AAI ATC JE( ATC) Advt 07/2015

Dosto humme ak rti daal na chahiye ish ke result ke bare mein

Ishka results kabo release ho t hai?

Result aaya kya?

Bhaii log aai ne january me je mechanical k liye exam liya tha.... I think 16 jan ko gate s pahle... Koi update..

when is aai (07/2015 advt) result held on april month. Frds please if the result comes please update in this site too.

one of my friend who is working in AAI told me that result of 07/2015 may come in december last or in Jan 2017


First and foremost, this post is not intended to scare any of the AAI aspirants but to bring out the wrongdoings on the part of the HR Department at AAI which I have experienced over a course of last 4 months.   

The bitter truth about the AAI is that the AAI has been conducting an illegal recruitment procedure under 02/2012 and 02/20115 advertisements. The reasons for making such severe allegations can be understood by the following facts.   

In 2012, I applied for the post of Manager under the Advt 02/2012 for which the work experience required is that of 2 years. The Advt 02/2012 prescribed a cut-off date of April 01, 2012 for calculation of the work experience. At that point of time I was completely unaware about the said cut-off date and was under belief that by the time I qualify the written test and the interview my work experience would have been that of 2 years and therefore I applied for the said post and my application was accepted in spite of furnishing the correct details about my 1 year and 8 months’ work experience.   

Later in 2015 AAI decided to come up with a new recruitment advertisement, i.e, Advt 02/2015 wherein they invited fresh applications for various streams and clubbed 2015 Advt with the 2012 Advt. The 2015 Advt provided that the candidates who have already applied under 2012 Advt need not apply again which was a sufficient reason for me to not to apply again.    

In January, 2016 AAI conducted an on-line test and I successfully cleared the exam.   

In June, 2016 AAI sent me call letter for the interview informing that my interview will be held on September 09, 2016.   

About 20 days before the scheduled interview I received a mail from the AAI telling me that my candidature has been rejected without mentioning the reason. Thereafter I called the AAI and asked them for the reason to which they told me that as per the cut-off date of April 01, 2012 under the 2012 Advt my work experience is falling short by 4 months.   Subsequently, I wrote to AAI telling that I have been victimised on account of clubbing up of 2 advertisements because in the event my application was rejected in the first place or any time before the 2015 Advt I could have applied under the 2015 Advt during which time my experience was more than 5 and half years but the specific instruction saying that the candidates who have applied under the 2012 Advt need not apply again prevented me from applying again. I also alleged the AAI’s HR department of failing to discharge their statutory duty provided under the Guideline 15 of the Airports Authority of India (Recruitment and Promotion) Guidelines, 2005 (“R&P Guidelines”) which provides that the HR Department shall scrutinize all the applications received and shall prepare a list of eligible candidates because in the event the HR Department had discharged their duty my application could have gotten rejected and I could have applied under the 2015 Advt.   

I also alleged them that the very concept of having a cut-off date in respect of the work experience is illegal and that there is no provision in the R&P Guidelines or in any other law which stipulates that there should be cut-off date for the calculation of the work experience and that the intention of the Central Government of having a 2 years’ work experience for the post of Manager post under the Guideline 7 is to recruit candidates having an experience of 2 years in executive cadre till the time they join and shall be eligible for the post of Manager. 

After levelling such serious allegations, the AAI sent me a mail the same day informing me that my candidature has been accepted and that I can appear for the interview on the scheduled date.   

Soon after I appeared for the interview I contacted the HR Department and narrated these facts to them to know if there was any specific reason why my candidature was accepted and if not then the only apparent reason is the admission of illegalities pointed by me above, to which they had no answers.   

From the brief facts narrated above any sane individual will conclude that after levelling such serious allegations on the AAI the very fact that the AAI accepted my candidature after refusing the same in the first place itself signifies that they have admitted to the allegations levelled by me because there can be no other reason why my candidature should have been accepted.   

On September 28, 2016, I wrote to the Chairman seeking their response on how the conclusions drawn by me which proves that the AAI has been conducting illegal recruitments under 2012 and 2015 advertisements are incorrect and if not, under which provision of law or otherwise they accepted my candidature. This time I also alleged AAI of infringing the Fundamental Right of equality of opportunity in matters of public employment guaranteed under Article 16 of the Constitution of India of millions of candidates under various discipline who were in a similar situation as I was on April 01, 2012 and could have applied under the Manager post but they did not apply because of the said cut-off date and the very fact that I had not disclosed any false information my candidature for accepted by the AAI holds them guilty of discriminating in the matters of public employment thereby infringing the fundamental right under Article 16 of millions of candidates.   

After waiting for more than 50 days and making numerous follow up phone calls, I received a response from AAI’s GM HR giving me a completely absurd and vague response telling me that I could not get selected as per the merit in the interview stage and hence could not make it to the final selected list, which is not even remotely related to the issues raised by me, since then I have written to AAI 4 occasions asking them for their version of story for the illegalities alleged by me but have not received even a single response. I also received an exactly same response for the RTI Request followed by a First Appeal filed by me with the PIO and the CPIO, respectively.   

What worries me is that the HR Department is also indulging in continuing professional misconduct as well by declaring results after results pursuant to the 02/2012 and. 02/2015 advertisements without addressing the issues raised by me because in the event the conclusions drawn by me are correct it would be extremely unjust on part of those candidates who are being shortlisted as their candidature along with many others who have been previously selected would be rendered questionable in the eyes of law.   

Since the AAI is shying away from its duties and have been indulging into continuing professional misconduct, I am left with no other option but to approach the Supreme Court or the High Court to issue appropriate writ(s) against the AAI.  

Do let me know what you feel about this issue and also if you have any suggestions.    

Thank you!!! 

PS: This post was earlier shared on the discussion 'Manager Posts in AAI'2015' here, https://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/manager-posts-in-aai2015-34319646 where I have specifically addressed the concerns/suggestions/counter arguments raised by certain discussion members. I later realised that the issues raised by me will also affect those who appeared for the Junior Executive post as well, so I have posted the same over here as well. 

Kindly have a look at the discussion which happened on Manager Posts in AAI'2015 and in case there is anything which you feel is unaddressed then please let me know. I would be more than happy to answer you.

Mere dadaji ne 24 April ko ATC aai ka exam diya tha....Marne se pahle WO janna chahte the ki iska result aaya ki nahi......???

Bhai any one, can tell when will air India graduate engineer trainee result will come. Air India said it will be on 15 Nov but till now no update regarding that issue

AAI ATC 07/2015 result (expected) ??.

  • First week of jan 2017
  • Bhaad me jaye :joy:
  • this week

0 voters

Muje nai lagta iska result v ayeega railway ssc sabko pechee chod diya ye to 1000 v dube iske chakkar me itne me bank ke 2 form ho zate

ab pta nhi aayega ya nhi result iska ?

Bsnl,Aai ,yeh 2-3 Toh h ECE  k liye kab aayega 


Ab kya 4th list niklegi 03/2015 recruitment ki ???

07/ 2015 share your score


Called aai today they said result will come next month.

Today they said result will come in feb , mid feb,,


confirm news pgys adv 07/15 is now cancelled my roomate working as atc got info..we will get a notice shortly!