XIMB : Solution Centre '09

2006 - 2008
No. Passed 120
No.Sought 120
No. of Placed 118
Percentage of Placed 100%
Average Salary 10.12 lakh
Maximum Salary 16.50 lakh

found this in the mandatory annexure

it says 120 people sought placementt while only 118 got placed,
but that doesnt add up to 100%, what happened to the 2 guys, were they not placed at all??????

i saw dis on site......Offers of admission to such candidates, if made, will be provisional and will be automatically cancelled in the event of their failing to complete all the requirements for obtaining the degree before June 15.
but my exams are not over till 10 june....i wnt be able to produce d degree by dis date....wat to do?????will dey exempt me,n giv me more time???

My profile is as follows
10: 80%
12 : 86%
Engg(Comp Sci): 67
Exp: 2.8 yrs in a IT firm.
What are my chances of getting a call for GD/PI

i saw dis on site......Offers of admission to such candidates, if made, will be provisional and will be automatically cancelled in the event of their failing to complete all the requirements for obtaining the degree before June 15.
but my exams are not over till 10 june....i wnt be able to produce d degree by dis date....wat to do?????will dey exempt me,n giv me more time???

Hi aditi,
In such a case , if you get a final admission offer from XIMB , you can request the admin to extend the deadline for submission of certificates against a letter from your HOD/principal stating that your results will be declared on such and such a date. Such requests are common and are usually accepted quite easily . Concentrate on your preparation of XAT for now .
All the best.
My profile is as follows
10: 80%
12 : 86%
Engg(Comp Sci): 67
Exp: 2.8 yrs in a IT firm.
What are my chances of getting a call for GD/PI

Hi ,
Your profile per se looks quite fine to me . Now all that matters is how do in the XAT 😃 .
hi aditi,
in such a case , if you get a final admission offer from ximb , you can request the admin to extend the deadline for submission of certificates against a letter from your hod/principal stating that your results will be declared on such and such a date. Such requests are common and are usually accepted quite easily . Concentrate on your preparation of xat for now .
All the best.

thanks a lot........

I have applied for PGDP-RM OF XIMB through IRMA.I expect to get around 115-120 marks while scoring around 12-14 in GK.Can i get a call ???Also can i apply seperately for above mentioned course through XAT09.

I have applied for PGDP-RM OF XIMB through IRMA.I expect to get around 115-120 marks while scoring around 12-14 in GK.Can i get a call ???Also can i apply seperately for above mentioned course through XAT09.

Hey Ashish,

You have strong chances of getting a call from XIMB RM. Infact, going by the IRMA 2008 analysis done by various Coaching institutes, you are going to get an excellent score with a very good score in GK section.

So don't worry and start preparing for your GD/PI.

And yes you can apply through XAT seperately, but in case you are very sure of getting such a score in IRMA, i don't think you need to.

However, take your call. Afterall, if by spending a 1000 bugs extra you can double secure a seat at XIMB RM, i think it's worth it !!

And All The Best for rest of your Exams !!



Hey Ashish,

You have strong chances of getting a call from XIMB RM. Infact, going by the IRMA 2008 analysis done by various Coaching institutes, you are going to get an excellent score with a very good score in GK section.

So don't worry and start preparing for your GD/PI.

And yes you can apply through XAT seperately, but in case you are very sure of getting such a score in IRMA, i don't think you need to.

However, take your call. Afterall, if by spending a 1000 bugs extra you can double secure a seat at XIMB RM, i think it's worth it !!

And All The Best for rest of your Exams !!


First of all a lot of thanks for giving your time to respond...also i would like to say that its my dream to work for rural sector...so every information regarding it is important for me.
I posted my XIMB payment advice form on 25 NOV. BUT till now i have not been intimated by them about wheteher my form has reached or not.I would like to know does it take so long to get their EMAIL of recepting the form or I should try to contact them....Plz reply soon.Thanks in advance...............................................waiting for reply


hey seniors can u please tell us something about the rural management programme???

how are its placement like??

First of all a lot of thanks for giving your time to respond...also i would like to say that its my dream to work for rural sector...so every information regarding it is important for me.
I posted my XIMB payment advice form on 25 NOV. BUT till now i have not been intimated by them about wheteher my form has reached or not.I would like to know does it take so long to get their EMAIL of recepting the form or I should try to contact them....Plz reply soon.Thanks in advance...............................................waiting for reply


See this issue is not related to us,since admission process is wholly managed by the administration.

However, i can tell you that last year i also didn't receive any mail untill i got finally selected 😃

And anyway, you can call up the contact no given in the admission bulletin for the clarifications you need, if any.

All the Best !!

hey seniors can u please tell us something about the rural management programme???

how are its placement like??

Hi raj,

Please try and be specific in what would you exactly like to know about our course apart from Placements.

Every bit of information including Placements is mentioned in the admission bulletin. Please go through it and revert back incase you need any further clarifications. And you can trust each and every word printed there !!

My personal suggetion : don't join RM for Placements only !!

All the Best !!


i mispelt my fathr's name in d aplication form...nw m nt abl 2 edit it....nw i hv got tat print out n dd....wat shud i do nw....???

2006 - 2008
No. Passed 120
No.Sought 120
No. of Placed 118
Percentage of Placed 100%
Average Salary 10.12 lakh
Maximum Salary 16.50 lakh

found this in the mandatory annexure

it says 120 people sought placementt while only 118 got placed,
but that doesnt add up to 100%, what happened to the 2 guys, were they not placed at all??????

Last yr out of 120 students, 1 dropped out from the course and 1 girl opted out of the placement procedure.That is why the 118 students figure.

I jst wntd to know whether XIMB goes for an overall cutoff or sectional??I will be really grateful to you if you will answer this.

I jst wntd to know whether XIMB goes for an overall cutoff or sectional??I will be really grateful to you if you will answer this.

XIMB considers both...a sectional cutoff and an overall cutoff

The mandatory disclosure (page 8 ) lists the cut off percentiles for the last two years are:

PGDM (XAT)* Quantitative English RA/DI Total
Orissa ________49.6_____ 51.08_ 51.0__ 88.4
All India______ 78.16_____77.48_ 70.48_ 93.12
Orissa________ 60.9_____ 64.09_ 57.55_ 89.55
All India______ 78.77____ 76.08__ 75.99_ 96.21


i mispelt my fathr's name in d aplication form...nw m nt abl 2 edit it....nw i hv got tat print out n dd....wat shud i do nw....???...shud i send it n corect it latr??....sent so many mails to admision ofice...but no respons!!

pravinmc Says
i mispelt my fathr's name in d aplication form...nw m nt abl 2 edit it....nw i hv got tat print out n dd....wat shud i do nw....???...shud i send it n corect it latr??....sent so many mails to admision ofice...but no respons!!

If your mails are not being answered, then pls call them...
Alternatively if u have any friends or acquaintances studying in XIMB, ask them to get it clarified personally,...

hey waht is the last date for the admission for mto reach XIMB . I have applied and taken a printout but not sent the application