Hey puys, The day has almost arrived for few and will be coming our way in a few more days…And as the second round of the admission process commences on 7th April for IIM S, I am starting this thread for all of us to share our experiences a…
Hey puys,
The day has almost arrived for few and will be coming our way in a few more days...And as the second round of the admission process commences on 7th April
for IIM S, I am starting this thread for all of us to share our experiences and carry out discussions on the process....
@ all
Pls dont post anythin irrelevant out here..Post only ur GD/PI experience..
For other queries go to the link below:
Pls make this thread sticky till the results are out......
All the best to everyone for their S interviews and please do post in your experinces.It would be good if we can use an earlier format.
For the benefit of everyone concerned, please keep the format like this:
Undergrad Major - GPA/%age
NIL/Sector - Number of Years
CAT %ile:
Any other special thing abt u:
Number of Ppl present
Brief Snapshot of Discussion:
Other Salient Details: As whether summary was asked to be written or not, Time given, and other stuff.
Panel Members Intro:
Any other relevant detail.
hey Puys,
Our anxiety about what IIM S GD-PI is going to be like is over, it has started and has started off well...
first of all sorry for posting just info collected from actual IIM S gd-pi rather than a complete experience on this thread (since mine is on 9th)... but I thought it is still relevant to us... so here it goes...
GD (Case Study):
IIM S is having Case study for its GD on the lines of IIM I
Group of 7 people each... 2 such groups on each slot...
5 minutes for going thru the caselet
15 minutes of discussion
5 minutes for summary writing... Summary to be written on the form itself...
Interview Panel of three... panelists are ok types...not too cool nor too grilling ones...
They are checking the certificates before the Interview itself...
Questions on the lines of other interviews... nothing new...
They are asking almost everything related to what's written on the form...
For freshers, its acads plus extra curricular...
For Work-x, its work-x, acads & extra-curricular...
Feels great to have been the first candidate interviewed for RGIIM. Held at IISWBM, Kolkata. Adhering to the format,
X - 85.
XII - 70
Undergrad Major - 8.44 CGPA.
Work-Ex: 17 months in IBM.
CAT %ile:
DI - 84.XX
Quant - 81.XX
Verbal - 96.XX
Aggregate - 92.98.
Reached there at 10 mins to 9. Its just a 5 min walk form Central Metro, beside the Presidency College. . So guys having their interview in Kolkata can very easily take a metro to Central.
There were 2 panels and the process started at sharp 9.
Case Study :
Topic:Conflict between a group of farmers who were traditionally owners of that particular land and herders. The farmers` invited herders to settle. Now, a conflict regarding who owns the land to cash in on a irrigation project on that piece of land.
Number of Ppl present : 5 out of 8.
Time: 15 mins for discussion, 5 mins for summary(to be written on the last page of the application form).
Panel Members Intro : No intro given. Yes, you heard it right.
1. Where are you from ?
2. Where have you stayed in the north east ? (Since I have been born and brought up and stayed there for 18 years)
3. Two things that stand out in my former hometown in Assam.
4. Presented the two schools of thought regarding the terrorism issue plaguing the NE, that of the neglected people and of the government. Asked my opinion.
5. Intrinsic hatred amongst the 7 sisters.
6. Name 5 players of Manchester United. (Mentioned it in the form)
7. Why do you support Man Utd ? Is it because they are a big team ?
8. Shown 3 graphs and asked the corresponding equations. Asked whether they are continuous ?
9. Brief description about work ex.
10. Describe a system requirement document.
11. Tell me about IBM's Work-from-home policy. Since that is where I work.
12. Is CAT a one-day match ?
13. What other calls do you have ?
14. Why would you take RGIIM instead of IMI ? (Since I converted IMI.)
15. Tell me what do you know about Shillong.
16. State any theorem in maths in exact words.(Answered Pythagoras Theorem)
17. Which branch of geometry does Pythagoras theorem come from ? (Absolutely clueless, answer is Eucledian Geometry. )
..and some more which I do not remember ! Interview lasted 20 mins. It was about the same duration for everyone.
My take about the whole process:
They were punctual. There was no presentation. Personally that disappointed me. It was actually that which I had gone for, hoping to get a better insight into how they are going about things. There was no formal introduction about the institute nor the panel members. They are thoroughly reading the interview form and starting the interview on those lines. There was this professor who was grilling everyone on mathematics. The process disappointed me. I thought it would be at least impressive to lure prospective students.
All the best to everyone. Regards.
