense, for the top ones). So it's easier to form a perception about such b-schools and take a decision whether to apply there or not.
For such programs, your school percentage isn't that relevant (your undergrad performance does get some weightage though) as you'd be focussing on other aspects that are important for your application e.g. your work-experience, leadership, team-work etc.
Category B:
In India, apne conventional 2 year programs fall in this category (think IIMs, XLRI, SP Jain etc). Excellent programs, khatarnaak competition, but complete paisa vasool when you successfully complete the program.
Internationally also, there are several universities (in fact, an overwhelming number for my comfort) that accept international students on the basis of college and school percentages. If you have the money, they'll lay out the red carpet for you.
But irrespective of the geography, the overall value that you get from these colleges can fluctuate quite a bit depending on the institution's track record and credibility.
There are several agencies in India that represent such schools. Some offer scholarships and guaranteed seats as well on behalf of the institution. So do your homework thoroughly before you put your hard-earned money into a program. Don't just depend on the opinion of 1 or 2 people. Think about the risks involved. Think about the Tri Valley university story and ensure you don't fall in that situation.
Now coming to your main question: We focus on category A schools. So though I'm aware of international schools that fall in category B, that's not our area of expertise and I wouldn't want to list down schools here. Maybe others will respond to your query.
But here's a personal recommendation. Don't try to take the easy way out by bypassing competition and entrance exams. Think about whether you'd be able to convince employers after you graduate that you attended a highly selective and rigorous program.
If it is so easy to get into those programs and still have fantastic professional opportunities, we wouldn't have so many hardworking Puys spending hours discussing CAT, GMAT, reputation of schools on PG forums. Dig deeper and try to find out what you want from that degree and then take a call.
Good luck, buddy.
- Sameer
MBA Crystal Ball
I have an admit from the McCombs business school and I am in a dilemma whether to take up this offer or not. Still waiting for scholarship news from McCombs. Without a scholarship the cost will be very high. I already have a diploma in economics from LSE and am currently working in Delhi for an energy consulting firm. Should I wait for another year (I am 27yrs old...yikes!!) and re-apply (GMAT 740/5.5, GPA 3.8/4.0) (I missed the deadlines for several schools like Duke, Yale, UCLA, UCB....) or take up the McCombs offer?
Dear Expert Consultants,
I recently gave GMAT & got 730. However, my AWA is on the lower side - 4.0
This has left me a bit confused & anxious.
I read on some forums that B-Schools can ignore your AWA for good essays you write for application while some are suggesting that AWA has its own weight-age. I would like to know your opinion about AWA score from your experience & data you have of successful candidates.
I have an admit from the McCombs business school and I am in a dilemma whether to take up this offer or not. Still waiting for scholarship news from McCombs. Without a scholarship the cost will be very high. I already have a diploma in economics from LSE and am currently working in Delhi for an energy consulting firm. Should I wait for another year (I am 27yrs old...yikes!!) and re-apply (GMAT 740/5.5, GPA 3.8/4.0) (I missed the deadlines for several schools like Duke, Yale, UCLA, UCB....) or take up the McCombs offer?
If you want to stay in Energy, then McCombs is the best. You will end up working in Houston.
You have the stats and profile for a Top 5 B-school admit. If you are interested in IB / PE / VC, I would suggest waiting one more year and systematically (with top-class essays and other BS) applying to the Top 5 B-schools. You don't have to worry about funding. They provide no-cosigner, no-collateral loans even for the international students including the living expenses. But if you want to stay in Energy, you will end up in Houston or Dallas, and in these places, McComb is the king.
Dear Expert Consultants,
I recently gave GMAT & got 730. However, my AWA is on the lower side - 4.0
This has left me a bit confused & anxious.
4.0 is fine. Forget about it and move on with your applications.
Certainly one of the best threads :D
Sir I seek your opinion regarding my career direction. I will put my complete profile in front of you, my expectations and my goals basis which kindly suggest me some options.
10th: 90.4%
12th: 75 %
Btech mechanical: 77%
Work-ex: 30 months as of now
Age: 25 yrs , Single
For last 30 months I have been handling operations in an oil PSU (INDIA)
This year I gave CAT, got 98 %. I managed two good calls (MDI result pending, SPJAIN:rejected)
I have calls from SCMHRD and IIT kharagur also for their 2 yr MBA prog. I want to enhance my profile, want to upgrade myself so that in coming years I scale the ladder and have a good future instead of sticking to this cushy but stagnant govt job. I am confused
Whether I should join MBA in India if i get through MDI/NITIE?.
Should I also join SCMHRD, pune / IIT kharagpur if i dont get thru MDI/NITIE?
Or leaving all this I should aim for MBA/MSc in a good foreign univ?
My current work-ex is in handling daily operations of an oil terminal. So guide me for the stream I should aim for.
So please tell me some good options or univs I should aim for a bright future.I knw choice may differ depending on what I want. So guide me for options both in INDIA and outside giving them weightage and genuine expectations from both.
I have not given GRE/GMAT as of now as I never thought of an international education before.
If I didnt get thru this time here in INDIA then I am planning to go for GMAT. I have never prepared for that, so please guide me in detail for the same, how to go about that covering each and every aspect because i want to give my first shot to be the best shot.
Hey, I just realized that this thread was "Ask a Consultant". I am NOT a consultant and I will NOT respond to any PMs. I just happened to do my PGDM from IIM-Bangalore and PhD in Finance from Top-10 USA B-school. So I just provide some ad-hoc information, which you can just ignore. If you really need detailed information, you should contact one of the real consultants who have been providing a lot of useful information on PG for many years. Please do not bother to send me any PMs because I will NOT respond.
