R da placements of chandigarh and ludhiana r kointly held?
Wat were da cut-offs last year i got 91
Anisen SaysR da placements of chandigarh and ludhiana r kointly held?
nope they r held seperately..
mohitgoyal007 Says@nikhil dnt fill the form of UBS ludhiana..as it has nothing...waste of money...last time they call people with 50 percentile and selected them also as nobody was taking seat.....so u can understand:)...and people still didnt join it...have a look at the coll then decide...or fill the form and see the outcome the u will realiz what i said.....
Guys think logically, i have already told u that ubs ludhiana is is its initial years and u have chances with low percentiles too..... This is a self sponsered course and fee is same for general and reserve category seats.. so d course is little expensive for reserve category people... so thats seats always stayed empoty in first counsling.... so you people have another chance when that seats are going to converted in general seats....
Else you people are yourself inteligent enough to understand that you are going to get Panjab university degree... which is it self is enough... guys ubs have a big brand name in the market.... Dont miss the bus...
The people of this college is already working in companies like Siemens, Cti, Fed Bank, Aviva, thomas cook,, Venus garments any many more.
And guys do ask the people who are giving you advive... how much aware they are about the campuses and wat they have done in tre life...
Do remember guys ... Advice is totaly free so people will give love to give it... but become wise and take decision properly...
All the best....
Cool_vijay SaysIts UBS Ludhiana thread buddy .........if you want to convey such things ,just PM him..okies.Regarding Cut off ..IMDR cutoff is much higher than ,what you r saying lol:p
what is the last date of applying for UBS Ludhiana?
Sorry i just read previous posts..nd m sorry for being careless...no groans plz

mohitgoyal007 Saysi know buddy but due to cat fiasco they can lower a bit as rest colleges hv also lowered...second knowledge gained from anywhere is good so if somebody is gaining anything there is no harm...dnt misguide them lolz..
Listen buddy first do read the rules of this forum.....

if you really want to guide others there are so many other threads.
Else, you can send private message to concerned person.
what is the last date of applying for UBS Ludhiana?
Sorry i just read previous posts..nd m sorry for being careless...no groans plz
Last date is 22 march.

and what are the chances of conversion

Can i get a call
and what are the chances of conversion
Yes you will get the call for sure and Chances of conversion are also bright.

i scored 69.09%ile in cat
and my acads are
10th 82.8
12th 87
b.com 77.5
no work exp and passed out in 2009
as the date to apply to ubs lud is 22 march
plsss tell me should i apply to ubs lud
i scored 69.09%ile in cat
and my acads are
10th 82.8
12th 87
b.com 77.5
no work exp and passed out in 2009
as the date to apply to ubs lud is 22 march
plsss tell me should i apply to ubs lud
I will suggest you to apply to UBS L.There are good Chances that you will get the call.And if you perform well in GD/PI ,you will be able to covert that call too.:w00t:
hi , i cannot find the amount of draft to be made ......... does any one has a link or info ..thanx
yuvraj_buddy Sayshi , i cannot find the amount of draft to be made ......... does any one has a link or info ..thanx
The amount of draft is Rs 1600 .It needs to be prepared in favour of Registrar ,Panjab University Chandigarh.Application form along with draft and self addressed envelope needs to be sent to Resident Coordinator UBS Ludhiana,Panjab University Regional Center,Ludhiana .The last date is 22 march ,so hurry up

i have made draft of 1600 and sent it also what will i do now
amit0087 Saysi have made draft of 1600 and sent it also what will i do now
Sorry my mistake yaar..........invite as many graons....
Amit no worries.........its 1600 draft only.......
1680 if you asked for prospectus cum Admission form....
SO Chill out.......no worries........
I Apologies for confusion.
I want to clarify that draft cost for online forms is 1600 only.....I confused it with form along with prospectus......Even some one has made 1680 draft .....no worries.....Although it may cost more but authorities will send you the prospectus.
But my suggestion....Please make 1600 draft only.....
My sincere apologies to all ,who might have suffered due to my confusion and mistake..:shock:
Two Year Full time Management Programme (MBA) at
University Business School
Number of Seats: 57 + 9 for NRI
Eligibility for MBA: A recognized Bachelor's degree in any discipline with not less than 50% marks in he aggregate or a pass in the final examination, conducted by ICAI/ICWAI/ICSI or AMIE with 50% marks (See UBS, Ludhiana Handbook of Information 2010) Candidates appearing in the final year examination of bachelor's degree and have appeared in CAT - 2009 are eligible to apply provisionally. Reservation as per norms approved by Panjab University. Concession of 5% mark in the eligibility requirements of SC/ST candidates
Selection Process: The candidates must have taken common Admission test (CAT) 2009 conducted by UBS IIMS. No separate Entrance Test will be conducted by UBS Ludhiana aor Panjab University for the said programmes
Apply separately to UBS, Ludhiana: Application form and Handbook of information 2010 will be available at post office, Sector 14, Panjab University, Chandigarh and at GPO Ludhiana on payment Rs. 1600/- (Rs. 800/- for SC/ST candidates) Ludhiana from Feburary 15, 2010 to March 22, 2010. Forms can also be obtained by post up to March 05, 2010 from Manager, Publication, Bureau, Panjab University Chandigarh by enclosing a crossed Bank Draft for Rs. 1680/- (Rs. 880/- for SC/ST candidates) in favour of Registrar, Panjab University Chandigarh payable at Chandigarh and a self addressed envelope (30 * 25 cm) Application form can also be download from website UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, PANJAB UNIVERSITY REGIONAL CENTRE, LUDHIANA and submitted along with a Bank Draft for Rs. 1600/- (Rs. 800/- for SC/ST candidates) in favour of Registrar Panjab University, Chandigarh payable at Chandigarh, completed forms for MBA at UBS, PURC, Ludhiana must reach Resident Co-ordinateor University Business School, Panjab University Regional Centre, Civil Lines, Ludhiana - 141001, latest by 5:00 pm on March 22, 2010
Sale of Application Forms at Post Office, Sector 14, PU, Chandigarh - Feburary 15, March 2010 to March 22, 2010
Last Date: March 22, 2010 by 5:00 PM
I have 55percentile in cat and have 2 yr work ex .70percent throught. Do i apply for ubs lud?wat r my chances of getting call?
Good news guys.Last date of submission of Filled Application form has been extended up to 7 th April 2010 till 5.00 PM.This news is published in todays tribune. So those who have missed out here is the opportunity.:cheerio:
hey bro,,, m prep,,for CAt 2010 n think to fill d form of UBS ludhiana..plz tell,,,in batch 2011-13,,,how many r dere ,,,seats,,???is dere any sectional...??? wats d %le give me surest call,,,???