TOEFL Exam 2024: Dates, Registration, Fees, Eligibility, Preparation, Result & Score

@neha4659 I gave GMAT in 2012 before the pattern changed with a prep of 25 days and scored 450. I am giving GMAT again in late October can you please guide me.

Hi Neha,
First of all congratulations on the great score and the admit!!!
It would really help me out if i can get some inputs from an expert like you.
I am planning to give the Gmat by mid Sept 2013.
Since i am working full time, i can only devote 3, max 4 hrs on weekdays.
I have started with Quant, yet to start with verbal.
Do you think i have enough time to target for 700+ or should i postpone my date by 10-15 days to October 1st week?
Also, i am referring to Gmat OG 13th edition, Kaplan Gmat premier, Manhattan GMAT guide.
Please advice on additional materials (if needed).


Hello Neha,

Seeking a guidance for GMAT prep. Your advice will be helpful regarding which books & material to look for; when to take the test for 2014 admissions & other prerequisites. I am already preparing for CAT 2013, if that could help me along with this. Waiting for your reply. πŸ˜ƒ


Hi, Could you send some manhattan full length tests at

Thanks πŸ˜ƒ

Hi Neha
Can you please share some Verbal tests ?

Hello Neha ji,

I am new in this PG forum and need your guidance. I am an electrical engineer and have 7 years of working experience.My professional career has been driven by the belief that a meaningful inspiring vision of life evolves from exhilarating challenges and diverse experiences & therefore in my 7 years of working experience, I have moved from one role to another across geographies and domains.

Over 7 years of experience in manufacturing quality, problem solving, 8-D , FMEA, Supplier Quality, dealing with suppliers regarding process quality, QMS, SPC,PPAP, APQP, implementation of ISO -9001, project management, EHV transmission line project, SAP- project system implementation for Rs 3000 Crore 450 MW Haldia thermal power plant project.

Now I want to appear for GMAT. Please let me know which books should I follow and also wiil be happy if you can give me some preparation tips.

You can drop me mail .. please let me know your mail id ..

Waiting for ur reply




Hi Puys,

It's been a while that I have been contributing in whatever way I can to this community and it is interesting to notice the enthusiasm and motivation of the members. Since I gained so much from the posts here, I consider it a responsibility to give back.

I have been through most of what you guys are likely to go through. From a GMAT of 650 I got 760 in my second attempt. There was a lot that I learnt from my mistakes. I worked with McKinsey Knowledge Centre for almost 5 years and quit my job once I had a call from Kellogg. It was only after paying the fees that I realized how desperate I was to work on my business plan. I have decided to work on my startup and Kellogg has allowed me a deferred admission for the next year. Which means I can continue contributing to the community.

I would be happy to answer any questions related to GMAT preparation or the application process. Though I had a lot of online material with me, it was important to know which ones to use and which ones to not use. The application process is equally important and one needs to be very careful about how the profile is presented.

So if you have any questions, feel free to ask me here, PM me or mail me (mail id in my signature) and I`ll try to answer them to my best.

All the Best to you all!!

Neha Jain ([email protected])

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Folks, let me make it very clear that asking/sharing of copyright material is against forum rules.

HI Neha....I have a workex in IT of about 7 years...planning to give GMAT by the end of this year...please can you share the material at successforever111 @yahoo ....thanks in advance...will wait for your response

I have IT work experience of around 4 years but my plan is to take addmission after having 7 years of experience. My edu profile is SSc - 84 % , HSC 75%, B.E(IT)-72%.

Options thinking abt in India: IIMS(Ahmeda, Bglore, kolkat) & ISB but confuesd abt it which one should I target and required scores.

In abroad: googled , got some idea, but need ur suggestion abt score and colleges.

Your valuable suggestion will help me to start a good journey.

Also, if u can suggest me good material or share some and study plan for fresh start.

Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.


