What are roles offered in RM
Is non veg available in the mess?
does xim have sectional cut off?
Hi, is there umbrella placments for all courses?
Which one
0 voters
How many domicile students will be called for BM?
what was the cat cut off for emba bm last year?
Hi Pritivi,
We have some companies which company for both the HRM and BM. Also there are companies which are specific to the HRM and BM program.
Hi Zarnaa,
There is no as such fixed seat allocation officially. The selection is based on the cutoff and selection process.
Hi Jagrati,
The campus is in the heart of the city. Connectivity to the airport, railway station is very good and efficient. There are plenty of markets near by and all facilities are readily available.
Hi Indrira
The interview will be conducted online
Can we change the interview cities if there is a clash?
what documents are to be carried during the interview?
Please select
- GLIM Chennai
- XIM University
0 voters
Hi kanwar, Your scorecard, 10-12th marksheet, Undergrad marksheet will work
Hi Avni, Interview are planned online.