LPU receives the highest grade NAAC A+ with 3.68 score on 4.00 point scale.LPU rank is 25th among top universities of India. Getting admission in MBA at Mittal School Of Business, LPU is not an easy achievement for any candidate because of their quality admission intake. If, I am not wrong, LPU has maintain such standards of quality admission intake and has very stringent eligibility criteria also. But if you get admission in MSB, LPU after satisfying their eligibility criteria, you will fly high, sky will be the limit because from day 1 LPU acts like their Tag Line “Think Big” and Slogan “Transforming Education, Transforming India”.
Now lets see how good LPU is for an MBA from various parameters which are as follows:
Curriculum : The curriculum of MBA at LPU is very Industry oriented. There is a term CDR (Curriculum Development Research) held after each and every 6 months in which many senior industry people suggest that what are need of present day industry. Faculty knows all the strengths and weaknesses of students are noted and course correction is devised after the considerable suggestions of Industry tycoons. Thus LPU cares what to teach according to the demand of industry, so that all the students can be able to cop up the outer word after qualifying from LPU.
Industrial Trainings : The students get many trainings like SAP, MOOCs, Advance Excel and many more. These endeavors of LPU makes their students ahead of others.
PEP: The Center for professional enhancement Program, starts working on the student from day one. A set of mentors nourish their personality, public speaking, soft skills etc.
Exposure : Many Experts visit LPU for the guest lectures. Project called CAPSTONE is their in LPU to enhance their organizing and teamwork ability.
Student Organizations: In LPU Student Organizations does’nt mean Elections or Zindabad or Murdabad. In LPU students learns to serve the society by making and working in a Student Organizations. For example: their is one Students Organization who have opted near by villages of the University they are teaching the senior citizens and other appropriate persons who needs an education in the evening or on Sunday’s.
Diversified Culture: The diversity of students from all states of India and more than 70 countries make the students to have a different experience and learning. Which helps them to become a good citizen also.
Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship does mot means opens a shop and making money from money. In LPU, students come up with the unique idea of business and infact LPU provides them seed money also for their start-up. Since the inception of Entrepreneureship ventures, LPU has witnessed more than 300 start-ups.
Placements: There are 365 days in an year and LPU has more 400 valuable placement drives in an year. Thus one can see even more than one placement drive in a single day at every alternate days