Articles in GMAT
Myth: An MBA is best suited for those who want to work for a big company. Reality: An MBA can help you to be successful in almost any organization. Many MBAs are successful executives in large corporations, but there are just as many working in nonprofits, healthcare organizations, higher education, arts management, the military, and […]
If you’re seriously considering business school, you’ll want to learn more about the Graduate Management Admission Test® (GMAT®), used to help make admissions decisions by more than 6,000 graduate business programs at more than 2,100 schools worldwide. The GMAT exam is a computer adaptive test administered in 113 countries. Here are answers to some Frequently […]
1. Why GMAT? GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test), which debuted in 1954 has just turned sixty. And has remained one of the most popular Global Business School Admission Tests with about 238,000 people in 113 countries taking the test in 2013 (according the Graduate Management Admission Council[1]). With sixty-two percent of test takers coming from […]
While India witnessed a quantum leap in business schools, ‘quality’ has continued to slide downhill. Both the supply and the demand side suffer from poor quality. The supply side problem pertains to the paucity of well-trained and experienced faculty while the demand side issue relates to the quality of admitted students. From the demand side, […]
If your GMAT quant score is around 40 or higher, then, most likely, you know all the math you’ll ever need to know for the exam — and you’ve known all of it for a long time. Hmm? How could you know all the math you’ll ever need to know, yet still score several points […]
I thought of taking you all through the D-Day mindset, the importance of time management during preparation and during the test and some Dos & Don’ts (I know most of you are still in the preparation stage; however, you all will realize that the D-Day mindset is crucial and will eventually decide your final score). […]
GMAT is taken by hundreds of students every year across the world. This test is one of the best managed tests in the world. GMAT focuses on testing an individual’s reasoning ability and does that with the help of Quantitative & Verbal questions. For an MBA aspirant thinking of taking this test, it is essential […]
The first Hangout was nice! Watch a recording of the hangout on this video above. If you are taking GMAT and wish to score 700+, this might be useful for you. Join Arun Jagannathan (@Psychodementia) the most consistently helpful puy in the GMAT section over the years and owner of at 7 pm IST […]
Photo Credit: Inha Leex Hale If you think cracking CAT (Common Admission Test) or/and GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is enough of a bother, there is news. GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council), the body that conducts GMAT is soon to launch Reflect, an exam that checks soft skills. To be launched on February 20, quite […]
Have you ever wondered what would Gandhijis CAT/GMAT score have been? It is known that effective leadership requires emotional and creative intelligence more than reasoning and verbal abilities. Every individual has unique capabilities and strengths and possesses multiple intelligences. A leader should not only have good analytical capabilities but also have high Influencing Skills backed […]