Articles in IIM Nagpur
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IIM Udaipur Inaugurates Two-Year MBA Program, Ensures Transformational Journey

Press Release IIM Udaipur Inaugurates Two-Year MBA Program, Assures Transformational Journey 336 students enrol for the 2020-2022 Batch of the Two Year MBA Program August 24th, 2020, Udaipur: Indian Institute of Management Udaipur held its Two-Year MBA Program’s inauguration followed by three days-long orientation sessions for the incoming 2020-2022 batch with over 375 participants attending
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Guwahati waste turned into Power by four IIT-IIM Alumni

Amidst the global hazards of waste generation, environmental concerns have been threatening the lives of individuals significantly since the past decade. Momentous work of people to curb the threatening levels of environmental issues has earned major appreciation from the population. On a similar note, in a recent update, a group of four IIT-IIM alumni has
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Fewer Women in the new Batch at IIM Ahmedabad and Bangalore

Gender parity has always been an attention-grabbing issue in some of the most well-known educational institutions in India. Several authorities and educational boards have believed in abolishing the concepts of gender bias with eminent strategies and approaches, thus, nurturing the concept of gender diversity in different campuses and centres. Female candidates have always fallen prey
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Guwahati’s First Step to turn Organic waste into Electricity with IIT-IIM Alumni

Guwahati: A landmark has been created in Guwahati by four IIT-IIM alumni by helping the city’s municipal corporation to turn organic waste into electricity. Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) has finally found a platform to recycle organic waste and generate power for the city. Minister Siddhartha Bhattacharya, Guwahati Development Department (GDD) proudly inaugurated the first bio-methanation
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IIM Ahmedabad Declares sets Admission Criteria for PGP 2021-23 Courses; No Changes in Cutoff

New Delhi: IIM Ahmedabad announces the admission criteria for the PGP Batch 2021-23 that candidates were eagerly waiting for. It has been decided that the 1st stage of the admission process of this batch will rely on the CAT 2020 score. No changes have been as of now in the cutoff criteria. All the admission
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All about IIM Calcutta’s new Advance Course on Fintech and Financial Blockchain

About the course The course has been designed through the collaboration of IIM Calcutta and FinTech company. The key focus of the programme is to deliver the knowledge of Financial Blockchain along with the establishment of frontiers of FinTech evolution. So far, the programme has been successful through 2 cohort session with more than 250
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Cracking the Code to MBA: A peek into Life in & After MBA by IIM Calcutta Students – Session 4

The MBA Project is an initiative by a few students of IIM Calcutta and aims to provide the much-needed guidance to MBA aspirants. Through the sessions, it also plans to raise funds for the COVID relief efforts and e-learning initiatives for the families living on the streets of Kolkata, through its partnership with an International
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The collaboration of IIM Rohtak with Ulster University for Sports Management degree

To propose a degree in sports Mgmt. IIM Rohtak and Ulster University, United Kingdom are working as a team. The members of Exec. Post Graduate Dip. in Sports Mgmt. at IIM Rohtak would be qualified for getting a Masters in Sports Mgmt. from Ulster University. This university will take into consideration every course-work that the
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Cracking the Code to MBA: IIM Calcutta students provide MBA Exam preparation guidance to aspirants - Session 3

The MBA Project is an initiative by a few students of IIM Calcutta and aims to provide the much-needed guidance to MBA aspirants. Through the sessions, it also plans to raise funds for the COVID relief efforts and e-learning initiatives for the families living on the streets of Kolkata, through its partnership with an International
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Common Aptitude Test (CAT) is one of the most prestigious and widely taken national level exams in India for getting into top managerial and business institutes including all the IIMS and as many as 200 top non-IIM institutions across the country. As many as 2 lakh students sit for the exam, increasing the level of
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