30th 1st shift mechanical wale ka marks max kitna badh sakti hai?
- 10%
- 7%
- 5%
- 2%
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30th 1st shift mechanical wale ka marks max kitna badh sakti hai?
0 voters
30th 1st shift mechanical wale ka max kitni increase ho sakti hai,?
0 voters
For 30th 1st shift mechanical Random error is due to
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Bangalore Civil OBC Aug 29th 2nd shift. 79 marks Any chance?
What will be the cutoff?
Answer key of rrb je out on rrb ranchi
RRB JE CBT 2 Official AnswerKey is out Download here now: https://www.toprankers.com/exams/rrb-je-answer-key/
RRB have revised the normalization formula for calculating normalized marks: Check how score is normalized over here: RRB JE Normalization update: https://www.toprankers.com/exams/rrb-marks-normalization/
bhai log allahabad zone civil .kitte aa rhe acc to ans key cbt2
Bhai koi ye batao ki kisi ek shift me saare candidate ka normalisation karte time sabme same increase hota hai
ECE expected score in JE CBT 2.......jhoot bolna paap hai nadi kinaare saap hai.....
0 voters
Mere Ajmer zone mechanical 115 ban rahe hai chance hai kya selection ka
RRB JE CBT 2 Official AnswerKey is out Download here now: https://www.toprankers.com/exams/rrb-je-answer-key/
92.67 ST mechanical allied branch rrb Chennai any chances?
any one from rrb je secunderabad zone ece.. 98 GEN chances?
RRB JE MECHANICAL CBT2 CHENNAI This group is for updates related to rrb Chennai mechanical allied branch https://t.me/rrbjecbt2mech_chennai
Mine 73 sc sec zone 31st 2 nd shift