[OFFICIAL] K J Somaiya Institute of Management 2025-2027 MBA Admissions

Hey! I got DSA in 4th list. Should I take it? I have interest in it and my only other option is core.

Which one to go with?

  • KJ Somaiya MBA Core
  • Goa Institute of Management - PGDM Big Data Analytics
  • SIOM
  • SIIB

0 voters

guys i need suggestion?

  • KJ Somaiya IMC
  • NMIMS Navi mumbai - MBA
  • Fore IB

0 voters

Any group for kj IB converts?

Hi Adcom , Is there a fixed number of lists that will be released or something else will happen henceforth. Awaiting your response.

Is CMAt based calls out ? who gave CAPI yesterday ? @Karanbir_Chadha


I got SM in the 4th list ( remaining are in the waiting list ) . 

Is there any chance to get CORE.

Hi Adcom, Kindly release the waitlist no. I am unable to figure out what went wrong and why I am waitlisted for all the courses. *XAT- 83%tile ( I know that's not a great percentile but still difference of more than 13% from the cutoff XAT -70% tile as mentioned on the website.) *Work experience - Infosys 27 months *District boxing medal *Excellent interview *Excellent Internships from IITs and CPWD. If this profile is not enough for even the 4th list I don't know what profiles they are expecting. There are many such students here with good percentile and great work experience still are waitlisted. A waitlist no. would help us figure out our plans and future endeavors.

Can we file a RTI or police complaint demanding transperancy in admission process???

I didn't make the cutoff for nmat but only for CMAT. And today I didn't have any modifications on my dashboard. Does that mean I am rejected?

How many waitlists are left now? After CMAT results

Is kj MBA FS good? converted it recently.

  • no
  • yes

0 voters

Which is better and please give reasons?

  • KJ core
  • FORE core

0 voters

Adcom can you please clarify how many lists shall we expect in total? And we will there be any movement in the list further?

Can someone tell me what is the last date to pay the fees for the converts of 4th list and if one could recommend a student loan?

Which is better?


0 voters

I had got the offer letter for IMC in the 3rd list and I had accepted the same in the portal too.  I got a mail on 19th April saying that you have been waitlisted for the MBA programmes selected by you. And IMC still shows allotted(accepted) in the portal. Can someone please clarify?

Didn't receive mail and also my dashboard is not updated. Is that mean i have been rejected? My cmat score is 99.39%ile and had decent ca-pi. What should i do now?

I got selected in Simsr core...I wanted to know about the Simsr document verification..once we have uploaded all the documents before the interview...do we need to upload it again..and when this document verification will take place

I got alloted to MBA-IMC in the first list, the mail and the payment dashboard displayed the due date of the 2nd instalment as 26th April and then In the 3rd list I was upgraded to an another program. Now the mail and the dashboard shows 3rs May as the due date of payment. Which amongst the two should be considered for the due date.