Alchemy, it is the art of transmuting metals. It is the medieval forerunner of chemistry. But of all, it is the day we, Chemical Engineers devote to what we gain. It is the day we step forward and share the knowledge with others. It is the day we cherish the science of Chemical Engineering and It is the day we learn transmute into an amalgam from a cluster of varied compositions
Day 0- 18 Oct
Hex-Engine 5-6 pm
Chemmazing Hunt 6-7:30 pm
Day 1- 19 Oct
9 am – 12 noon Paper + Poster Presentation
5:30-6:30 pm Chem Quiz Prelims
6:30-7:30 pm Heads Up
Day 2- 20 Oct
1-2:30 pm Creasis
2:30 -3:30 pm Chem Quiz Finals
7-8 am Chem Cruise
Day 0-18 Oct
1:30-4:30 pm Analytical instruments
Day 1- 19 Oct
9 am-12 pm Analytical instruments
10 am-1 pm HTRI
2 pm-5 pm Openfoam
Day 2- 20 Oct
9 am-12:30 pm DWSIM