There was no presentation. Personally that disappointed me. It was actually that which I had gone for, hoping to get a better insight into how they are going about things. There was no formal introduction about the institute nor the panel members......
Actually in IIM interviews, profs generally dont give any intro of themselves or the insti. Though it may be expected from RGIIM as it is a new one.
what's ur specialization in Undergrad? Were u grilled on theorems because u showed any inclination towards mathematics?
thers something thing that i would like to know..
although it might not be possible to answer but still
is the process being conducted by the professors of iim ahemadabad or shillong ?
also if u had raised any query about iim shillong at the end of the pi pls share the reply with us?
what's ur specialization in Undergrad? Were u grilled on theorems because u showed any inclination towards mathematics?
No. I have the least inclination towards Maths.

thers something thing that i would like to know..
although it might not be possible to answer but still
is the process being conducted by the professors of iim ahemadabad or shillong ?
also if u had raised any query about iim shillong at the end of the pi pls share the reply with us?
The professors did not tell abt them. As coolroy said there were 2 panels and in one panel there were 3 male professors(1 maths prof), so everyone were grilled on maths
The second panel had 2 male and a femal prof, Here they asked a lot of questions on technicals...
is the process being conducted by the professors of iim ahemadabad or shillong ?
also if u had raised any query about iim shillong at the end of the pi pls share the reply with us?
They did not introduce themselves, so no clue as to where they are from ! No, I did not raise any queries regarding the campus, etc although I intended to. They straightaway directed me to pass all the certificates to the person sitting outside as i did not have some of the photocopies on the spot. Amidst all the commotion, I did not get to ask them.

a request to all puys posting feelers/queries on this thread....plzz go thru the thread starter's post and kip this thread solely for posting GD-PI interviews....serves d purpose...helps in flippin thru d interviews quickly...
for ny queries PM d person concerned!!!...plzz heed dis request!!!
My experience..!
80+ in 10th, 12th and M.Sc from CEG, Anna University
Have abt 22months of exp in IBM ISL
Only 11 ppl were present(including both the panels, 10 guys and a gal). 6 of em were in my group. My panel had 3 professors(1 math prof).
GD was a case study, as said earlier by coolroy(he was in my group). GD was very peaceful, had a lot of time.. we were repeating point. It was good gd overall
PI disaster:( :
i dont rem which prof asked which question, so it's jus prof(p) and me
went in and shook hands with all of em and wished them. they asked me to sit and i sat,
p: how long have u been in blore and chennai
me: told
p: can u tell me the names of the seven sisters?
me: sisters??
p: am asking abt the 7 ne states
me: told 5, forgot 2:neutral:
p: that's ok, you dont need to know it all
me: :)
p: what do u do in ibm
me: told
p: what does ibm work on
me: told
p: you have published a paper on .. can u tell me abt it
me: told
p: you have said that u think out of the box, can you give any example
me: told(it was very technical, i am not sure whether they understood:icon_cry:)
p: so ur good in technical why do u need any mba
me: told why mba.. (i mentioned that i'll take mba in systems)
p: u will tell like this now, but when hul comes u'll join them
me: no sir and gave some justification, they didnt seem too satisfied
p: what other calls
me: mdi
p: which one will u choose
me: i have not decided yet, once i get through both i'll analyze the pro's and cons of both the coll and decide
p: what are the pros of mdi and cons of iims
me: 1. good alumni network, 2. seniors 3. established brand name, all these are cons for iims
p: ok.. what is a prime number
me: told
p: what's the largest prime number u can think now
me: 191 or 193 not sure...
p: whats a rational number
me: p/q format
p: what is p and q
me: both integers except 0
p: both?
me: q shud not be 0, i think p shud not be 0 too
p: is 0 a rational number
me: no
p: hmm.. wat is root(2)
me: i dont know it's been more than 2 years i have studied maths
p: tell me something about subprime
me: told
p: who are affected other than those who are not able to pay back the loans
me: financial institutions like bear stearns which almost went bankrupt. Even icici bank which expects $650 mn loss
p: ur hobby is playing games and blogging, dont u ppl are more and more becoming addicted to net and they dont interact with other ppl
me: No it depends on the person. we cannot generalize it
Then we talked some time abt it.. that's it... it was less than 10 mins. I couldnt answer simple maths questions:icon_cry:
comments plz:
Hi All,
had my gd/PI today in kolkata.
