[Official] IIM Calcutta 2020-22 Admission Queries


  • Already done
  • No
  • Yes

0 voters


Sc waitlist 8 after round 5 in IIM Calcutta. Any chances of converting ?

  • convert
  • regret

0 voters


  • Joining L
  • Will withdraw from L in few days
  • Already withdrawn from L

0 voters

Asking in a neutral and more informed group

  • Nitie mumbai
  • IIFT D

0 voters

I know some people in this site have made efforts to discourage people from joining this year (due to Covid). I want to personally make a direct plea (straightforward) for people to withdraw. Yes, it is for my own good. But I only want to join this year because I already have too much work ex and I can't wait more. There will be a recession (actually, there already is) and it will take time to recover. Let alone all the jobs backlog there will be of people who graduate this year and next year who may not find jobs. And will be applying directly to same companies & competing with you for limited jobs in 2022. Yes, it is a selfish request. But the argument is not without its own merits. People who have less work ex. can esp. wait one more year and apply. (If you take a screenshot of your selection this year and show it to the interviewer next year, he might even give you sympathy points. And you can also try to score higher in CAT for next year with more practice.)

 Guys , I will be reappearing this year for CAT. Can you suggest what was your preparation strategy , it will be great help !! A humble request. 

Waiting list

Ideal waitlist movement in round 6 culcutta

Is there anyone in the group (General) who is has still not withdrawn from IIM Lucknow and is going to withdraw before the deadline?

  • Poll Check.
  • Will withdraw before the deadline.
  • Already Withdrawn.
  • Will not withdraw.

0 voters

[Repeat] I know some people in this site have made efforts to discourage people from joining this year (due to Covid). I want to personally make a direct plea (straightforward) for people to withdraw. Yes, it is for my own good. But I only want to join this year because I already have too much work ex and I can't wait more. There will be a recession (actually, there already is) and it will take time to recover. Let alone all the jobs backlog there will be of people who graduate this year and next year who may not find jobs. And will be applying directly to same companies & competing with you for limited jobs in 2022. [Given the situation in the rest of the world, chance of getting a foreign placement is even less.] Yes, it is a selfish request. But the argument is not without its own merits. People who have less work ex. can esp. wait one more year and apply. (If you take a screenshot of your selection this year and show it to the interviewer next year, he might even give you sympathy points. And you can also try to score higher in CAT for next year with more practice.)

What is the last date to withdraw?

New list out

WL movement for open in the latest list is 11. Total WL movement for open 87.

today calcutta list sc category movement in pgp

Any OBC IIMC converts who are yet to withdraw or converted in today's list and will withdraw please comment. It would help to predict the waitlist movement in next list!!

The post for future references about IIMC WL movement in OPEN Category

1st List - 45

2nd List - 8

3rd List - 14

4th List - 9

5th List - 11

6th List( well not a list as such) - 5 + 7

Will keep on updating the list as and when new movements are released.

Any SC IIMC converts who converted today or before but are are yet to withdraw, going to withdraw after current wl movement (6th list)? This will help a lot in predicting next wl, thanks!

  • Converted before 6th list, going to withdraw
  • Converted on 6th list, going to withdraw
  • Converted and joining
  • Converted before, already withdrawn

0 voters

can someone tell me what is the total movement in ews and open category till now in iim c

This is a poll for all current XL HR converts. We are trying to determine the waitlist movement in the upcoming weeks. Please participate and help the waitlisted candidates get an idea whether they should hope for a convert, or let go and start preparing for their next phase. https://www.pagalguy.com/discussions/official-xlri-jamshedpur-2020-22-admission-queries-66062242046924/81444058381385/81445317146869