We all final and first year students, will try to answer ur queries regarding Fore School. So, Guys Roll on… Ciao Ritesh PGDBM Final Year
We all final and first year students, will try to answer ur queries regarding Fore School.
So, Guys Roll on..............
Final Year
yes all the future FOREIANS start shooting ur queries:grab:
m new 2 pagalguy : ..currently in final yr of BE..got job offer frm Accenture..but job is my 2nd choice..wd like 2 do mba 1st..FORE being an excellent B-School is my natural choice..d prob is dat i started my cat prep very late
??: .2day had 1st ims-simcat...deplorable score
d score is as follows:-
quant 5.67
va 9.67
di 12.33
overall percentile76.89
*cleared cutoff only in di*
ques#1] wat do u seniors think?? can i make up in 3months and manage 2 get a decent score???
ques#2] can u ppl post last yr's overall cat cut-off percentile & individual subject cut-offs 4 admission in fore?
my academic score is not at all impressive, its rotten...
class 10: 68.6%
class 12: 45.9%
BE aggregate till 5th sem: 67.05%
ques#3] where do i stand?? even if i score a decent percentile and say get gd/pi call, do u seniors think d ll take me into consideration cz of my poor academic record??
waiting 4 ur replies.......
m new 2 pagalguy : ..currently in final yr of BE..got job offer frm Accenture..but job is my 2nd choice..wd like 2 do mba 1st..FORE being an excellent B-School is my natural choice..d prob is dat i started my cat prep very late
??: .2day had 1st ims-simcat...deplorable score
d score is as follows:-
quant 5.67
va 9.67
di 12.33
overall percentile is 76.89
* cleared cutoff only in di*
ques#1] wat do u seniors think?? can i make up in 3months and manage 2 get a decent score???
ques#2] can u ppl post last yr's overall cat cut-off percentile & individual subject cut-offs 4 admission in fore?
my academic score is not at all impressive, its rotten...
class 10: 68.6%
class 12: 45.9%
BE aggregate till 5th sem: 67.05%
ques#3] where do i stand?? even if i score a decent percentile and say get gd/pi call, do u seniors think d ll take me into consideration cz of my poor academic record??
waiting 4 ur replies.......
thank u @ FOREx 4 redirecting me 2 dis thread..sorry 4 double post..cant delete it sorry..
We all final and first year students, will try to answer ur queries regarding Fore School.
So, Guys Roll on..............
Final Year
Hi ritesh.i really appreciate your king effort dat u r devoting ur valuable time to solve Queries of MBA aspirants..My most of the problems had been solved by FOREx..I am having 1.5 yr work ex in Sterlite Ind with excellent academic record and extra curricular..How much %ile is needed to get the call for 2nd round?
hi Ritesh..
Need to know whats the cut off or say on what % can i get a call from fore.. and do good acads + wrk exp help if we have low % to get a call...
hi foreains
what about placement in FORE is there ny problem
Hello all
Just wanted to know "TRUE" Avg Salary of FORE, as the Institutes usually misguide the candidates.
I have 1.4 years of work-ex and have a salary of 3.89. By the time i join an MBA college in 2007, i would be getting over 5.
How much can FORE get me after that. Please suggest if joining FORE would be fine. And what %tile do we need to get to get thru.
Hi ritesh.i really appreciate your king effort dat u r devoting ur valuable time to solve Queries of MBA aspirants..My most of the problems had been solved by FOREx..I am having 1.5 yr work ex in Sterlite Ind with excellent academic record and extra curricular..How much %ile is needed to get the call for 2nd round?
Thanx Nisha,
Well going by the trends, u need to have atleast 90%ile plus decent sectional cutoffs, to get a second round call. I must add that ur acads and work ex will count too. for secnd round call.
All the best

hi Ritesh..
Need to know whats the cut off or say on what % can i get a call from fore.. and do good acads + wrk exp help if we have low % to get a call...
I have already answered regarding percentile, and yes u can certainly make up for a slight low percentile may be 89 but with a strong acads and work ex.
Best wishes
hi foreains
what about placement in FORE is there ny problem
Absolutely no problems my friend.
Thanks Buddy.. hope 2 see u as my senior in FORE..if i get than 😉
riteshbhai plz ans my ques too..why did u avoid my post?? no chance at al 4 me in fore?? plz reply....
nblueblaze Saysthank u @ FOREx 4 redirecting me 2 dis thread..sorry 4 double post..cant delete it sorry..
what job profile u are expecting at accenture ?
this is a newbie PG.
plz tell me in detail abt the FORE school of management as i dont know much abt it.
i want to know abt the alumni,placements,history,mode of admission to the institute.
how many seats r on offer.
wht is the % of freshers in any batch.
wht type of faculty do v have.
wht r the courses on offer.
hi fendz i heard dat fore has a collection of rich people ,is there any middle class family guy in ur batch?
what job profile u are expecting at accenture ?
d accenture ppl told dat d position will b 'junior software engineer'
waiting 4 ur reply...
hello every body
i am first year student at FSM
any query regarding admission,infrastrucure,placement and other extra information would be entertained
feel free to ask as i was also in same position last year