[OFFICIAL] IIM- Kozhikode PGP-BL Batch Admissions 2025-26 | PGP-BL (Post Graduate Program in Business Leadership)

Plz join this group for pgp bl discussions https://chat.........com/IrXXZ0rBKGGE5FniMP034a

How's the placement for previous batch?

Those applying for phase 1, kindly let us know of the cat 19 percentile range

  • 95

  • <70
  • 85-90
  • 80-85
  • 75-80
  • 70-75
  • 90-95

0 voters

Those who are applying for the course, which mode of exam are u using for your applications

  • CAT '19
  • GMAT

0 voters

What can one expect in terms of Placement offers? Will the average salary be close to 2 year program or will it be lesser???

Is there any CAT cutoff or sectional cutoff in their selection process?

Hi Team,

I had few queries if you could help in answering

1) Is there any difference between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of admission? like is there some set number of seats on offer on phase 1 and another set on phase 2 since there is no common shortlist; both the phases have different set of shortlist, dates etc.

2)Any set of prefernce for phase 1 or phase 2?

3) When are the placements planned for the current batch? are they along with the 2 year PG guys?

4) Is there any set of differentiation between 2 year and 1 year in terms of placements ?

5) What will be the graduating degree, will it be a PG certificate in Management, PG diploma in Management or MBA?


Hi Adcoms, Can you kindly update the date when the phase 1 calls be out?TIA

Hi Adcom, Can you tell whether the phase 2 will surely happen or due to unavoidable circumstances it might get cancelled ?

Hi Adcom,

I am applying for the first round of PGP-BL program. While entering academic details i see a registration number box for Xth and XIIth. I was from CBSE board and cannot find registration number mentioned anywhere on my admit card or marksheet. Could you please tell me what detail needs to be filled ?

Hello Everyone,

You guys have been quite enthusiastic and inquisitive about knowing our lives at IIMK PGPBL. Here is the link to our pages on various social media platforms where you can connect with us and have a sneak peak into what life would be like once you join the program.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IIMK-Post-Graduate-Programme-in-Business-Leadership-106205894245965/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/iimk-pgpbl/


Hi adcom, Will there be an intial shortlisting for PI or direct interview calls for all those who applied? If there is,then what is the shortlisting criteria?

Hi Adcom, The applicant name mentioned in my application is wrongly mentioned. Application No : PGPBL0210533. I have mailed this issue at [email protected] and also raised the query in the application portal. Please help

Does the fees mentioned on the website is inclusive of the global immersion program or is there a separate structure for that? If so, what would be the estimated expense?

The interviews will be online or offline?

When will be the phase1 interview calls be out?@Adcoms

Will the interview take place as per schedule from 8/9 May?

Hi @Shivani_Agarwal_IIMK

Is there any deadline for the references to fill up the recommendation form?

Thanks in advance!

Important Notice

Hi @Shivani_Agarwal_IIMK,

You have mentioned already that the last date to fill up the recommendation form by the referees is 10th May 2020. 

However, there is a problem that my recommenders are facing. While filling up the form, I had provided their organisation e-mail address. Now, there is a technical fault/ maintenance going on with respect to the organisation mail server due to which they can't access their mail box. So it is quite difficult to fill up the form. It might be an issue if this goes on for the next two days since we have weekends after that.

Please suggest if there is an alternate way out to resolve this problem. Is it possible to provide alternate e-mail ids?

I would be taking necessary steps as per your advise.
