I got 83.33 obc SCR region is there any chance to get goods guard ? ( Preference TA, CA, GG )
I got 72 marks in sc category can I qualify?
96.66 obc category...19th 2nd shift...one question is wrong so. Score may increase...
18th 1st shift 75.67 Gen cat MY chances ?? FRIENDS PLZ
- GG
0 voters
koi to batado na obc 78.33 any chances...?
OBC cut off for Goods guard raw score
0 voters
Prilms scores(After Normalization)
- 70 to 75
- 75 to 80
- 80 to 85
- 85 to 90
- 90 to 95
- 95 to 100
- 100+
0 voters
My raw score is 84 ...18 Jan 2nd shift ..General cat... Any chance for selection.
- yes
- no
- can’t. say…
0 voters
For OBC safe score will be(raw score)
0 voters
87 general chances for ta/goodsguard
87 general confirm to get the ggpost!!!!!!!!!
Lowest cut off will be in our zone
- Typing Clerk
- GG
0 voters
how they will release result at one time yaar, accordng the recent posts 3rd stage xam will b conducted for ASM n Sr TYP, if i got qualified for GG, then they will not call me for the pshyco test n they dnt even tell my result then, how will i know whether im qualified for other posts r disqualified..... clarify pls
70 obc... chances to get any post???
I' ve accidentally selected my category as Ebc.Will it cause any issues in the future as it doesn't have any reservation in merit list.
I got 82 marks 17 shift 1. Sc is there any chance.
General category Goods guard cut off
- 70-75
- 75-80
- 80-85
- 85-90
- 90-95
0 voters
Difference of marks between OBC and Gen category this time will be
- only+2
- No difference
- only +5
- only+4
- only+3
0 voters