RRB SECUNDRABAD , GEN cat Attempt 105 ,expected 80-85, 18th 1st shift any chances for ASM or GOODS guard ??FRIENDS
What is the working nature of CA & TA ??? does anybody know about them..
pls tell
Hi frnds 17th 1st shift maths and reasoning was easy if time manged one can who gud at both the attempt 60 to 62 out off 65 in this they may overview 6 to 10 questions are may be mistaken so they raw score they get 50 to 55 and gs part most challenging out off 55.15 from 2015 current affairs so it is very difficult to ans all 15 correct remaing 40 10 are easy remaing 30 modarate to difficult so on aveg after _ve marking 95+ may be toppers they almost less than 5 on that set open 80 to 85 after -ve gud score on that set for general cat
is there any chance for ta/ca post... i was getting 90 - 93 marks obc... attempted 116... plz give reviews
Does anybody here who wrote rrb ntpc on 19th second shift?
if so ..if you have question and answers for GA ..please post here ..Thanks in advance..:)
When we will get result ? Within months or within years
Answer keys from 24 to 30th Jan..!! Look at the speed..!! OMG.. http://www.w3i.in/2016/05/railway-rrb-ntpc-response-sheet-answer-keys.html
any how in three more days we will get our marks, let us see ourselves the difference btwn EXPECTATION and REALITY, share ur expected marks of your own. Im askng ur marks, not expected cutoff
- 80-85
- 85-90
- 90+
- 100+
- 60-65
- 65-70
- 70-75
- 75.80
0 voters
small survey, guys who wrote exam in SEC zone participate, I asked dis qsn because i saw many non telugu students took exam frm this board as der were more no. of vacancies
- not belong to AP/Telangana
- belong to AP/Telangana
0 voters
RRB NTPC 18th 3rd shift 1. Singapore environment program 2. Chemical not soluble in water Answers pls
response sheet out
marks scored
- <60
- 60-65
- 65-70
- 70-75
- 75-80
- 80-85
- 85-90
- 90-95
- 95-100
- 100-105
0 voters
19th 2nd shift
- Above90
- 86-90
- Below 80
- 81-85
0 voters
96 19th 1st shift. fingers crossed
17 January 3rd Shift share your marks
19th 1st shift shift any wrong question?
17th Shift 3
RAW Score 78.33
PLease Share your score.