Articles in GMAT
Select Section Order Allows Test Takers to Customize Their GMAT Experience by Choosing the Section Order in which They Take the Exam New Delhi, June 15, 2017 – In a continuing effort to enhance the GMAT exam experience for test takers, the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) today announced the upcoming launch of Select Section […]
While a petition started on (Click here to read the petition) by a CAT 2016 candidate, Ajay Agarwal, gained over 250 supporters overnight to alter the current process of admissions to IIMs, some PaGaLGuY users brazenly opposed the written appeal. The petition that was started with an aim to initiate a change in the […]
Indian students planning to study abroad are currently running errands to compile their portfolios as college application deadlines come closer in January next year. Simultaneously, there are also students still contemplating and preparing for competitive tests to apply for admissions to the Fall 2017 batches. The demand for test prep courses like GMAT, GRE, TOEFL […]
GMAT: Your Key to Success Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) is computer based adaptive test which is used by Universities and Colleges Worldwide to shortlist students for their Graduate and Postgraduate courses. GMAT, like GRE, assess a candidate on analytical writing, quantitative aptitude and verbal ability (In English). The GMAT examination is going on for […]
How to prepare for GMAT GMAT is one of the most sought after examination for anyone who aspires to join a prestigious business school in US, Europe, Asia and Australia & New Zealand. All the top ranking business schools rely on GMAT score to cull out talent that will be successful in the career of […]
GMAT PREPARATION… I am, and always have been, your typical “average” student. Don’t get me wrong, I did alright for myself in high school and during my engineering days but I was never one to go the extra mile, showcasing my mental prowess by memorizing text books word for word while simultaneously solving complex calculus […]
Hardwork never gets unrewarded forever – 760(49/44) , AWA – 6, IR – 3 It all started with CAT !! It all started way back in 2009, when I decided to have MBA degree. In India, CAT is more preferred and I joined the CAT coaching institutes. While studying for CAT, I developed habit of […]
Quite a few people have been asking me for help on AWA. So here goes – An actual GMAT AWA Sample Reply – (written by me under timed conditions in 25 minutes sometime in Dec ’14 – Yes, I used to strain myself to deliver the entire 600 word ordeal in that much time) “In […]
Assumption – Argument – Conclusion map Choose variables and write down the main argument that has been drawn in the passage. It might not be a single argument but an argument map (A leads to B and B leads to C etc.). Once you have carefully analysed and listed down all the arguments carefully read […]
GMAT scores are one of the most popular tools by which universities screen business school applicants. The score provides some guidance to the selection committee as to the applicant’s ability to withstand the academic rigor of a MBA program. It is also not uncommon to have academic scholarships awarded based on GMAT scores, although it […]