Articles in XIMB

Photo Credit: Marian Institute of Health Care Management In jest, Fr Romuald D’Souza is often referred to as the founder of founders. After serving as director of XLRI Institute of Management, Jamshedpur and starting both, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar and Goa Institute of Management, this 88 year old now wants to start a wellness […]

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB) MBA aspirants who applied to the Postgraduate Diploma in Rural Management (PGDM-RM) offered by Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB) using their Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) test scores were in for a shock email on Wednesday. In this email, XIMB told the applicants that it will not […]

Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB), Bhubhaneswar A tussle is going on between Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubhaneswar, and the law department of the Orissa state government over building a Xavier University in the city. In a conversation with PaGaLGuY, Father PT Joseph, the XIMB director said that he would resign from his post if […]

XIM, Bhubhaneshwar (Photo: Nilesh) Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubaneshwar is planning to begin operations of its new campus in Jatni (a town 20 kms away from the present XIMB campus in Bhubaneswar) from next year onwards. The institute intends to shift the Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Management (PGDM-RM) course completely to the new […]
A single entrance exam is a good idea but not if AICTE conducts it, says Fr PT Joseph, SJ, director of Xavier Institute of Management (XIM), Bhubhaneshwar in an exclusive interview with PaGaLGuY.What changes in the b-school or the curriculum can the incoming batch at XIMB expect to look forward to? There has been some […]