RRB Secunderabad Recruitment | Exam, Admit Card, Result

Anyone from April 6th 3rd shift???

rrb secr region  april 5 first shift no objections except 1 i think they prepared key with accuracy not like esic........getting 66 with one 1 doubt .....is there any guys from rrb sec region share your scores will get idea on cut off i guess

cut off wil be more around 72> plz do share guys 

let predict the cut off .........

Iam gettind 76.67 after reduction without calculating discrepancy

4th April 1st shift UR.


5th April 2nd Shift Attempted 100 Wrong-11 Right-89 Raw score 85.33 UR category

3rd April, Second Shift, 11AM, 

Easy? Moderate? Hard?

Secunderabad RRB MArks

  • 61-65
  • 66-70
  • 71-75
  • 76-80
  • 80+
  • 40-45
  • 46-50
  • 51-55
  • 56-60

0 voters

my marks are 83 general is there any chance

 60marks obc category secunderabad zone. is there any chances for me? 

 60marks obc category secunderabad zone. is there any chances for me? 

Did you check the qstn : "Human respiration releases??" Ans given was 'Co2'. But i feel that the correct ans is 'Mixture of Gases'..Also the qstn asked was different(Something like - what humans exhale ?) What do you guys feel on the same?? Pls cmnt.

Anyone checkd the qstn: what happens to weight of a body in moving lift??? Ans given was - no change in weight. But, the ans could be - Gain or Lose in weight (why because, they didnt mention moving uniformly or direction). Pls, add your cmnts here.

Getting 66 cat-SC .....any chance?


i was getting 63 OBC. My first preference is ASM. is there any chances for me.

Share your marks with category

Is there any chance to get less than raw score by Normalisation process ?? If so,how many marks it ll be ?? PLZ Tell me

guys rrb secunderabad 72.67 (94 attempted 16 lost ...) GEN CATEGORY .shed some light hopes alive for any post

 30th march 3rd shift question.

diagramatic question , ratio between no of train travellers to no of travellers who did not travel in train. what is the answer is it 38/16 or 37/16??? 

Pls do tell

Guys i belong to SC category and got 40.06 (18th April 3rd shift) is there any chance that i"ll be called for second CBT?

I'm getting 48.75 marks obc from rrb sec