I have IT work experience of around 4 years but my plan is to take addmission after having 7 years of experience. My edu profile is SSc - 84 % , HSC 75%, B.E(IT)-72%.

Options thinking abt in India: IIMS(Ahmeda, Bglore, kolkat) & ISB but confuesd abt it which one should I target and required scores.

In abroad: googled , got some idea, but need ur suggestion abt score and colleges.

Your valuable suggestion will help me to start a good journey.

Also, if u can suggest me good material or share some and study plan for fresh start.

Thanks in advance for your prompt reply._#_QB_#_

Email id:

Hi Neha, Many Congratulations on ur success.

I joined this forum today...and this is my very first post πŸ˜ƒ
I am an IIF with a workex of 6 yrs across geographies, currently in UK. I have decent acads and worked for top Indian MNC's.
I am planning to write my GMAT in next 4 months and aiming for a 720+ score.
I am in the initial phase of deciding what materials to use for my GMAT prep, and your guidance will be very very valuable.Please do share your resources and tips @

Thanks a ton. Priyanka.

Hi!! I got a 630 in my first attempt. Can u suggest me few tips to improve my score?

Hi Neha..

Congrats.. Can u please help me up with the materials at ( I am looking forward to appear in 2014 for the first time. So any suggestions would be appreciated πŸ˜ƒ

Hi Neha,

Many congrats for the Kellogg admit !

Like many others here I intend to pursue an MBA abroad. I'm targeting Global Top 30 Universities. However, I need to first get the GMAT out of the way to make a more realistic assessment. Let me give you a brief description of my profile.

X CBSE - 2004 - 79%
XII ISC - 2006 - 63%
Bachelors in Accounting & Finance (Mumbai University) - 2010 - 80%
Masters in Finance (Mumbai University) - 2012 - 60%

Decent extra-curriculars during college years.

Since then, have 3 years full-time experience with JP Morgan Investment Bank. I have numerous awards and good recos to back up my workex. I have now quit my job to solely focus on GMAT; and have taken up an August End GMAT appointment. I plan to apply in September.
Let me post a few (long list :P) questions now :-

1) What do you reckon is the minimum GMAT score needed as per my profile.
2) My quants esp Geometry is pretty shaky. Any ideas as to how I can take care of that ?
3) Could you help me with some of the research material you used for shortlisting universities ? (Any research material you found particularly useful for your application process is welcome)
4) I read you boosted your score from 650 - 760. That's phenomenal. What did you change in your approach to manage this ?
5) Currently finishing OG 13. Have also enrolled for ******** Test series. Any other material you recommend going through ?
6) I plan to take on the services of a private education counsellor (Eg: Madhavi Desai, Karan Gupta etc). Can you recommend any particular counsellor; either from your own experiences or hearsay.

I know this is a pretty long post; but will greatly appreciate if you could give me your advise on all these points. I'm pretty anxious as Judgement Day is barely a month away.

In case you wish to send me any material this are my email IDs :-;

Many thanks,


Hi Puys,

It's been a while that I have been contributing in whatever way I can to this community and it is interesting to notice the enthusiasm and motivation of the members. Since I gained so much from the posts here, I consider it a responsibility to give back.

I have been through most of what you guys are likely to go through. From a GMAT of 650 I got 760 in my second attempt. There was a lot that I learnt from my mistakes. I worked with McKinsey Knowledge Centre for almost 5 years and quit my job once I had a call from Kellogg. It was only after paying the fees that I realized how desperate I was to work on my business plan. I have decided to work on my startup and Kellogg has allowed me a deferred admission for the next year. Which means I can continue contributing to the community.

I would be happy to answer any questions related to GMAT preparation or the application process. Though I had a lot of online material with me, it was important to know which ones to use and which ones to not use. The application process is equally important and one needs to be very careful about how the profile is presented.

So if you have any questions, feel free to ask me here, PM me or mail me (mail id in my signature) and I`ll try to answer them to my best.

All the Best to you all!!

