HomeNEET UG 2025

NEET UG 2025

The NEET UG exam for 2025 is scheduled for May 4, 2025.

For further details, candidates can refer to the official website – https://neet.ntaonline.in/

NEET UG 2025

The NEET UG exam for 2025 is scheduled for May 4, 2025.

For further details, candidates can refer to the official website – https://neet.ntaonline.in/

NEET UG Syllabus 2025


Physics World and Measurement, Units of measurement; systems of units; SI units, fundamental and derived units. Length, mass and time measurements; accuracy and precision of measuring instruments; errors in measurement; significant figures, Kinematics, Elementary concepts of differentiation and integration for describing motion.

Scalar and vector quantities: Position and displacement vectors, general vectors, general vectors and notation, equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number; addition and subtraction of vectors. Relative velocity, Laws of Motion, Intuitive concept of force. Inertia, Newton’s first law of motion; momentum and Newton’s second law of motion; impulse; Newton’s third law of motion. Law of conservation of linear momentum and its applications, Work Energy and Power, Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body, Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equation of rotational motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions; moment of inertia, radius of gyration. Values of M.I. for simple geometrical objects (no derivation).

Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications, Gravitation, Properties of Bulk Matter, Thermodynamics, Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory Oscillations And Waves, Electrostatics Current Electricity Magnetic Effects Of Current And Magnetism, Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation and equation of rotational motion, comparison of linear and rotational motions; moment of inertia, radius of gyration. Values of M.I. for simple geometrical objects (no derivation). Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes theorems and their applications, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents Electromagnetic Waves Optics Dual Nature Of Matter And Radiation, Atoms And Nuclei Electronic Devices.


Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Atomic number, isotopes and isobars. Concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbital, quantum numbers, shapes of s,p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals – Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principles and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals, Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties, Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure, States Of Matter, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium-Le Chatelier’s principle; ionic equilibrium- ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionization of polybasic acids, acid strength, concept of PH., Hydrolysis of salts (elementary idea), buffer solutions, Henderson equation, solubility product, common ion effect (with illustrative examples), Redox Reactions, Hydrogen, S Block Elements, P Block Elements, Organic Chemistry Some Basic Principles And Techniques, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry, General Principles And Processes Of Isolation Of Elements, P Block Elements Group 15 Elements Group 16 Elements Group 17 And 18 Elements, D And F Block Elements, Coordination Compounds Haloalkanes And Haloarenes, Alcohols Phenols And Ethers, Aldehydes Ketones And Carboxylic Acid, Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry In Everyday Life.


Diversity In Living World, Salient features and classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category); Angiosperms classification up to class, characteristic features and examples), Structural Organization In Animals And Plants, Cell Structure And Function, Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life; Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope, cell membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles-structure and function; Endomembrane system-endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, micro bodies; Cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultra-structure and function); Nucleus-nuclear membrane, chromatin, nucleolus, Plant Physiology, Transport in plants: Movement of water, gases and nutrients; Cell to cell transport-Diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport; Plant – water relations – Imbibition, water potential, osmosis, plasmolysis; Long distance transport of water – Absorption, apoplast, symplast, transpiration pull, root pressure and guttation; Transpiration-Opening and closing of stomata; Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients-Transport of food, phloem transport, Mass flow hypothesis; Diffusion of gases (brief mention), Human Physiology, Reproduction, Genetics, Evolution Biology, And Human Welfare, Biotechnology And Its Applications, Ecology And Environment.

  • Books for NEET

It is strongly recommended to go over each and every concept mentioned in the textbook. A thorough and dedicated preparation of textbook is enough. However, the students alternatively can refer two lot of books available in the market. For example, MTG editorial having a complete NEET guide for physics chemistry and biology separate. Disha experts have similar books on NEET separated by subjects. Objective NCERT at your fingertips has the books separated according to the subject this is one of the most popular the sold books.