AAI ATC JE( ATC) Advt 07/2015

is there any chance of normalisation in 2 shift for atc 07/2015..and what could be the cut off for sc category?

Any update about result guys ??

Can anyone pls tell regaring Airport Operation job!! I mean what they do exactly and wats the standard is it equal to atc or more or less...???☺

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Kisi ke pas JE IT ka previous year papers hai kya?

Result Kab ayega 7/2016

Rti karo bhai koi result ayega ki nahi aai walo ka rehti duniya tak???

Ab october bhi aa gya......ab is mahine koi hope h result ane ki....?????

Guys.. results announced..??

 Guys did anyone try raising a grievance regarding the result of 7/2015? I am going to raise it now .. Request you to do the same.. http://pgportal.gov.in/grievance.aspx 

Kindely comments your marks of ATC 07/2015 with your category in order to predict cut off for all the categories.

Can anyone give me the link to check individual marks?

Thanks in advance

Marks check karne ka link abhi bhi activate hai kya?

the exam was on24.042016 when will be the result its been6 whole months

I nearly forgot that I opted for this exam too. 😝 

answer keys for 17 and 18 september 2016 exams...of aai (je - it, airport etc) are out

6 months has been completed.Wait for another 3 month. Hope the RESULT will come positively 😄 

Any info regarding result. This is too much

Guys, Do you have any idea about the total number counts of people appeared for this exam????????

why aai official site is not opening today.