Neha Jain ([email protected])

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Folks, let me make it very clear that asking/sharing of copyright material is against forum rules.


Hi Puys,

It's been a while that I have been contributing in whatever way I can to this community and it is interesting to notice the enthusiasm and motivation of the members. Since I gained so much from the posts here, I consider it a responsibility to give back.

I have been through most of what you guys are likely to go through. From a GMAT of 650 I got 760 in my second attempt. There was a lot that I learnt from my mistakes. I worked with McKinsey Knowledge Centre for almost 5 years and quit my job once I had a call from Kellogg. It was only after paying the fees that I realized how desperate I was to work on my business plan. I have decided to work on my startup and Kellogg has allowed me a deferred admission for the next year. Which means I can continue contributing to the community.

I would be happy to answer any questions related to GMAT preparation or the application process. Though I had a lot of online material with me, it was important to know which ones to use and which ones to not use. The application process is equally important and one needs to be very careful about how the profile is presented.

So if you have any questions, feel free to ask me here, PM me or mail me (mail id in my signature) and I`ll try to answer them to my best.

All the Best to you all!!

Neha Jain ([email protected])

Edited by PG Moderator:

Folks, let me make it very clear that asking/sharing of copyright material is against forum rules.

Hi Neha,

I found your post while searching for some help for GMAT and also I am new to the forum. Firstly, congrats for the achivement ! and further as as you are helping so many pals by your valued experience and skills, request you to provide some guidance and advise on my state.

I have done B.Com, LL.B. and CS (Company Secretary ship) and having an experience of around 8 years in my area as my acedmics are not at higher side viz 10th - 63% & 12th 64% (UP Board) and even after that the same track followed. As I have always been an MBA aspirants but somehow I could not do it whatever was the reason, financial or otherwise but now I am again motivated to do executive program for exp professional (such as IIMB-EPGP) from a recognised B-school as I am dying to see myself in a management role. Because of my age (33) and all other factors, I think this is the last chance to do MBA (atleast in this life). So request you to guide me on the following:

1. Whethr GMAT can be cracked by self studying or coaching is needed ( however I have startd preparation and I am planning to sit somewher in march 2014?

2. Based on my profile /acedamics, what are the chances of my admission?

3. If chances are very less, how can i get the admission by some preparation or higher GMAT score?

4. Any other advice, if you want to tender.

I kno long post are always boring bt please try to read and answer!



any GMAT preparation group in gurgaon, or any one preparing for gurgaon looking to create a group??

Hi Neha congrats.... can u please provide me the study material

[email protected]

how much time is required to crack gmat staring as a newbie...

Hello Neha Maam

Congratulations for your success
I am about to begin my preps for GMAT and is planning to give the exam in september. Can you please help me with how to start my preparations as i am weak in english. So i want some tips on how to score well in the verbal section.

Thanks & Regards

Hi Neha

Can you please share your notes with me.My mailid is

Thanx in advanceπŸ˜ƒ

I'm going to be taking GMAT this August and have decided to go for Ops or SCM. Can anyone throw some light on which US B-Schools are supposed to be good for those courses. (I'll be having 2yrs work-ex, next August )

Hi Neha,

I went through many of the innumerable posts in this thread and was astonished to see that you replied individually to almost all of individual queries. I would like to thank you for this on behalf of everyone getting benefited by you effort.

In the same hope,i would put my situation and seek some help.

I completed 3 yrs in a prestigious IT company.Now I want to do MBA for a further growth.I will be appearing in CAT this year and am planning to write GMAT in January ( the immediate preferable month after Indian MBA exams get over).I see myself in a good college by next yr. this time.

I know almost everything about Indian MBA exams by now but no knowledge of GMAT. Could you post me some links about the GMAT exam know-how.Secondly, could you please comment/suggest on my plan of action.And thirdly, Please send me the most relevant materials available with you as I am targeting maximum output with to the point preparation.😁


my mail ID- [email protected]