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 Divisibilty Methods     For checking divisibility by any 'prime/odd' number except for factors of 5', you have the concept of base number.
Number Add Base Number Subtract Base Number
3: 1 2
7: 5 2
9: 1 8
11: 10 1
13: 4 9
17: 12 5
19: 2 17
21: 19 2
23: 7 ?
27: ? 8
29: 3 ?
And so on....(i'll describe a method to get these below)
Now for checking divisibility either add the last digit*add base number to the number "formed by removing last digit" or you can subract last digit*subtract base number from the "formed by removing last digit"
for e.g. Â check for 51/17 either 5- 1*5 =0 or 5 + 1*12 =17 hence divisible.
to check 312/13 we can 31+2*4 =39 hence dvisible or we can 31-2*9 = 13 ence divisible.
to check 61731/19 = 6173 + 1*2 = 6175 = 617 + 5*2 = 627 = 62 + 7*2 = 76 hence divisible.
to check 357976/29 = 35797 + 6*3 = 35815 = 3581 +5*3 = 3596 = 359 + 6*3 = 377 = 37 + 7*3 = 58 hence divisible..
to check 382294/11 = 38229-4*1 =38225 = 3822-5 = 3817 = 381 - 7 = 374 = 37 -4 =33 Hence divisible..
The Subract base Number for a number can be obtained as the {(samllest multiple of number which ends in one)-1}/10
i.e. for 3 or 7 it is (21-1)/10 =2
for 13 it is 91-1/10 = 9.
The AddbaseNumber for a number can be obtained as the {(samllest multiple of number which ends in nine)+1}/10
i.e. for 13 it is (39+1)/10 =4.
for 7 it is 49+1/10 = 5
For SubtactBaseNumber say the number abcde...
I want to check divisibility by 17 where subtractbasenumber is 5
I can always write abcde... as 10X+Y (where Y is last digit and X is number formed by removing last digit)
Now X-Y*5 = (10X -50Y)/10 = (10X + Y -51Y)/10 = (OriginalNumber - 51 Y ) / 10
The number '51 Y' is a multiple of 17 so if "OriginalNumber" is divisible by 17 then "OriginalNumber - 51*Y" got to be.. i.e. "10X - 50Y"
as 10 and 17 are co-prime if "10X- 50Y" is divisible the "X-5Y" got to be.....
same theory hold's for addbasenumbers too....
This also defines why it is so easy to check divisibility by 3 or 9 just keep on adding the digits...
And you can check divisibility by 11 just by keeping on subrating digits form previous number.. (which is same as taking sum of even/odd location separately..) Â Â Â Â Divisibility by 7
Only for those interested in Number theory (Not a Cat short-cut)
say the number is :
Separate into pairs of digits
38 39 17 87
Consider the difference between each pair of digits and the nearest multiple of seven, beginning for the first pair at right, lower (upper) for the first, upper (lower) for the second and so on, alternating for each new pair.
4 -----4 (21-17)
38 39 17 87
---4 ------3 (87-84)
The resulting digits, read from right are 3444 (which is also a number multiple of 7).
Proceed in the same way with 3,444
34 44
The final pair 21 is a multiple of seven, so is the original number 38,391,787.
Look how fast this method is.
Consider the 15-digit number 531,898,839,909,822
2 ----2--- 3 ----0
5 31 89 88 39 90 98 22
---3 ---4 ----6 ----1
Now we have 10,634,232
4 -----0
10 63 42 32
----0 ----4
And now 4,004
40 04
Which gives 42, a multiple of 7.
We only need three steps for a 15-digit number. Â Â This is called TOJA's method of divisibility. Incidentally this also works for 11 and 13. Just a little manupulation is required, (in case you get a remainder of more than 9)
Let A = 5,962
59 62 ď 77 which is a multiple of 1
Let A = 5, 971,845
6---- 4
5 97 18 45 ď
--9 ----1
14 96 -> 88 ->divisible
Let A = 80,714,546
8 ----10
80 71 45 46
The resulting numbers ( 2 10 5 8 ) donât form a decimal number, so proceed in this way: Put the exceeding number 1 from 10, below the 2 and sum.
2 0 5 8 -> 3 0 5 8
30 58 ď 33
beside and besides Beside is a preposition meaning 'at the side of', 'by' or 'next to' Â Why is the cat sitting beside the chair? Â
Besides  is used when we add new information to what is already known.   Besides aerobics, I have to do crunches and push ups. Â
Besides can also be used as a discourse marker meaning 'also', 'in any case',and 'as well'. It is often used to add a stronger, more conclusive argument to what has gone before. In this case, besides usually goes at the beginning of the clause. Â It's too late to go out now. Besides, it's starting to rain. Â I don't like this dress; besides,it's too expensive. Â
besides, except and apart fromÂ
Besides usually adds; it is like saying with, or in addition to or plus (+). Â Besides cornflakes, I have fruits for my breakfast. Â
Except subtracts; it's like saying without, or minus (-). Â I like all fruits except apples. Â
Apart from can be used in both senses. Â Apart from cornflakes, I have fruits for breakfast. (= besides cornflakes) Â I like all fruits apart from apples.(=except apples) Â
After no, nobody, nothing and similar negative words, the three expressions (besides, except, apart from) can all have the same meaning. Â
He has nothing except/besides/apart from his house. (= He only has his house.) Â
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AB = 8 cm and CD = 6 cm are two parallel chords on the same side of the centre of a circle. The distance between them is 1 cm. The radius of the circle is?
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