Are you a JEE aspirant, slogging for more than just getting into an IIT, well then you must have applied for various other entrance examinations. The National Defence Academy written Examination is one such entrance which gives entry to the prestigious joint services Academy of the Indian Armed Forces. The number of students applying for NDA exam has been rising over the time. Over 2,50,000 class 12th, students will be taking this year’s NDA Exam on April 17, 2016. The majority of the students who have applied for NDA exam also took this year’s JEE mains exam.
Students preparing for JEE 2016, who have also applied for NDA will certainly be better positioned on April 17 while attempting the NDA exam. The Following are the reasons that will benefit a JEE aspirant while attempting NDA (i) 2016.
1) Students from 12th Science background have the opportunity to qualify for any of the three designated branches in NDA. That is the Army, Navy, and the Airforce. On the other hand, students from other streams apart from science can only opt for Army division of NDA.
2) The current paper pattern,
There are two objective type paper for NDA exam. Mathematics and General Ability Test.

Paper 1 (Maths)
The questions asked in this paper are based on the 12th
level Maths syllabus. Questions will be stress-free when compared to the
questions of JEE exam. Paper 1 is of 300

Paper 2 (General Ability Test)
General Ability test is of 600 marks.
Paper 2 consists of English and GK. 45% of questions in GK consists of Science. The questions will be of an easy nature when compared to the JEE questions. Hence, with a sound reading of Current affairs and Social Sciences NCERT’s, students can easily sail through the cut-offs for NDA exam.
The above reasons and statistics only satisfy the written part of the NDA examination, which is just not enough to get the NDA tag. The real metal of a candidate is tested at the Services Selection Board Interviews (SSB) which is held after clearing NDA written. SSB consists of Psychological tests, Physical Tests, followed by a Personal Interview.
Students who have been preparing for one of the toughest exams like JEE can considerably sail through the NDA written. But one can clear the SSB interviews only with the required Officer-like qualities, of which some qualities are inherent and some can be inculcated over time.