RRB JE (CEN/2018) Electronics engineering only

https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFJjdefIjxUHVhtBKA  only rrb ald electronics

Kindly share questions 1 sep 2nd shift n marks

RRB JE CBT 2 Official AnswerKey is out Download here now: https://www.toprankers.com/exams/rrb-je-answer-key/

RRB have revised the normalization formula for calculating normalized marks: Check how score is normalized over here: RRB JE Normalization update: https://www.toprankers.com/exams/rrb-marks-normalization/

We all are giving exams but also check RRB JE Salary and Job Profile check package after 7th pay:  https://www.toprankers.com/exams/rrb-je-salary/

Rrb je bhopal ECE 639 am i safe

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gatebasicsforee_ec this is telegram channel those who are preparing for competative engineering exams can join in telegram which will be usefull gate notes and mcqs will be posted if any doubts you have can be cleared

This channel provides free video lectures, topic wise explanations, previous year solutions and test for ECE aspirants. Interested can join. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeaTYP8q7P8qMWhl4Z-FsbQ

*RRB NTPC के सारे पेपर solution के साथ और साथ मे PDF भी* *पेपर निकलना तय* *पेपर आ गया पढ़ाई करदो START* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmUrrAOtDz5XjhJo6KMU_HkASsy6Y_LSX

RRB JE 2020 ka notification kab aayega? Koi estimated date or guess hi bataa dijiye.

Yha per koi h jo DMRC je me select hua hua ho... contract ya regular kisi me bhi...per only b.tech graduate ho... diploma na kiya ho...ho toh ... please contact me...