Articles in TAPMI
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM A)Fee amount: Rs 11 lakh Prof Ajay Pandey, the PGP Chairman explains, aThere is a system of income linked fee waiver in place here. Students whose family incomes are less than Rs 6 lakh per year are eligible for this scheme. Those with annual income of less than Rs […]
Endeavor represented its analysis of CAT 2007 in the table below. Parameter Quant Verbal Ability D.I. Level of Difficulty Tough Tough Moderate Good Score 34 46 52 Cut-offs 6 – IIMs 27+ 30+ 41+ 1 – IIM 18+ 21+ 33+ For calls from various b-schools taking the CAT score, it predicted the score required as […]
MBA students turned out from b-schools across south India, including Bangalore, Chennai, Manipal, Trichy and Calicut to participate in India’s best known battle of knowledge, intelligence and wit between future managers. After the preliminary rounds on November 3, the teams that reached the debate finals were ISB Hyderabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Kozhikode and Loyola Institute […]
What makes TAPMI different from other Indian B-schools? TAPMI’s management programme is known for its academic credentials, rigor and high student involvement. The delivery of the programme is considered to be regular and systematic. One can see this through the good number of full time faculty members (25) TAPMI has, of whom 70 percent are […]
Cite De La Prerana Cite De La Prerana was conceptualized to bring together stalwarts from all walks of life. This year to explore another facet of professionalism in association with Prithvi Theatre’s celebration of Prithvi Raj Kapoor’s 200 birth centenary, NITIE Business school’s Prerana showcased Working Title’s production of Ramu Ramanathan’s play Mahadevbhai (1892-1942) on […]
MICANVAS has been a platform to bring together eminent professionals and the best brains from the top B-schools in India and put them through grueling rounds of events that bring to the fore their ability to think on their feet. As the pre-eminent Communication Management School, MICA has always blazed the trail in inviting people […]
Tattva 2006 Tattva, literally means substance. In the words of the person who introduced this concept at TAPMI, Tattva symbolizes ‘who we are’. At Tattva, an institution like TAPMI looks at the achievements made by the students who have entered the corporate world and who think that they have been able to make a mark. […]
Two exciting days of India’s best b-school students pitted against each other yielded IIM Bangalore as the winner in both the Debate as well as Quiz events of Business Today Acumen 2006 South Zone. Venkatraghavan and Gautham Krishnan, both IIM Bangalore students took away the South Zone Debate title by speaking for the motion ‘Big […]
Much to everybody’s surprise, the TAPMI team has beaten the IIM Kozhikode team to face home turf team IIM Bangalore in the Acumen South Zone debate finals! The finalists shall now debate ‘Big companies are not agile and adaptable’. Keep watching for updates!
(A participant makes a point at the Acumen debate) (Judges at the Acumen debate) Teams from IIM Bangalore, ICFAI Bangalore, Xavier Institute of Management Entrepreneurship – Bangalore and Deparment of Management Studies, IIT Madras shall field googlies from quizmaster Harsha Bhogle on Saturday at the Business Today Acumen Quiz South Zone Finals being held at […]