I have an admit from the McCombs business school and I am in a dilemma whether to take up this offer or not. Still waiting for scholarship news from McCombs. Without a scholarship the cost will be very high. I already have a diploma in economics from LSE and am currently working in Delhi for an energy consulting firm. Should I wait for another year (I am 27yrs old...yikes!!) and re-apply (GMAT 740/5.5, GPA 3.8/4.0) (I missed the deadlines for several schools like Duke, Yale, UCLA, UCB....) or take up the McCombs offer?
Hi LSEGuy,
McCombs is a good school. Congrats on the offer. If you really like the school and it fits in directly with your career aspirations, go for it.
On the topic of scholarships, I realise (from personal experience) that it makes life a whole lot easier when you have a few zeroes knocked out of that post-MBA debt. But in the long run, if you've graduated from a good school and hopefully get a good paying job that allows you to earn in the same currency, you'd be able to manage the debt.
So focus more on what you want to use that degree for (career change, geography change or something else). You aren't over the top as far as age is concerned. So stop worrying about it. I got into school when I was 32!
You already have a strong brand (LSE) on your CV. So I wouldn't hold it against you if you skip this offer and aim for the higher ranked schools that you've listed. But be aware that your chances of scholarship at these top schools is even less. Factor that before you take a decision.
- Sameer
MBA Crystal Ball
Dear Expert Consultants,
I recently gave GMAT & got 730. However, my AWA is on the lower side - 4.0
This has left me a bit confused & anxious.
I read on some forums that B-Schools can ignore your AWA for good essays you write for application while some are suggesting that AWA has its own weight-age. I would like to know your opinion about AWA score from your experience & data you have of successful candidates.
Exe_MBA sirji pranaam,
How is your 730 broken up (verbal/quant)? Schools generally look for a 'balanced' score and that funda extends to the AWA as well.
On the verbal part they want to see that you can absorb, analyse and communicate ideas in the language of business. And if you ask me, the AWA is not exactly a dipstick for your communication abilities. But it's a score that is clubbed together with the GMAT and we've got to live with it.
Having said that this by itself will not just raise red flags and force the Admissions committee to reject the application. However an unusually low score will raise eyebrows, specially when everyone else from the same applicant pool will have higher scores.
But don't think too much about it. Go ahead and apply. Ensure your essays are clear, concise AND impactful. Ensure they get you an interview invite, where you can floor them with your communication skills. That'll demonstrate that your AWA was more of an aberration than a reflection of your true communication capabilities.
- Sameer
MBA Crystal Ball
Certainly one of the best threads :D
Sir I seek your opinion regarding my career direction. I will put my complete profile in front of you, my expectations and my goals basis which kindly suggest me some options.
10th: 90.4%
12th: 75 %
Btech mechanical: 77%
Work-ex: 30 months as of now
Age: 25 yrs , Single
For last 30 months I have been handling operations in an oil PSU (INDIA)
This year I gave CAT, got 98 %. I managed two good calls (MDI result pending, SPJAIN:rejected)
I have calls from SCMHRD and IIT kharagur also for their 2 yr MBA prog. I want to enhance my profile, want to upgrade myself so that in coming years I scale the ladder and have a good future instead of sticking to this cushy but stagnant govt job. I am confused
Whether I should join MBA in India if i get through MDI/NITIE?.
Should I also join SCMHRD, pune / IIT kharagpur if i dont get thru MDI/NITIE?
Or leaving all this I should aim for MBA/MSc in a good foreign univ?
My current work-ex is in handling daily operations of an oil terminal. So guide me for the stream I should aim for.
So please tell me some good options or univs I should aim for a bright future.I knw choice may differ depending on what I want. So guide me for options both in INDIA and outside giving them weightage and genuine expectations from both.
I have not given GRE/GMAT as of now as I never thought of an international education before.
If I didnt get thru this time here in INDIA then I am planning to go for GMAT. I have never prepared for that, so please guide me in detail for the same, how to go about that covering each and every aspect because i want to give my first shot to be the best shot.
Sat sri akal vadde veerji,
>> Sameer Sir can u please reply to my query. I will be thankful to you.
Hmmm...ambitious and impatient, aren't we? :-)
Though this is an overseas (phoren) school wala thread, I'll take a shot at your query about domestic programs.
>> Whether I should join MBA in India if i get through MDI/NITIE?.
>> Should I also join SCMHRD, pune / IIT kharagpur if i dont get thru MDI/NITIE?
>> Or leaving all this I should aim for MBA/MSc in a good foreign univ?
No black-and-white answer there, buddy. Ask yourself where you can be after completing one of those programs. Will you move into the private sector? Will you go back and join a PSU but in a different role?
>> For last 30 months I have been handling operations in an oil PSU (INDIA). My current work-ex is in handling daily operations of an oil terminal
If you were to apply overseas, your unconventional background and work-ex can be differentiator. So don't underestimate the power of some good exposure in a PSU.
>> This year I gave CAT, got 98 %.
Be aware that the CAT and the GMAT are two different beasts, so don't assume that you'll be able to crack the latter just coz you did decently on the former.
But just for the heck of it, after gazing into my (ahem) Crystal Ball, I could say that you'd be able to get into the 700-750 GMAT range if you approached the entire GMAT preparation in a structured and disciplined manner.
>> so please guide me in detail for the same, how to go about that covering each and every aspect because i want to give my first shot to be the best
'each and every aspect' in one post...hmmm...never had that kind of a request before. Parantu bhraatashri it will be tough to explain everything about everything here.
There's a whole lot of GMAT related info on the other threads. You might want to check that out.
If you want to target the top international schools, it would mean you show more patience, stick around in the current role, get some more experience that'll strengthen your essays. In parallel, start becoming familiar with how international business school application works. Again, quite different from our 2-yr Indian programs.
Different expectations, different strategies.
- Sameer
MBA Crystal Ball