Pragyan’16 has promises to build the bridge between technology and the consumers of technology. And to keep this promise they have invited some of the most brilliant minds to address students during the three-day event.
If you are participating in Pragyan’16, this will be your chance to listen to Peter C Schultz, who is the co-inventor of the revolutionary fibre-optic technology. Or it could be Varun Agarwal who dons the hat of an author and entrepreneur. One can also look forward to the lectures that will be conducted by Ralph Leighton, Archana Sharma- a senior scientist with CERN, Rene Reinsberg from The guest lecture series will also have sessions conducted by Sudhir Kumar Mishra, Abhas Mitra of BARC and Gianni Di Caro- who is best known for his Researcher at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA).
Participants will also have an opportunity to debate and discuss socially relevant topics with several eminent members of society. To name some, Ajay Shankar- Member Secretary of the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council, Anoop Poonia- a Program Officer from Climate Action Network (CAN) who will be panelists for an event called ‘Crossfire’. Last but not the least, Bahar Dutt a Winner of the Green Oscar and Abhinandan Sekhri, who is the co-founder of Public Cause Research Foundation (PCRF).