It was a case study: A company has outsourced its IT dev to an IT company. They want an big IT s/w for their planning and bla bla. The duration was 2 years. After dev of 1 year IT company installed the s/w in client machines. Now users of that systems started coming up with changes in the system and the IT company started making those changes instead of keep continuing with further dev. AS a result the project couldn't completed. the MD of client company get to know this slippage only after 2 years and when he analyze , he found that time and human resource were wasted in doing unimportant work. WHAT SHOULD HE DO NOW?
had a good discussion on it. The group was about to become fishy when everyone realized and finally had a healthy discussion.
PI: there were three prof. 2 Male 1 Female
Qs asked:
- Tell something which is not in the form. = told about me
- Hobbies= told cooking
- recipes of some dishes
= was expecting this
- Why MBA?
- Fav subject= now bad time started. I told OS.
- Drilled on Linux, winXP and Vista.
- Differences b/w all three
- Adv of Vista
- Adv of Linux
- File structure of Linux
- Defragmentation and so on= I was just sitting idle and nodding me head.:-(
- Why Politics is so imp in UP(my home state)...
Lets see...
Its 9AM, ISWBM Kolkotta.....
There were 20 ppl called in first half.....
two panels, so 10 in each groups.......
GD--- A case study... A local cake making company is striving for the existance....,It is utilising 60% of its capacity....and making a loss..... got an offer from international cake making company to be sub-contractor for them.....
The Local cake making company was reputed one...and it took lot of effort from their ancestor to build that reuputation.....
There was some data regarding pricing, loss and offer of international company....
5 mins to read and think, 15-20 mins for discussion.....and last 5 mins to write summary....
For me it was decent show:grin:...... able to make entry thrice with good points (Hope they hv noticed those.....)
PI.....duration 25 mins.....
3 members........all were cool and really helpful.....
P: where r u from?
me: jamshedpur..
P: So u work with Tata steel? what process of steel making they follow...
me: answered...
P: what was the earlier process and what is the futire....
me: ansewred satisfactory...
P: What r d others call u hv...
me: SP jain & Gr8 lakes...
P: which u prefer....
me...IIIM S .....brand association funda....
P: what is diff between brand and product....
me : answered ....(donno knw satisfactory or nt)
P: what r d brands Tata Steel has:-
me : answered....
P: What is TQM, what r d quality parameters u follow...? how do u monitor them?
me : ansewred...
P: ur role in TPM at plant..?
me answered.... (not structured..)
P: what r d probability distribution curves....which one ur quality parameter follows?
me... clueless.....
P: What is PLR, bank rate...how it affects market...
me : answered....
there were some bouncers......
This is my story....best of luck 4 others..........freshers prepare hard with academics...
thy r going to grill u......
Request you all to continue the discussion regarding the delay in results + OBC reservation issue in the link provided below:-
Please dont initiate the discussions here, as this thread has been opened for a different purpose...Kindly cooperate.
please make this thread sticky, i dont think http://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/2008-2010-iim-shillong-gd-pi-list-out-25029854 requires sticky status
Is our resume which we had submitted along with our application holding any importance?
Is our resume which we had submitted along with our application holding any importance?
no,it is not affecting the intrvw even in d least.........
anyway,i had my gd/pi yesterday........will post my experience very soon..........
X 88.6
XII 92.9
Undergrad Major - GPA/%age 8.43/84.3
Work-Ex: TATA Motors
NIL/Sector - Number of Years Almost 5 years
CAT %ile:
DI 89.53
Quant 86.61
Verbal 97.67
Aggregate 96.41
Any other special thing abt u:
Topic: Case study. i think every group is getting different topic.
Number of Ppl present: 8
Time:9.00 AM
Brief Snapshot of Discussion: Discussion went well. but bit of fish market in the middle. points were repeated. good team cohesiveness. i came in 5-6 times and GD went good.
Other Salient Details: 5 mins for reading the case study. 15 -20 mins for discussion and 5 mins for summary of points that was discussed in Group to be written in the last page of interview form.
Panel Members Intro: no introduction was given by them.
1. What was TATA motors earlier name?
2. Why name change?
3. What are all the things we need to consider before going for name change.
4. What are different product lines and where do i fit in that?
5. Then he asked about one particular product and asked about that?
6. Is TATA sumo a truck or a car?
7. when it was launched?
8. then based on incident which i wrote in my form, they asked me some questions?
9. who are all competitors for TATA?
10. how do u find maxima and minima for a function? Answered. But he wanted to know for y=x^2 and y^3.
thats it.