Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship – [XIME], Kochi Campus Facilities
Campus Facilities
- XIME Kochi features a well-planned and organised Library Management System, facilitating easy search and location of books for students.
- The library houses a collection of over 10,800 books.
- Offers access to over 90 International and National Journals and Magazines.
- Provides 3 Business Newspapers, 6 General Newspapers, and 1 International Newspaper.
- Access to online databases, including EBSCO Business Source Elite, DELNET Database, Refinitive Eikon, STATISTA, and Turnitin – Plagiarism Checker.
- Member of NDL (National Digital Library).
- Facilities include internet access, image scanning, and CD recording in the audio-video reference section.
- Subscription to Harvard Business School Cases for classroom training.
- Maintains bound volumes of numerous national and international magazines/journals collected over the years.
- Archives CDs and students’ project reports.
The computing facilities at XIME Kochi encompass a fully wired computer LAN, featuring over 200 PCs equipped with software for tasks such as creating presentations, data analysis, word processing, image capture and modification, statistical analysis, and multimedia activities. These PCs are connected to multiple servers, and students have dedicated folder space on the server. The networked facilities also include software development kits, relational database management systems (RDBMS), and centralised scanning and printing.
The infrastructure comprises the latest servers and PCs functioning as nodes, interconnected on a Windows Server platform. The campus is both fully wired and WI-FI enabled, offering seamless connectivity. The library boasts a collection of over 30,000 books, and each campus enjoys 350 Mbps Internet connections. XIME Kochi is also a participant in SAP’s University Alliances Program, providing access to the latest software packages and a video conferencing facility.