I scored 71%ile in XAT and 82%ile in CAT . an I eligible to apply
X/XII - 72.7%/76% BE - 8.2, CAT - 85.9%ile Will I get call if i apply?
When will batch start
Is 28th final deadline or there will be extension?
How is IITJ MBA ranked amongst other IIT MBAs, is there any authentic link where ranks are published
Was deadline extended last year?
What loan option do we haev? considering the Government institue is the interest less
does 79%ile stand a chance
How to prepare for GD PI
Can I select Tech MBA in 2nd year?
Will interview take place virtually for all?
Hi Admin, when is shortlist expected?
What is tech MBA and MBA
How is dual degree different from normal MBA degree, does it impact placement
Which all are centres for interview
Is there a female quota
I did BSC, can I apply
What was the cut off last year?
How is tech MBA different from MBA and which is better?
I scored 81%ile in CAT, can I apply, how much is the possibility to get shortlisted